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Money question?

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  • #31
    Re: Money question?

    Originally posted by vanbibber View Post
    thats half of what is wrong with the world today, everyone is "too busy" to be bothered with taking care of and raising their kids. they wind up with no idea what family and moral values are. its no coincidence the moral fabric of america started falling apart around the same time both parents started working and spending less time with their kids.
    This is the 21st century. The one-income family has gone away with the Studebaker and doo-wop music. Unless you're making $120k a year, no one can sit here and say they're comfortable enough being able to take care of a child from birth till they're in their mid 20's. Values and morals don't treat a newborn with jaundice. Values and morals don't feed a child. Values and morals don't pay for setting a broken bone. Values and morals don't pay for school supplies and field trips. Values and morals don't send them to prom, and values and morals don't get college paid for. Know what does? MONEY. COLD HARD CASH will do all these things. I have 0 intentions on changing my lifestyle because I had a kid, and Im not sacrificing what Ive worked for in the name of a child. If I can't afford the child, I won't have one. I want my Cadillac, I want my property, I want my business. Its my goal that Ive worked for, and Im not going to have a wrench thrown in the works by having a pregnant wife that's too concerned with experiencing every **** her child takes. I think too many people sit at home just so they can experience a child first everything. Understand parents, you've lived those years, they're not coming back. Living vicariously through your children is kinda pathetic, and a burden upon the child. Leave the poor kid to take a **** on his own, so he can experience a little bit of individuality.

    And there is nothing wrong with daycare, so long as you find the right one. They're not all the same.
    1995 Pontiac Firebird
    2008 Chevrolet Silverado LT Crew Cab 4x4


    • #32
      Re: Money question?

      i suggest you just get fixed then wes lol.

      its easy to sit here and say all this stuff when you dont have kids. ive been there and said it all, they're life changing and to be honest if they dont change your life you shouldnt be allowed to have them.

      current car- 95 Trans am- bolt ons, parked and collecting dust. why? because **** it

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      • #33
        Re: Money question?

        I had more money to blow on cars when I was in college and working at a movie theatre.

        I am making more money know, I work for Boeing.

        Just a suggestions if you are up in NC, I heard GE is hiring to build turbine engines. I know one guy that transfered, and another that might get hired.


        • #34
          Re: Money question?

          I simply can't afford daycare. Plus I got left behind in public school, leading to me dropping out, so my wife is staying home with the kids for the one on one time. 1 teacher with 25 to 30 kids in a classroom, doesn't add up. Plus all you hear on the news is preditors work in schools. I keep a close eye on my children. My Camaro is still sitting in the backyard not running, but kids and bills come first. Just saying.


          • #35
            Re: Money question?

            Originally posted by Mogobs30th View Post
            This is the 21st century. The one-income family has gone away with the Studebaker and doo-wop music. Unless you're making $120k a year, no one can sit here and say they're comfortable enough being able to take care of a child from birth till they're in their mid 20's. Values and morals don't treat a newborn with jaundice. Values and morals don't feed a child. Values and morals don't pay for setting a broken bone. Values and morals don't pay for school supplies and field trips. Values and morals don't send them to prom, and values and morals don't get college paid for. Know what does? MONEY. COLD HARD CASH will do all these things. I have 0 intentions on changing my lifestyle because I had a kid, and Im not sacrificing what Ive worked for in the name of a child. If I can't afford the child, I won't have one. I want my Cadillac, I want my property, I want my business. Its my goal that Ive worked for, and Im not going to have a wrench thrown in the works by having a pregnant wife that's too concerned with experiencing every **** her child takes. I think too many people sit at home just so they can experience a child first everything. Understand parents, you've lived those years, they're not coming back. Living vicariously through your children is kinda pathetic, and a burden upon the child. Leave the poor kid to take a **** on his own, so he can experience a little bit of individuality.

