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really? not one thread about the health care bill yet?

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  • #16
    Re: really? not one thread about the health care bill yet?

    Originally posted by KJZ28 View Post
    I wold just like to add that over 200million US citizens are covered by some sort of insurance.

    Also make note we dont have the money for this bill, we don't have money for anything! We are 12 trillion in debt (real number estimated over 20) and soon we have to start paying it back, we dont even have enough to pay the interest right now on this debt!

    This issue for me isn't health care, it isn't social security or whatever...its protecting this country from financial ruin that is on the horizon if we don't stop spending and expanding the gov'ts reach. The sad thing is people don't realize how serious this is, they think we can keep borrowing, NO WE CANT! Other countries are going to start calling on our debt.

    We need to close the 700 international military basses, bring all our soldiers home, cut the military budget in half, end all social programs as soon as possible, kick illegal immigrants out that or sucking free money from the system in form of education, healthcare etc.... The spending has to stop or their will be no USA in the future.
    Yes cutting these programs will be tough for awhile but in the long run it will ensure the stability of the nation. People have to get their heads out of the present and think about just a few years down the line. Thsi country is beign screwed over by people that wont live long enough to see it collapse so what do they care.
    There is an estimated 300 million people in this country, and I know we don't have 100 million illegal immigrants.

    As I have stated on other sites, our debt is not something we continually pay back. Our debt works on a timeline. The more money we are in debt, the more time it takes for our government to pay back its loans, but they do eventually get paid back. It does sound bad, yes, but its not as though we never pay that debt off. We take in trillions a year in taxes, loans, things like that. What makes the national debt go up comes from our income based on our spending. The REASON why our debt is so high is that right now, we are spending at a greater rate than what the country is bringing in. If we were to stop EVERY loan, every government program, everything, right now, our debt would be 0 in a matter of a few months. For example...

    I am looking at one of my check stubs now. I worked only 16 hours that week, at $21.86 an hour, comes to roughly 349.76. Federal taxes withheld $19.33 of that check. If 150 million working American's paid the same amount, just that $19.33 in one week, this country just generated 2.89 Billion dollars....In ONE week. In one year, thats almost 150 BILLION dollars. Now remember, thats ONE full year, just $20 a week of withheld federal. I only worked 16 hours that week, at $21.85. If everyone did the same, we would generate 150 Billion dollars in one year. But not everyone pays that I pulled out a BIG check stub, from a few months prior.....
    In this stub, I had worked 40 hours regular time at $21.86 an hour, but I ALSO worked 24 hours at $32.79 an hour. The grand total of that was $1661.36 before my taxes came out. Now my federal withheld that week was 324.36. Sounds like alot of money, but when you stare at an $1100 dollar check, its hard to complain. Now, if everyone was making roughly the same amount in ONE week, that $324.36 would end up being 48.65 BILLION dollars...IN ONE WEEK. In one year, that comes to 2.5 trillion dollars.

    2.5 trillion dollars would be earned in one year, 150 million people made what I make. Granted they don't, alot of people dont, but the rich (for the most part) make up for what you don't make. 2.5 trillion in INCOME TAX REVENUE ALONE in this scenario. Wanna hear the kicker? I NEVER included Medicare taxes in this whole scenario. Its a separate fund collected by the IRS, but not counted with federal withholding. THATS a whole other fund, with its own money.

    So as you can see, this country CAN AND DOES generate money rather quickly. I only explained income tax coming into the federal government, I never went on about other federal taxes, like Medicare, international tariffs, overseas importing taxes.....a whole list, AND, I never went over the taxes that corporations and businesses pay as well, which is more than what individual tax revenue carries in.

    So its not about simply paying the debt down, we can easily do it within a few months. It wouldn't take long at all. What this country needs to do is curb its spending, BUT, I will never accept curbing healthcare funds to pay balance our national budget. Healthcare and education are two things that should NEVER be acceptable to reduce to balance our budget.

    When someone says we need to "balance" the budget, it simply means that we need to find a way to spend money at the same rate or near the same rate as we make it.

    Something else you have to understand is that almost every global economy is tied into ours, and tied into our loans and our debts. Its not a simple matter for a country to just "call in its debts". Its much more complicated than that. If China were to call in our debt to them, we would simply stop using them as an industrial outsourcing nation, crumbling their economy almost overnight. They know this, and they know its not that simple.

    You just can't simplify economics, too many people do that.
    1995 Pontiac Firebird
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    • #17
      Re: really? not one thread about the health care bill yet?

      Originally posted by dgreet77 View Post

      This I do not agree with. The very last thing we need to cut is defense spending.

