Re: Jury Duty
Ive been back to work since June, although Im not getting 40 hrs a week, any day I have to take off to do jury duty is a day I can't be at work if Im needed. I only need 20 hours a week to pay all my bills, but if for 8 of those 20 hours Im sitting in a jury waiting room, then Im down to 12, and then in a hole. Its what happened yesterday, although I was only scheduled to work a few hours yesterday tying loose ends at a job downtown.
We all managed to get out of there right at 1pm, so I was in there for about 5 hours total. Phone died on me about a half hour before I went to lunch, never more bored in my life then I was at that moment. Good thing is I can't be selected to show up again for another 365 days.
Originally posted by StrtRacer98
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We all managed to get out of there right at 1pm, so I was in there for about 5 hours total. Phone died on me about a half hour before I went to lunch, never more bored in my life then I was at that moment. Good thing is I can't be selected to show up again for another 365 days.