            And there is nothing wrong with daycare, so long as you find the right one. They're not all the same.
            There is more to life than money and work to some people ;)
            1997 Camaro RS A4
            2006 Chevy Colorado
            2003 Kawasaki Ninja ZX6-R


            • #36
              Re: Money question?

              Originally posted by Mogobs30th View Post
              This is the 21st century. The one-income family has gone away with the Studebaker and doo-wop music. Unless you're making $120k a year, no one can sit here and say they're comfortable enough being able to take care of a child from birth till they're in their mid 20's.
              I'm totally with you... My family also worked, mother and father, grandfather and grand mother, and so on. No stay at home nonsense. I wouldn't want to be with someone who's goal in life is to stop working. The women I spend my time with generally have a career and their own life. I find the future soccer mom types utterly boring in life, boring sexually and have very little to offer in my opinion. I will only seriously date (ie. not just hit & quit) a woman that can challenge me intellectually. Those women don't want to be stay at home moms because they have goals beyond that in life. Intelligent women are also less annoying. They don't want to spend every minute of their day with you like it's high school... They actually have a life and things to do just like I do. That's what's attractive to me.

              Also if we're being honest, 120k a year really ain't **** either. I can't imagine having to support two kids and a wife on a salary like that. I want a nicer life style for when I'm in my 30's. I made over 300k personally last year but I'm still driving a 99 Camaro and a 95 Buick. Hopefully that money makes more money soon so I can start treating myself. I don't want to be one of those people that's 40 years old, has a 30 year mortgage and still lives paycheck to paycheck.
              Last edited by OneEightSeven; 02-21-2011, 11:33 PM.


              • #37
                Re: Money question?

                im pretty sure i could support myself my wife and kids on 120k a year and if i couldnt then we obviously are living waaaaay beyond our means...i keep hearing the same thing from everyone aside from a few...the dollar amount only means something based on where you live. my dad and step mom clear around 100k together and supported 4 kids and had money for nice vacations and my dads got a nice car and a harley they put a pool in the back yard so on and so forth. 300k a year is a ridiculous sum of money btw.


                • #38
                  Re: Money question?

                  lol im with ya, 120k here and youre living life without an issue, ****, 55-60 and life is pretty damn good still. if you cant take care of a family on that kind of money i dont know what to tell you.

                  current car- 95 Trans am- bolt ons, parked and collecting dust. why? because **** it

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                  • #39
                    Re: Money question?

                    Originally posted by firebirddrvr View Post
                    im pretty sure i could support myself my wife and kids on 120k a year and if i couldnt then we obviously are living waaaaay beyond our means...i keep hearing the same thing from everyone aside from a few...the dollar amount only means something based on where you live. my dad and step mom clear around 100k together and supported 4 kids and had money for nice vacations and my dads got a nice car and a harley they put a pool in the back yard so on and so forth. 300k a year is a ridiculous sum of money btw.
                    You could definitely do it on 120k, I just wouldn't want to due to what my goals are later in life. 120k between two people is only 60k each a year, then when you consider kids it's even less since they need food, clothes, etc.. too. People do it on much less of course. The median household income is only something like 50k/yr in America so it can be done. However I don't like having to get loans and debt. I know lots of family friends that work for GE, Intel, etc.. make between 100 and 200k/yr as a household. However they still have a mortgage, their cars are financed, their vacations go on credit cards and they end up living basically paycheck to paycheck. I'm sure they have some savings, but I bet a couple of months without paychecks would result in financial ruin for many of them. To me that's serfdom :(. I can do math, they can't have a 800k house and two 50k cars, vacations, college tuition for kids, food, etc.. on a 180k/yr gross salary and not be pretty broke at the end of each month.

                    I'm not saying everyone does that. Your dad and step mom may be frugal. They probably didn't buy a house that's too big. They probably save money for their vacations and bikes. If you always cook, find good deals and don't buy things you don't need you can definitely live on the most modest of salaries and still afford some nice things. Especially later in life once you've saved some money, etc..