      Sure we need to cut some programs and focus on paying off the national debt, but its not gonna happen overnight, and since politicians hate committing political suicide, program cuts are something that will have to be done slowly instead of suddenly.

      I'm all with you on less government spending and paying off the debt; but we need to be careful in how we do it.
      Ok I know some social programs need to stay, BUT we have over 700 INTERNATIONAL bases in over 130 countries! Why do we need to be in Thailand, Germany, Africa, etc. If we closed all those bases, pulled out of Iraq we would actually be safer because all our troops would be here protecting our boarders instead of someone elses.

      @ Mogobs30th
      Yes I oversimplified I didn't feel like a long post, but thank you for that clarification and well written post.

      Some countries are giving us time and not even collecting our debt at the moment so they can start asking for payments.
      I know we take in a lot of money but the government cant pay off the debt like that, they are the largest employer in the USA, so those people need pay, the defense budget needs a constant flow of money, so you cant take money from there to pay it off, there are old people living on Social Secuirty(I think there should be a cutoff date and dissolve S.S. once those who depend on it pass on) Buildings, electrical, transportation budgets cant be eliminated so when you add up things you cant take money from you don't have much left over towards our debt, even though the US takes in a lot of money we dont have much left over to pay off a vast debt.
      One of the biggest problems I forgot to mention is The Federal Reserve, we are being robbed blind by them, they keep printing money and devaluing our dollar making it worthless to buy goods, this makes it hard for wages to keep up with market prices. The FED is the biggest ponzi scheme in the world. Its a way to tax the citizens without them knowing, because they take value from you money in the bank to print more money.
      The reason I bring this stuff up is because our financial situation is the most pressing matter at this time, it needs to be balanced or we will reap the consequences in mind boggling tax hikes.


      • #18
        Re: really? not one thread about the health care bill yet?

        Originally posted by KJZ28 View Post
        Ok I know some social programs need to stay, BUT we have over 700 INTERNATIONAL bases in over 130 countries! Why do we need to be in Thailand, Germany, Africa, etc. If we closed all those bases, pulled out of Iraq we would actually be safer because all our troops would be here protecting our boarders instead of someone elses.
        We need bases in those places so the wars that we do fight aren't fought on our soil. They aren't there for no reason at all; they act as deterrents to hostile nations, provide support for allies, and are a huge influence on how the United States maintains its status and power in the world.

        I really don't see how abandoning foreign bases would make us, or our allies, safer at all.

        Anyways this is WAY off topic...but lets not think we can just cut defense in half.


        • #19
          Re: really? not one thread about the health care bill yet?

          Originally posted by Mogobs30th View Post
          .......Now, if everyone was making roughly the same amount in ONE week, that $324.36 would end up being 48.65 BILLION dollars...IN ONE WEEK. In one year, that comes to 2.5 trillion dollars.....

          ....2.5 trillion dollars would be earned in one year......
          I'm not saying you're wrong here, but at the rate of 2.5 trillion dollars per year from income tax alone means that we would have to freeze all government spending that utilizes income tax for approximately 5 years (12/2.5=4.8) to pay off the $12 trillion in debt we have now....just saying. :work:


          • #20
            Re: really? not one thread about the health care bill yet?

            Everyone knows that I don't like this bill... that being said, my major concern with it is that it is only the first step... Obama gave a speech to the AFL-CIO, I believe, either when he was a Senator, or maybe before, in which he said that he wants a single-payer system and then the plan that he laid out in order to accomplish that includes pretty much everything that has lead us to where we currently are...

            There are things that I do like about the bill...

            1. the part that allows people to stay on their parent's insurance until they're 26... times have changed, and young people are starting their careers and lives on their own later than they used to and I don't see this as being unjust

            2. The more strict regulations on insurance companies dropping patients after they are diagnosed... I still haven't seen any actual numbers on how often this actually happens, the only cases I have seen involve applicants lying on insurance forms about a pre-existing condition to avoid higher premiums and then getting caught and thus dropped... but regardless of the dem's reasoning for including it, I can back this portion of the bill

            What I don't understand is why tort reform and revision of the interstate commerce, allowing people to buy insurance across state lines weren't included in the bill? Supporters repeatedly compared health insurance to auto insurance, but the one comparison no one made was the comparably high competition there is in the auto market as opposed to the health due to less regulation on where and how you can buy it...

            Things I despise about the bill:

            1. Forcing people to buy insurance... this violates the commerce clause, the government doesn't have the authority to force people to buy a product or service... and this is where the auto insurance comparison comes in, but the comparison's that've been made are flawed: you are required to buy insurance under law if you choose to drive a car, and you are required to do so to protect others, not yourself... you are not required by law to buy insurance to cover your own car... and if you choose not to drive, you are not required to have insurance...

