yeah, so about them drugs... - Message Board


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yeah, so about them drugs...

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  • yeah, so about them drugs...

    just got some DMAE, which I discussed in the now defunct colorado/cannabis legislation thread.

    here's what DMAE is about

    also got some tyrosine, to boost dopamine/adrenaline levels (natural energy booster.

    these aren't "snake oil cures"; they work as well as alcohol inebriates you.

  • #2
    let us know how it works out, sounds like a miracle pill to me, but if it could do all that for me, Im in...especially increased will-power, Id love to quit smoking.

    "Money can't buy me happiness, but I'm happiest when I can buy what I want"
    05' CTS-V
    00' Camaro - SOLD :(


    • #3
      no, i'll just tell you, it does work out, because I've taken it before, and my memory came back (and then some); remembered stuff that I wouldn't even think to remember.

      about smoking....the nicotine in tobacco binds to acetylcholine receptors, and desensitizes them after time (this isn't necessarily damage though); dmae is a precursor to acetylcholine, your body converts this chemical into acetylcholine, which is the chemical 'messenger' for many functions (mood, apetite, cognition, memory, and motor function); it's been well-documented (as you can see from the references in that second link). It's by no means a "miracle pill", but it is very effective in treating ADHD, motor function ailments, and memory lapses

      this is pure science, not quack science, like psychiatrists who just hand out antidepressants like Pez candies. HMOs and pharmaceutical companies won't have anything to do with this (and for good reason), because as an analogy to the oil industry, they don't support alternative solutions. money is/always has been the name of the game.

      i definitely suggest it, to whoever's inclined to investigate it for themselves; "placebo effect" is a common dismissal for positive outcomes, but it's kind of hard to fake an improvement of short-term memory. TwinLab makes it, and it can be purchaced at GNC as well.

      tyrosine is noticeable, about 20 mins after you take it; DMAE will take a few days before you notice any improved memory, but you may notice an improvement in concentration. Both will keep you alert.

      [ November 07, 2005, 09:12 PM: Message edited by: kinetic ]


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