This is a 1984 v6 firebird im selling for a friend of mine, I know the car inside and out i helped work on it, he bought it as a fun project car but he hit some hard times and now wants to sell it. I have no room for it or i would take it. All body work is welded steel minor bondo was used if any when repairs were made the car is solid but could still use some work. The paint needs to be wet sanded and most likely re-shot a friend sprayed outside in a canopy rapped in plastic but a fair bit of dust got under the paint, It was not sprayed for looks or show just to keep it from rusting and to make sure the repairs weren't damaged. The inside headliner is falling, the carpet and seats are fair they could be replaced or possibly cleaned, Minor rips in the seats btw. The radio does not work, it does play static but it doesn't pick up any music. It has alot of new parts which i will list tonight or tomrrow after i get the list from him. It runs fine, passed ohio E-check, its parked in Parma Ohio if anyone wants to look at it, asking 750 OBO negotiable, throw some offers out.
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