Whats with all the " I HATE COPS" crap... - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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Whats with all the " I HATE COPS" crap...

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  • Whats with all the " I HATE COPS" crap...

    SOrry to say it but you broke the law and their job is to enforce the law.

    Unless they shot a someone and planted a gun on you and arrested you. What are you complaining about?

    Honestly sounds you guys sound like middle schoolers who whine when "My mom is so mean she is such a nazi, she grounded me because my grades were bad, I didn't study and I failed my class but I only failed cuz my teacher hates me cuz she is a witch"

    I "failed to maintain control of my vehicle" and crashed into a ditch causing a cop to have to help me get a towtruck instead of stopping someone from raping women and robbing liquor stores. THEN CAN YOU BELEIVE HE GAVE ME A TICKET FOR "FAILING TO MAINTAIN CONTROL OF MY VEHICLE!!!111"

    Or I didn't have a front license plate on my car, so the cop went to give me a ticket for "not having a license plate on my car" Then I gave him attitude.

    Cops are just doing their job, frankly I woudl be pissed if I was paying taxes so cops go around NOT enforcing the law.

    If you think the law is stupid or dumb. go to court, fight it then write your congressman to change the law.

    Cops are "Law enforcement" they "enforce" the law they do not make them.

    I have been pulled over more times then I can count, I lost count around 35 or so you know what. Everytime I was pulled over, I had full reason for being pulled over.

    Only one that was close, was a campus cop giving pulling me over for 37 in a 35, but I was swerving my car looking for a Cd and it was 3am, he likely thought I was drunk. I was just working on a project late.

  • #2
    Get the stories straight before you start giving people sh*t!! Maybe you're the one who needs to grow up ... I can at least try to find the 'inner meaning' of what people write about. Ya, some people do need to stop with all the "I hate cop" crap ... BUT ... before you start making fun of those who have posted something that may come off like that ... ASK! ASK why I gave the cop attitude ... there might just be a good reason!
    \'97 Camaro, 3800 Series II, Anniversary Edition * Bright Green Metallic --&gt; T-Tops * Flowmaster Exhaust * TPS Throttle enhancer * SLP Cold air intake .....<br /> <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/camaro1821\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/id/camaro1821</a> <br />AIM - Cycochic69


    • #3
      I agree with MustangEater8251 on this subject. Cops don't give tickets that aren't justified. You were breaking the law...it doesn't matter if 300 other people driving down the same road did the same thing...you were still breaking the law. If a cop gives you a ticket that was for something you didn't do...then you can complain. Granted I don't like being pulled over and given tickets for little things that I prefer to be illegal on my vehicle...but I deal with it because it is illegal or I would change the things that are illegal.
      <a href=\"http://www.onid.orst.edu/~waltejam/\" target=\"_blank\">98 Bright Red Camaro</a><br />Too many mods to list....check my website


      • #4
        There is a lot of spoiled people is probably one of the reasons we see these threads.

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        • #5
          While I will not name specific cases, in the interest of not turning this into a flame-fest, I will agree with the premise upon which his post is based. In short, if the police were to stop enforcing the law, regardless of the reason, they would be betraying the American people. How would society function if the enforcement of the law depended on the opinion of the officers? Obviously, it couldn't function AS successfully as it can when the law is handed out equally to all.

          I would rather have the police enfore every law to the 't' than enforce the law selectively based upon the person they are investigating, or their own personal biases. This is the only way to avoid corruption or the inequitable dissemination of the law, which is far more frightening an idea than any punishment the law imposes.

          <b><a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/drkmind11\" target=\"_blank\">2000 Red Firebird Coupe, A4.</a></b> ((3.42 Gears, LSD Stock))<br />Details: 3\" Edelbrock Exhaust, 3\" Catco Cat,160* Thermostat, 8% Tint, TA Chrome Wheels, Viper 550.


          • #6
            Originally posted by speedy-v6-camaro:
            I agree with MustangEater8251 on this subject. Cops don't give tickets that aren't justified. You were breaking the law...it doesn't matter if 300 other people driving down the same road did the same thing...you were still breaking the law. If a cop gives you a ticket that was for something you didn't do...then you can complain. Granted I don't like being pulled over and given tickets for little things that I prefer to be illegal on my vehicle...but I deal with it because it is illegal or I would change the things that are illegal.
            This is the last time I am going to try to defend myself. You guys really seem like a bunch of narrow minded ....

            I gave him attitude because he was being mean to me. He could have been really nice about it, like most of the other cops I've talked to, but, he chose to be a dick. I don't give respect to someone who gives no respect to me, especially when I am trying to follow his directions, but I can't! How can I leave if he's blocking me in. Granted, hitting his car would be fun
            (kidding) ... but no!

            I didn't think no front plate was considered a moving viloation ... at least it wasn't for a few of my friends who have gotten tickets by the same town for the same thing ...

            Understand yet? I'm not just an immature ***** like you all seem to think ... I had a reason to be kinda upset!
            \'97 Camaro, 3800 Series II, Anniversary Edition * Bright Green Metallic --&gt; T-Tops * Flowmaster Exhaust * TPS Throttle enhancer * SLP Cold air intake .....<br /> <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/camaro1821\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/id/camaro1821</a> <br />AIM - Cycochic69


            • #7
              This thread isn't about you specifically...these threads have been on going since the board started....goto your other thread to "defend" yourself. Cops have bad days too and don't like lots of people in groups like that. Can you say you have never had a bad day and blown up at someone. Like I said before...what you think isn't what matters...what the law says it what matters...look it up.
              <a href=\"http://www.onid.orst.edu/~waltejam/\" target=\"_blank\">98 Bright Red Camaro</a><br />Too many mods to list....check my website


              • #8
                &lt;--- NOT direct this post at ANY board member.

