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Jury Duty

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  • #16
    Re: Jury Duty

    Originally posted by StrtRacer98 View Post
    Arent you currently laid off, and collecting unemployment anyway?
    Ive been back to work since June, although Im not getting 40 hrs a week, any day I have to take off to do jury duty is a day I can't be at work if Im needed. I only need 20 hours a week to pay all my bills, but if for 8 of those 20 hours Im sitting in a jury waiting room, then Im down to 12, and then in a hole. Its what happened yesterday, although I was only scheduled to work a few hours yesterday tying loose ends at a job downtown.

    We all managed to get out of there right at 1pm, so I was in there for about 5 hours total. Phone died on me about a half hour before I went to lunch, never more bored in my life then I was at that moment. Good thing is I can't be selected to show up again for another 365 days.
    Last edited by Mogobs30th; 09-29-2010, 01:04 PM.
    1995 Pontiac Firebird
    2008 Chevrolet Silverado LT Crew Cab 4x4


    • #17
      Re: Jury Duty

      Originally posted by Mogobs30th View Post
      Sucks. I'm sitting in a big room with about 50+ people, waiting for my panel to be called, while playing on the iPhone. I've been waiting for an hour and a half, and nothing has happened. This is pissing me off.

      BTW, I'm getting paid $17.50 a day to be here, instead of the $29.15 an hour I make for actually being at work. I hope I don't spend it all in one place.
      you Newb...you're doing it wrong...the trick is to not mail back the jury duty form, dont even fill it out...shred it the moment you get it...It says blah blah blah you can get in trouble for not sending it back and doing your part...but realistically, they dont follow where you mail goes, and you dont need to sign for the letter, so there is no proof you ever got the notice, so you just say that if it ever comes back to you..."what letter?"
      Once you fill out that letter and send it in, you're dooooomed...

      2002 SOM Z28 Camaro - 12.9 @ 104 mph
      1996 3800 Camaro - 13.43 @ 100.77 mph

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      • #18
        Re: Jury Duty

        Originally posted by LETZRIDE View Post
        you Newb...you're doing it wrong...the trick is to not mail back the jury duty form, dont even fill it out...shred it the moment you get it...It says blah blah blah you can get in trouble for not sending it back and doing your part...but realistically, they dont follow where you mail goes, and you dont need to sign for the letter, so there is no proof you ever got the notice, so you just say that if it ever comes back to you..."what letter?"
        Once you fill out that letter and send it in, you're dooooomed...
        It was Certified Mail, it was traced to delivery point, and I had to sign for it at the post office. And you don't send anything back, you have to show up with the paperwork. Your theory just got shot to all hell.
        1995 Pontiac Firebird
        2008 Chevrolet Silverado LT Crew Cab 4x4


        • #19
          Re: Jury Duty

          Originally posted by Mogobs30th View Post
          It was Certified Mail, it was traced to delivery point, and I had to sign for it at the post office. And you don't send anything back, you have to show up with the paperwork. Your theory just got shot to all hell.
          well it's different over here...they just send you an envelop with the paperwork inside, you fill it out, send it back, and then they contact you with the date that you need to go in. Then your screwed for a whole week...I went through this a few months ago, and my boss told me what I should of done...sucks that it comes certified for you guys...

          the c*cksuckers are b*stards though...they don't give you any free coffee, and you have to pay for any internet usage...like at the very least you can supply me with free internet to use while I am waiting 6-8 hours a day, that place can't possibly become any more boring...unreal...

          The best that can come out of it, is meeting a good looking girl, and hit it off...you can probably get a solid wheel in while waiting around doing bumf*ck nothing lol...
          Last edited by LETZRIDE; 09-29-2010, 08:45 PM.

          2002 SOM Z28 Camaro - 12.9 @ 104 mph
          1996 3800 Camaro - 13.43 @ 100.77 mph

          Project Cars | How To Guides | Scratch Repair | Synthetic Oil


          • #20
            Re: Jury Duty

            I don't think its ALWAYS sent Certified Mail. My GF got one from the same court in regular mail, but she didn't have to go due to school. Why mine was Certified puzzles me. As for internet usage, there were no WAP's anywhere that I could see, and my phone wasn't picking any of them up. There were vending machines you could get something small to eat out of.
            1995 Pontiac Firebird
            2008 Chevrolet Silverado LT Crew Cab 4x4


            • #21
              Re: Jury Duty

              Originally posted by Mogobs30th View Post
              I don't think its ALWAYS sent Certified Mail. My GF got one from the same court in regular mail, but she didn't have to go due to school. Why mine was Certified puzzles me. As for internet usage, there were no WAP's anywhere that I could see, and my phone wasn't picking any of them up. There were vending machines you could get something small to eat out of.

              We had full internet service there, I had tons of bars on my laptop...but you had to pay something like 15$ a day for it, and you could buy it just for that day. ya...not happening... Not to mention, we wouldnt start getting paid until after the first week of being there...what a joke. Only food around was a crappy coffee stand that was overpriced and sucked
              Last edited by LETZRIDE; 09-29-2010, 08:59 PM.

              2002 SOM Z28 Camaro - 12.9 @ 104 mph
              1996 3800 Camaro - 13.43 @ 100.77 mph

              Project Cars | How To Guides | Scratch Repair | Synthetic Oil


              • #22
                Re: Jury Duty

                They give you decent creature comforts, and give you an hour for lunch if you're not on a panel. There was a canteen, vending machines, and plenty of restaraunts around the building.
                1995 Pontiac Firebird
                2008 Chevrolet Silverado LT Crew Cab 4x4


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