3.4L parts for sale - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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3.4L parts for sale

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  • 3.4L parts for sale

    Who: Scott Knighten
    Email: netdragoon@gmail.com
    Where: Ada, OK

    Right now I have several things for sale since I think I'm going a different direction.

    3.4L ceramic coated RKSport headers, still in the box -$330 money order, $340 Paypal, shipped.

    stock 3400 FWD aluminum heads, pushrods, intake manifolds, throttlebody, fuel rail, injectors(haven't tested the injectors)- $75 + shipping. I can get a shipping quote, UPS. I would like to sell them as a set, cause most likely (unless you have a FWD car) you will need them all together.

    B&M transpak shiftkit (4L60E), in the box, $50 + shipping.
    2005 Ford Focus ZX3 SE D20 M5 - Modified ;) <a href=\"http://www.knightenmotorsports.com\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.knightenmotorsports.com</a> <br />[ U R L = h t t p : / / w w w . g e o c i t i e s . c o m / h e a r t l a n d _ h e a t _ v 6 ] Heartland Heat V6 [ / U R L ]

  • #2
    Re: 3.4L parts for sale

    sale pending on all items
    2005 Ford Focus ZX3 SE D20 M5 - Modified ;) <a href=\"http://www.knightenmotorsports.com\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.knightenmotorsports.com</a> <br />[ U R L = h t t p : / / w w w . g e o c i t i e s . c o m / h e a r t l a n d _ h e a t _ v 6 ] Heartland Heat V6 [ / U R L ]


    • #3
      Re: 3.4L parts for sale

      What would you say to $400 + shipping for the headers and 3400 parts? Also, do you have the 3400 pistons too?
      Last edited by The_Beast; 05-08-2007, 03:01 AM.


      • #4
        Re: 3.4L parts for sale

        Pistons and rods are included, I just forgot to add that on there.
        2005 Ford Focus ZX3 SE D20 M5 - Modified ;) <a href=\"http://www.knightenmotorsports.com\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.knightenmotorsports.com</a> <br />[ U R L = h t t p : / / w w w . g e o c i t i e s . c o m / h e a r t l a n d _ h e a t _ v 6 ] Heartland Heat V6 [ / U R L ]


        • #5
          Re: 3.4L parts for sale

          Coolio, so would you take $400?


          • #6
            Re: 3.4L parts for sale

            $400 if you catch shipping on it and pay by money order (Paypal likes their cut..lol).
            2005 Ford Focus ZX3 SE D20 M5 - Modified ;) <a href=\"http://www.knightenmotorsports.com\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.knightenmotorsports.com</a> <br />[ U R L = h t t p : / / w w w . g e o c i t i e s . c o m / h e a r t l a n d _ h e a t _ v 6 ] Heartland Heat V6 [ / U R L ]


            • #7
              Re: 3.4L parts for sale

              if he doesnt want the 3400 parts then, let me know.. i'll take them off your hands...
              Phill<br /><br />95 camaro... need money for turbo project... <br />94 S10 Blazer - winter beater - infinity system to be installed soon<br /><br />\"The man who says it cant be done should not interrupt the man doing it...\"


              • #8
                Re: 3.4L parts for sale

                You definately have second dibs.
                2005 Ford Focus ZX3 SE D20 M5 - Modified ;) <a href=\"http://www.knightenmotorsports.com\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.knightenmotorsports.com</a> <br />[ U R L = h t t p : / / w w w . g e o c i t i e s . c o m / h e a r t l a n d _ h e a t _ v 6 ] Heartland Heat V6 [ / U R L ]


                • #9
                  Re: 3.4L parts for sale

                  Do you know how much shipping will be? I can get the money order sent out today if you can get me a price... And whats so bad about Paypal lol? If you want to email me my email is drwhiting85@hotmail.com. Thanks.


                  • #10
                    Re: 3.4L parts for sale

                    hey, is this a done deal?
                    Phill<br /><br />95 camaro... need money for turbo project... <br />94 S10 Blazer - winter beater - infinity system to be installed soon<br /><br />\"The man who says it cant be done should not interrupt the man doing it...\"


                    • #11
                      Re: 3.4L parts for sale

                      yea if the parts havent been sold I would be interested in them let me know

                      76 Camaro Rally Sport-355/TH350- Soon to be LT1/TH350 with a little laughing gas to wake it up...;)
                      89 Ram D350 CTD/M5- 1 Ton Dually getting 27 MPG's


                      • #12
                        Re: 3.4L parts for sale

                        Sold as of today. If I have anything else, I'll post it up here though.
                        2005 Ford Focus ZX3 SE D20 M5 - Modified ;) <a href=\"http://www.knightenmotorsports.com\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.knightenmotorsports.com</a> <br />[ U R L = h t t p : / / w w w . g e o c i t i e s . c o m / h e a r t l a n d _ h e a t _ v 6 ] Heartland Heat V6 [ / U R L ]


                        • #13
                          Re: 3.4L parts for sale

                          all parts are sold or just some of them???

                          76 Camaro Rally Sport-355/TH350- Soon to be LT1/TH350 with a little laughing gas to wake it up...;)
                          89 Ram D350 CTD/M5- 1 Ton Dually getting 27 MPG's


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