Hey guys, I have a speeding ticket among other expenses I need to pay off asap, so I figured it's time to let this stuff go. All prices are based off other people's successful sales, but are also negotiable (withen reason). Prices do not include shipping, however, I will only charge actual fees, and can ship with FedEx, UPS, or USPS. I'll add more as I find more stuff. Also, please check my Non-Automotive Classified thread if you fancy.
2001 PCM (stock tune) SOLD
Oil Cap + Straight Neck for FWD $3
Series 3 Open Differential (44k miles, great condition) $50
Series 3 GM 3.42 Ring and Pinion SOLD
2001 PCM (stock tune) SOLD
Oil Cap + Straight Neck for FWD $3
Series 3 Open Differential (44k miles, great condition) $50
Series 3 GM 3.42 Ring and Pinion SOLD