                From my experience.....I have been pulled over soooo many damn times and I would say 99%... maybe 100 I was soooooo in the wrong.

                I have only met one officer who did not like me personally.

                I can not fault someone who has to enforce the law.

                Someone has to do it.

                I feel bad..... sometimes officers are percieved as the bad guy, they just have to enforce the law to protect us.
                Race car - gone but not forgotten - 1997 firebird V6
                nitrous et & mph: 12.168 & 110.95 mph, n/a 13.746 & 96.38 mph
                2013 Dodge Challenger SRT8: 12.125, 116.45
                2010 Ford Taurus SHO: no times yet


                • #9
                  Originally posted by speedy-v6-camaro:
                  This thread isn't about you specifically...these threads have been on going since the board started....goto your other thread to "defend" yourself. Cops have bad days too and don't like lots of people in groups like that. Can you say you have never had a bad day and blown up at someone. Like I said before...what you think isn't what matters...what the law says it what matters...look it up.
                  I know it's not directed to just me ... I just felt that maybe my post was the last straw. If you look at my topic ... it's "I have court on Thursday." That was meant to be the topic. I've nevr been to court ... I'm a bit worried. Like I said ... I was just looking for some kind words.

                  Ya, ok .. maybe the cop had a bad day ... but I can't go into work at start yelling and swearing at people, just cuz my day sucks! That's not a good excuse!

                  He kept yelling at me to leave, but I couldn't because he was blocking my car in! He was being a moron! That's the only reason I got angry!
                  \'97 Camaro, 3800 Series II, Anniversary Edition * Bright Green Metallic --&gt; T-Tops * Flowmaster Exhaust * TPS Throttle enhancer * SLP Cold air intake .....<br /> <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/camaro1821\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/id/camaro1821</a> <br />AIM - Cycochic69


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Niky:
                    If you look at my topic ... it's "I have court on Thursday." That was meant to be the topic.
                    Thats not the topic....the topic is "I have court on Thursday ... stupid cops ... ". Hence the "stupid cops" part is the part we are talking about.
                    <a href=\"http://www.onid.orst.edu/~waltejam/\" target=\"_blank\">98 Bright Red Camaro</a><br />Too many mods to list....check my website


                    • #11
                      Well ... when he's screaming at me to leave, but his car is blocking me in ... it doesn't kinda make him stupid! It was almost funny just how dumb he was -

                      Cop: "Get in your car and leave."
                      Me : "I can't go anywhere though"
                      Cop: "Get in your fu*king car and get the hell out of here!"
                      Me : "Um, can you move your car?"
                      Cop: "No, Leave!"
                      Me : "I'm trying! I can't move my car!"
                      Cop: "Leave before I write you a ticket"
                      Me (now sitting in my car): "I'm trying!

                      Ahhh ... good times ... gotta love Schaumburg ...
                      \'97 Camaro, 3800 Series II, Anniversary Edition * Bright Green Metallic --&gt; T-Tops * Flowmaster Exhaust * TPS Throttle enhancer * SLP Cold air intake .....<br /> <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/camaro1821\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/id/camaro1821</a> <br />AIM - Cycochic69


                      • #12
                        Niky calm down, sorry I didn't get your IMs I was cleaning up my place.

                        I have dealt with a$$hole cops before and been written tickets I didn't 100% deserve(wasn't doing something wrong but he wrote something 2 steps worse then what I was doing wrong) Jsut go to court and explain to the judge what happened.

                        Dress nice, look presentable don't show the cops faults(he is not on trial) just say what you did wrong, and how its not as severe as what he said. Judges are leniant and will throw cases out easily if you do not piss them off.

                        Same with cops. Jsut treat them with respect and be courtious. People will disagree that they don't have to listen to what a cop says or whatever.

                        but hey, been to court 4-5 times in 4 different counties appeared before a judge and had my tickets reduced or thrown out. These tickets wre for reckless drivng, improper equipment, following too close, speeding 20+ over twice. And I had them reduced to something less severe or completely thrown out.

                        And like 12secv6 said, cops are jsut doin there job, 99.9% it was my fault when I got pulled over all the times I have been pulled over ages 16-22.


                        • #13
                          even if a cop is mean, you cant be disrespectful to him. i think you can get a ticket for it. seen it on cops. if you have a problem with a cop, you leave it lone until your court date. plain and simple
                          2000 3.8 A4 Pewter Camaro


                          • #14
                            Can't we just all get along..........hold hands, dance in a circle, and drink Coca-Cola. :(
                            ---Niño---<br /><i>95\' silver 5 spd</i>


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by pontiac nino:
                              Can't we just all get along..........hold hands, dance in a circle, and drink Coca-Cola. :(
                              :mad: :mad: NO!!!!11!!! I DRINK PEPSI MOTHERF*CKER!!!!111111!!!oneoneone!!! :mad: :mad:


                              for the record I do drink coca-cola.


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