Re: Cash for Clunkers CARS is terrible! what is wrong with people?!
How about instead of a central govt that would take money from you, we create a bunch of individual city-states. Why have a large govt if you can pay FAR LESS taxes and only have to worry about a larger city state coming in a conquering your home, raping your children, and killing everything in sight. Id say a 5% tax rate and everyone should be able to form city-states about the size of Dayton OH. Even better, we could have all our own chunks of land, pay no taxes at all, and only worry about our very own survival. That way, when I come by and whack you in the scrote and face with a ballbat for your resources, you'll only be dead instead of taxed to death.
A unified civilization requires funds and attention to perform correctly. Treating the govt as if it was a blue light special at Kmart is going to severely hurt us in the short and long term. If you really want to hear something funny, its that I have never seen so many minimum wage Walgreen's, MickeyD's, and supermarket baggers complain about taxes in all my life.
Originally posted by enzia35
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A unified civilization requires funds and attention to perform correctly. Treating the govt as if it was a blue light special at Kmart is going to severely hurt us in the short and long term. If you really want to hear something funny, its that I have never seen so many minimum wage Walgreen's, MickeyD's, and supermarket baggers complain about taxes in all my life.