Have any of you seen on the news or read in the papers of the fires we have here in Colorado? If you haven't, we currently have eight wild fires burning Colorado right now. Having been born, raised and lived here my whole life it hurts my heart to see this on the news, to see the smoke from the mountains and be able to smell it everyday. To make things worse today was the fifth day in a row we have had 100+ temps and we haven't seen rain in weeks, which is not normal for this time of the year. Here is a link to a local news station site http://www.9news.com/ and here is a link to CBS news with alot of info if you care to read. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-201_162-...s-in-a-decade/. A friend of my dad who has spent the last 10 years building his dream home in Estes Park (where the High Park fire is) was evacuated a few weeks ago and has no idea if his house is still there, I also have a few friends that live in Colorado Springs (where the Waldo Canyon fire is) that told me that Interstate-25 got shut down due to the fire and many people were stuck in bumper to bumper traffic and they were not able to go to their homes before evacuation started. The other day C-130's got approval to help contain the fires. I really hope we get some rain and lower temps to help the firefighters get these fires under control at least. Here is some pictures my friends took and sent to me.