Looking for a few parts to put a project car back together. Needing the following. Preferably around the spring filed Missouri area.
1. Tail lights. 93-02 (car is a 2000 so would perfer the 98+ style)
2. Fuel lines that go between the shock tower and the fuel rail. (97+)
3. Oil pan from a 3.8.
5. Driver and Passenger door Glass.
6. Rear view mirror.
7.98+ Hood (Pewter if possible)
-Please drop me a email or send me a text at 417-522-6419 Thankyou
1. Tail lights. 93-02 (car is a 2000 so would perfer the 98+ style)
2. Fuel lines that go between the shock tower and the fuel rail. (97+)
3. Oil pan from a 3.8.
5. Driver and Passenger door Glass.
6. Rear view mirror.
7.98+ Hood (Pewter if possible)
-Please drop me a email or send me a text at 417-522-6419 Thankyou