Welcome to our Online Car Show Contest! It runs from the time this is posted until Friday November 22nd at midnight EST !
We will choose 1 winner based on the most likes that they get in this thread (not on social media, although we encourage you to share this thread to help your cause!)
***I am going to add a second winner to win $25 picked at random by a number generator***
No purchase is necessary to enter this contest. You must be a member to post or vote on our site and registration is free of charge.
To post photos click this “image” looking button and press “send it to server”

Lastly, comments are ok - but no negative comments trashing members vehicles will be tolerated. This is an online carshow and it is cool to see how folks are unique with their Cars.
Good Luck! Annnnddddd Start!
We will choose 1 winner based on the most likes that they get in this thread (not on social media, although we encourage you to share this thread to help your cause!)
***I am going to add a second winner to win $25 picked at random by a number generator***
- Anyone entering the contest can only have 1 post in this thread with images.
- The post with the most likes at the end of the contest wins! The like button is located on the very bottom right of your post. You have to be logged in / registered to see the like bar and be able to "vote" as seen in the image below.
- If I see a member with more than 1 post I will delete the second post as you cannot combine likes from multiple posts. All changes must be made to your original post!
- The post with your images can have 1-4 pictures of your car - it must be a 1967-Present V6 Camaro or Firebird! Pick your best image(s)
- If you want to change up your images, you can edit your post up until the contest closes.
- If we have a tie with one or more members, I will use a random number generator to pick the winner between those tied.
- Let's have some fun! We all know black Friday / Christmas is coming soon :biggrin:. Rockauto has been nice enough to give us $25 to raffle up as a prize.
No purchase is necessary to enter this contest. You must be a member to post or vote on our site and registration is free of charge.
To post photos click this “image” looking button and press “send it to server”
Lastly, comments are ok - but no negative comments trashing members vehicles will be tolerated. This is an online carshow and it is cool to see how folks are unique with their Cars.
Good Luck! Annnnddddd Start!