WEll guys, time to take one and hard.....
I need to sell my bird, i need money right now more then i need that car,
I dont have to describe it to most of you.....
All together as is im Asking $4000....which may sound stupid but u all know how much i put in it...i dont wanna get raped THAT bad...its a nice car
If i part it im not parting peices of the motor, ill do
Full motor with harness,computer,rad,fans,and pretty much everything u would need for a lt1 swap....the motor everything is pretty much new on it.
motor swap Asking $1500
Lt1 4L6E Tranny, Just rebuilt, again no miles on it since Asking $600
Long tube Ceramic coated, emissions fittings Headers Asking $425 Shipped
Aluminum Driveshaft Great con. Asking $175
Eclipse gas door, cut and painted ready to go on fbodys Asking $65 shiped
Great Condition C5 vette rims, with tires NO MILES SOLD Local pickup preferred
Rolling Chassis Asking $2500 might as well just take it all.....
As for the CBR600....It needs new plug wires, thats it...but for the right price i will sell it as is, cause when i get the money for the bird itll be my downpayment on my NEW running car haha... but yeah pm me if u have interest in the bike.... prolly only gunna be looking into the mid 2g range or so for it.... which isnt bad for what it is but if any interest pm me
There it is guys.......hate doing it but.....u have to cut ur loses and go on sometimes, and in this case i need to.... i cant deal with working 15 hours a day at two different jobs and still being broke anymore.... stress has been kicking my *** lately, im 18 i dont want life being this big of a ***** yet, not til im atleast 30 haha.... anyways thats that
I need to sell my bird, i need money right now more then i need that car,
I dont have to describe it to most of you.....
All together as is im Asking $4000....which may sound stupid but u all know how much i put in it...i dont wanna get raped THAT bad...its a nice car
If i part it im not parting peices of the motor, ill do
Full motor with harness,computer,rad,fans,and pretty much everything u would need for a lt1 swap....the motor everything is pretty much new on it.
motor swap Asking $1500
Lt1 4L6E Tranny, Just rebuilt, again no miles on it since Asking $600
Long tube Ceramic coated, emissions fittings Headers Asking $425 Shipped
Aluminum Driveshaft Great con. Asking $175
Eclipse gas door, cut and painted ready to go on fbodys Asking $65 shiped
Great Condition C5 vette rims, with tires NO MILES SOLD Local pickup preferred
Rolling Chassis Asking $2500 might as well just take it all.....
As for the CBR600....It needs new plug wires, thats it...but for the right price i will sell it as is, cause when i get the money for the bird itll be my downpayment on my NEW running car haha... but yeah pm me if u have interest in the bike.... prolly only gunna be looking into the mid 2g range or so for it.... which isnt bad for what it is but if any interest pm me
There it is guys.......hate doing it but.....u have to cut ur loses and go on sometimes, and in this case i need to.... i cant deal with working 15 hours a day at two different jobs and still being broke anymore.... stress has been kicking my *** lately, im 18 i dont want life being this big of a ***** yet, not til im atleast 30 haha.... anyways thats that