When I bought the car, it had this body piece on it. It's the Xenon rear skirt. It's painted red and doesn't look bad. Paint is faded a bit and beginning to crack, and is chipping badly where it wraps into the wheel wells. Only other "defect" is that the driver's side "cubby" has some melted plastic from where my exhaust hanger got bent and pushed my tips into it. It's a very small section; it's on the inside of the "cubby", so you can barely notice it, and with your tips in there, it's virtually invisible. Getting rid of it because I bought a complete Vizage kit a while ago, so it'll be removed once that goes on. I'll get more pictures of the paint and melted parts when I get home, just figured I'd go ahead and throw it out there right now. Cheapest I could find it for was $175. Asking $125 OBO