                    300k feels like a lot as you see money come into your account each month, but then as it goes out it makes you sad. I can honestly say in the last few years I've never made so much money and felt so broke at the same time. I'm really trying to be frugal so I can do better for myself later. Basically when I used to make a lot less money and wasted all of it I felt really rich, now that I make a lot more and use it wisely I feel really broke. I have a bad problem with impulsiveness so I'm really having to work hard to stop waste.

                    Edit, Example of stupid spending: When I wasted money I bought expensive things that I didn't need. Now I step out of a beat up 95 Buick LeSabre in a Swiss watch worth easily six times the value of the car. I feel pretty ****ing retarded doing that. Why did I waste that money? Because I was an idiot. I didn't even have too much money when I did that...
                    Last edited by OneEightSeven; 02-22-2011, 03:16 AM.


                    • #40
                      Re: Money question?

                      not that i have to let out how much we make or how much shaun makes,

                      but as of now i work full time. i work 40 miles from my home. my son comes into philly with me everyday and stays at my aunts house who i pay for child care for. my son will NEVER go to a day care. there for i'm here and gabe is with my aunt or don't work because he will never go to daycare.

                      in a few years when gabe goes to school....tell me....who would take him and pick him up if i'm not there cause i'm 40 miles away in philly....sorry my family is way more important

                      my familly will grow with our morals. family is the most important thing in the world. and f you if you think being a full time mom isn't a job. it's a 24/7/365 job. you have no idea...even when you have a family wes, you still won't understand. unless your raising a child by will never understand what a mother goes threw.

                      we will have enough money to pay for what we have now and still save. i have full faith in shaun. when we decide that it's time for me to stay home, he will fully support our family and do whatever he has to do. that is what family does. you pull together to make everyones dreams come true

                      as for college for kids....that is what savings bonds are for. he!l he's 16 months old and has over $6500 in savings bonds. that will only increase since family asks"what does he want for christmas, birthday etc" i tell them money, and take every penny and invest it for him. anything else in life that he will need, food, clothing etc...we can provide, we are the parents...that is our job.


                      • #41
                        Re: Money question?

                        Originally posted by Mogobs30th View Post
                        You can't shield them from society, or its horrors. In this age, the quicker you can get them exposed to this world, the faster they can learn to adapt to it. I don't believe in a sheltered life. Their exposure to it is inevitable, why delay that inevitability? You're going to keep them at home, instead of daycare, then what? Home school them? Are they then going to work on their own? There are 6+ billion humans crawling around on this planet, you simply can't quarantine any of them from the rest.

                        The biggest thing that pisses new parents off is when you tell them that eventually your kid isn't going to want you around. They're going to want to have their own life, their own experiences. They don't want nor need you around for EVERY damn one of them. And the tighter you hold on, the easier they will slip. You CAN'T shelter kids, they have to learn how to co-exist with others, and they have to learn it young.
                        My reasoning for not wanting them in daycare has nothing to do with sheltering them. I do want them to be exposed to the outside world and I would never want to home school my kids. I would want them in public school for sure. My reason for wanting them at home and not at a daycare is because I want MY WIFE to raise them and take care of them and show them how life works.. not someone else.
                        00 Supercharged Camaro - RIP
                        97 Turbo Camaro - Sold


                        • #42
                          Re: Money question?

                          Originally posted by Mogobs30th View Post
                          I have 0 intentions on changing my lifestyle because I had a kid.
                          This literally made me laugh out loud.
                          00 Supercharged Camaro - RIP
                          97 Turbo Camaro - Sold


                          • #43
                            Re: Money question?

                            This thread has gone WAAAAAAAAY off topic.
                            <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


                            • #44
                              Re: Money question?

                              Originally posted by dmw319 View Post
                              This literally made me laugh out loud.
                              Kid: Daddy, can you help me with my homework??

                              Mogobs: NOT NOW I'M PLAYING WOW!
                              In America's Hat!