            2. Requiring insurance companies to offer health insurance regardless of pre-existing conditions... I believe that the issue of people with pre-existing conditions being able to obtain insurance needs to be addressed, but this is the wrong answer. One way to think about the absurdity of this law is to realize that every ailment, injury, illness and condition is a "pre-existing" condition... if I didn't have insurance and got sick today, under this law, I could go to the insurance company and they would have to cover me... in this sense insurance is no longer insurance, it is private welfare... This problem is "addressed" by requiring people to have insurance, the first problem with this I already stated above, but the second is that the penalty for not buying insurance is a dollar amount that is less than the cost of insurance. People will figure this out very quickly and as it is with most systems, if they can be played, they will be... The result of this is exactly what I fear: The penalties will become just another source of revenue for the government and when people do buy insurance, the price will be higher, less people will be able to afford it, the insurance companies will struggle, thus paving the way for a single-payer system

            3. Taking student loans out of the hands of private lenders and putting control over them solely in the hands of the government... What the hell does this have to do with healthcare? Either this was just something that they wanted to do so they snuck it in there in order to get it passed easily, or it was part of a gimmick that would "save" money and pad the CBO numbers.

            4. Tort reform being left out... The only opposition I heard to this from democrats was that it would only save x amount of dollars. Then why not put it in? I think we all know why it wasn't included...

            5. Doctor Fix being left out... The reasoning for leaving it out: We didn't include it in the CBO scored version because it was something that we were going to do anyway... Just another gimmick used to manipulate the CBO score... "Doc Fix" is going to be in subsequent legislation and it is going to cost alot of money... enough to possibly wipe out any deficit-reduction in the current bill.

            6. While all of the taxes begin now, many of the benefits don't start until 2014... Just another gimmick to manipulate the CBO scores. I can make any program look affordable if you pay for it for 10 years but only get benefits from it for 6...

            I'm not optimistic about any sort of repeal... I think it's possible, but not very likely, the only thing that gives me hope is the fact that the benefits don't start right away, so people won't become dependent on it until after Nov. 2010 and Nov. 2012... I'm interested to see how quickly all of the constitutional lawsuits are dismissed, and what Obama will eventually say about them...

            I think it's time for a Con Con...
            Last edited by T-Mill; 03-25-2010, 05:40 PM.
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            • #21
              Re: really? not one thread about the health care bill yet?

              Very well put T-Mill. I'm in total agreement with your post. :tup:


              • #22
                Re: really? not one thread about the health care bill yet?

                same here tmill, although i think theres a very good chance of it getting repealed. if it finds its way to the supreme court something tells me they'd love to crap all over it after the way obama face ****ed them on national tv during his state of the union address.

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                • #23
                  Re: really? not one thread about the health care bill yet?

                  I didn't think about the whole face-**** incident... lol... I hope you're right, but I feel like it's maybe 50/50 tops if it even reaches that far, which I'm even more skeptical about...
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                  • #24
                    Re: really? not one thread about the health care bill yet?

                    i have faith in the system. republicans are going to turn the heat up and there wont be a choice.

                    current car- 95 Trans am- bolt ons, parked and collecting dust. why? because **** it

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                    • #25
                      Re: really? not one thread about the health care bill yet?

                      You know I was watching about this Health Care thing and this concept of universal health care and why it wouldn't work here in the US.

                      In Singapore a bypass heart surgery would cost 22K to do while in the US it's 450K. Their technology there and their doctors are almost as good as here.

                      My wife's surgery over here would cost 1.2 million while over there it would be 120k.

                      So I could see this as a major problem. I do want universal healthcare coverage and I do want every Americans to be insured, but we really need to fix what's broken inside first. It's like the Fiero, build as many as you can and get them out there. The quality was poor and GM paid for it. Even when they got it right in '88 it was too late.

                      When I first started working I paid nothing for my health coverage, because my job covered 100%. A couple of years later I had to pay $50 every month. OK no problem. Another year it's $85. Ok still not bad. Another year it's $125. OK that's starting to suck now. Then it's $186 a month. It hurts. I hardly go to the doctors too.

                      I say get control of the healthcare expense and then let's talk about Universal Healthcare Coverage.

                      1998 Firebird . 1989 Firebird XS . 1986 Fiero GT


                      • #26
                        Re: really? not one thread about the health care bill yet?

