Just read that article and it got me wondering, what do you all usually leave as a tip? What's the most you've left someone?
For me, it really depends, I usually go to a lot of the same places and the girls know me. No not strip clubs I just tend to go to establishments with cute girls :naughty: So for those places I have left tips well over $100 before on a $30-$40 tab. I'm not loaded, far from it, but why not it's only money. I just can't understand having the kind of money those celebs have and not taking care of a server. It's a drop in the bucket for them.
Just read that article and it got me wondering, what do you all usually leave as a tip? What's the most you've left someone?
For me, it really depends, I usually go to a lot of the same places and the girls know me. No not strip clubs I just tend to go to establishments with cute girls :naughty: So for those places I have left tips well over $100 before on a $30-$40 tab. I'm not loaded, far from it, but why not it's only money. I just can't understand having the kind of money those celebs have and not taking care of a server. It's a drop in the bucket for them.