                              1997 Camaro 30th 'vert... GT1 cam/C6 wheels/Flowmaster/HIDs/Viper 2 way alarm/Alpine audio mods up the wazoo
                              2005 Equinox LT... mostly stock daily/Thule snowsports roof system/sound + interior mods


                              • #45
                                Re: Money question?

                                Originally posted by vanbibber View Post
                                i suggest you just get fixed then wes lol.

                                its easy to sit here and say all this stuff when you dont have kids.
                                Thats what I was waiting for, the "inexperience with kids" card. Its all nonsense. That kid will survive just fine without you staring them down 24/7, Im living, walking proof of that.

                                not that i have to let out how much we make or how much shaun makes,

                                but as of now i work full time. i work 40 miles from my home. my son comes into philly with me everyday and stays at my aunts house who i pay for child care for. my son will NEVER go to a day care. there for i'm here and gabe is with my aunt or don't work because he will never go to daycare.

                                in a few years when gabe goes to school....tell me....who would take him and pick him up if i'm not there cause i'm 40 miles away in philly....sorry my family is way more important

                                my familly will grow with our morals. family is the most important thing in the world. and f you if you think being a full time mom isn't a job. it's a 24/7/365 job. you have no idea...even when you have a family wes, you still won't understand. unless your raising a child by will never understand what a mother goes threw.

                                we will have enough money to pay for what we have now and still save. i have full faith in shaun. when we decide that it's time for me to stay home, he will fully support our family and do whatever he has to do. that is what family does. you pull together to make everyones dreams come true

                                as for college for kids....that is what savings bonds are for. he!l he's 16 months old and has over $6500 in savings bonds. that will only increase since family asks"what does he want for christmas, birthday etc" i tell them money, and take every penny and invest it for him. anything else in life that he will need, food, clothing etc...we can provide, we are the parents...that is our job.

                                Shaun makes a 6 digit income, its obvious. I think we can understand that with that type of money, you can still do pretty good and raise a family. But I don't make 6 digits, probably won't unless I have several sources of supplemental income. And that "being a mom is a full-time job" junk is just that, junk. Raise two kids on a minimum wage single income, then I could tilt my hat with some respect. Raising one with an income of $150k is a cakewalk. I have friends raising 3+, one of them raising 4, with a $100k income in Indianapolis, hes broke.

                                I gotta ask, WHERE does it say you have to give up EVERYTHING in your life when you have kids? Where is this manual on child rearing? If you think you can't have the life you want, work, and raise kids, you're not trying hard enough. One parent can work days, the other nights or weekends. My situation is ideal for that. I usually work from 7-3:30, the GF can work nights or 36 hours on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. With her being a new nurse in May, shes probably already going to have to work that type of shift anyway. That way, you always have atleast one parent watching the kids for 90% of the week. I mean hell, is it THAT hard to figure it out? Make some compromises with your schedule. So one parent can't make it to every little league game, LIFE GOES ON. There is NO reason why one parent has to be around their kids 24/7, NONE. My father rarely made it to my extracurricular activities, from the age of 2 till after I graduated high school, because he worked a night shift, still does to this day. But I understand why he couldn't, because he was too busy working to keep his health insurance for me. And my parents were never together. They get along fine, better than most separated parents, but to this day it still freaks me out to see them in the same room, because I was never around it.

                                Im talking to a guy at work today, kinda discussing this thread. He told me his wife stays at home with the kids, but while she is at home, she's flipping stuff on ebay. Managed to clear $26k last year just watching the kids flipping items of all kinds on Ebay. Nothing wrong with that, because there is a supplemental income. But sitting around feeding, playing, and doing mostly nothing is not worth it to me.

                                The GF can work, and we can both raise kids. Neither one of us would have to quit working, I just don't see the point realistically.
                                1995 Pontiac Firebird
                                2008 Chevrolet Silverado LT Crew Cab 4x4


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