While cleaning out the garage, I ran across a bunch of LT1 parts. I will sell items as a lot of will peice out if requested. I have the following:
LT1 manifold with fuel rail and injectors in place
power steering pump w/lines and tank
Powermaster alternator
Optispark unit
Cruise Control unit/wcable
Valve covers
Exhaust manifolds
large coffee can full of all motor bolts........asking $200 for all
Also have a new Accel Cap/rotor kit for the LT1 $75
Set of 8 LS1? injectors..post number on them later....$40 for all
Also a comp cam that I purchased from Summit Racing during their scratch and dent sale for $100. I want to get my $ back from it so Im looking for $100 for it.
I will post cam specs and pictures later.
LT1 manifold with fuel rail and injectors in place
power steering pump w/lines and tank
Powermaster alternator
Optispark unit
Cruise Control unit/wcable
Valve covers
Exhaust manifolds
large coffee can full of all motor bolts........asking $200 for all
Also have a new Accel Cap/rotor kit for the LT1 $75
Set of 8 LS1? injectors..post number on them later....$40 for all
Also a comp cam that I purchased from Summit Racing during their scratch and dent sale for $100. I want to get my $ back from it so Im looking for $100 for it.
I will post cam specs and pictures later.