                        Originally posted by dgreet77 View Post
                        I'm not saying you're wrong here, but at the rate of 2.5 trillion dollars per year from income tax alone means that we would have to freeze all government spending that utilizes income tax for approximately 5 years (12/2.5=4.8) to pay off the $12 trillion in debt we have now....just saying. :work:
                        That whole scenario was hypothetical. There is no possible way we could ever cut out budget completely, and even with those numbers, we bring in alot more than 2.5 trillion dollars. All it is is a matter of spending and bringing in roughly the same amount. Hence, "Balancing".
                        1995 Pontiac Firebird
                        2008 Chevrolet Silverado LT Crew Cab 4x4


                        • #27
                          Re: really? not one thread about the health care bill yet?

                          Originally posted by firebirddrvr View Post
                          but for those of us in the middle to lower working class it SCREWS us! for example...if i work and go out and buy insurance...i can get it pretty cheap before obamacare because im young and healthy and non-smoker. now i would have to pay more to subsidize older americans. thats all im saying theres too much im opposed to, although there are some good things about the bill.
                          Im just gunna throw this out there... perfect example of thinking in the moment..."Im young and healthy now" you're thinking about now...not when (god forbid) something happens to you, and you're well up sh*ts creek, then you'll be crying for help...all of a sudden you develop some complications, now guess what? Just like car insurane, you've become a big know what that means right? it means your premiums hit the fan or they drop you...

                          You'd be paying more for the older people to use it now, sure...but remember, everyone gets'll have a time when it'll come around and save your ***....people don't think about that...they think exactly like you...Im young and healthy, why do I need to pay into it? aint gunna be young and healthy forever bro...

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                          • #28
                            Re: really? not one thread about the health care bill yet?

                            Originally posted by Mighty Thor View Post
                            You know I was watching about this Health Care thing and this concept of universal health care and why it wouldn't work here in the US.

                            In Singapore a bypass heart surgery would cost 22K to do while in the US it's 450K. Their technology there and their doctors are almost as good as here.

                            My wife's surgery over here would cost 1.2 million while over there it would be 120k.

                            So I could see this as a major problem. I do want universal healthcare coverage and I do want every Americans to be insured, but we really need to fix what's broken inside first. It's like the Fiero, build as many as you can and get them out there. The quality was poor and GM paid for it. Even when they got it right in '88 it was too late.

                            When I first started working I paid nothing for my health coverage, because my job covered 100%. A couple of years later I had to pay $50 every month. OK no problem. Another year it's $85. Ok still not bad. Another year it's $125. OK that's starting to suck now. Then it's $186 a month. It hurts. I hardly go to the doctors too.

                            I say get control of the healthcare expense and then let's talk about Universal Healthcare Coverage.
                            And I will ask you as I ask every republican....How do you bring down health care costs? Wanna hear the funny thing, EVERY republican stands there with a goofy look on their face.

                            So I ask, how do you bring down costs???
                            1995 Pontiac Firebird
                            2008 Chevrolet Silverado LT Crew Cab 4x4


                            • #29
                              Re: really? not one thread about the health care bill yet?

                              I sent you an e-mail a long time ago with plenty of permanent, effective, long term solutions to lower health care costs... none of which are included in the current bill...
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                              • #30
                                Re: really? not one thread about the health care bill yet?

                                also, Mightythor, one of the reasons why costs are so much higher in the U.S. than any other country is because we are the ones who develop much of the technology. Other countries only have to pay for the equipment to be manufactured and used... in the U.S. we, as an exceptional and wealthy nation, spend lots of money on R&D in medicine... it's another reason for why healthcare costs have increased so much in the last decade or so, it's because technology related to medicine has been growing exponentially and those costs are ultimately passed on to the consumer... It's like when TV's were invented in the U.S. and they were expensive bc the consumer wasn't just paying for the parts that make up the product and the labor to produce it, they were paying for all of the failed attempts, and time it took to develop the product. Then the japanese got ahold of them and bc the patent laws we had with Japan were so lax they simply reverse-engineered them and now dominate that area of the market bc they didn't have to pass on the cost to develop the technology to their consumers...

                                Obviously not the only cause of higher healthcare costs, but it definitely plays a factor...

                                Plus you really can't compare our costs to other countries b/c in the U.S. everything is so heavily regulated and the lawyers have their hand in everything...

                                for example: there's a car that is made in India, I think, that retails there for the equivalent of like $4,000... but in order for it to be sold in the U.S. so many safety and emissions features would have to be added to pass U.S. regulations that it would cost around $10,000-$12,000...

                                and if you went to Singapore and had surgery and the docs screw something up, you're ****ed... their malpractice laws are nothing compared to ours...

                                There are problems in the system, but the problem isn't the system itself
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