Now lets discuss this in a mature adult manner and let's not attack each others opinion so it doesn't get LOCKED. Constructive disagreement and opinion is OK but not attacking each others character or making idiotic political statements.
I'm especially refering to 98V6 and Hawg.
Kerry and Edwards seems to be in a slight lead. Bush and Chenny is slowly dropping.
The improving economy did help boost Bush/Chenny but the movie Farenheit-9/11, the number of protest on war and now the entertainment celebraties are doing their own bashing that seems to hamper them down again.
Now the Democratic Convention is coming up. That usually has a great effect on boosting the candidates up. But will Bush ever rebound?
Historically it's been known that no Pres. has ever lost a 2nd term election in time of War. I wonder if Bush will be the first.
Eventhough I've voted Democrats pretty much since I became legal to vote, this will be the first time I voted Republican.
My main reason is that I know Kerry/Edwards will raise our taxes and pre-maturely end the war on terrorism,and make gay marriages legal.
Now being a God fearing man, I know that Pres. Bush is for family, protecting the sacredness of marriage between a man and a woman, and would do a better job on the war against terrorist.
That's my take. If you disagree, I respect that. Your an American and you have the right to it. Now make it contructive.
I'm especially refering to 98V6 and Hawg.
Kerry and Edwards seems to be in a slight lead. Bush and Chenny is slowly dropping.
The improving economy did help boost Bush/Chenny but the movie Farenheit-9/11, the number of protest on war and now the entertainment celebraties are doing their own bashing that seems to hamper them down again.
Now the Democratic Convention is coming up. That usually has a great effect on boosting the candidates up. But will Bush ever rebound?
Historically it's been known that no Pres. has ever lost a 2nd term election in time of War. I wonder if Bush will be the first.
Eventhough I've voted Democrats pretty much since I became legal to vote, this will be the first time I voted Republican.
My main reason is that I know Kerry/Edwards will raise our taxes and pre-maturely end the war on terrorism,and make gay marriages legal.
Now being a God fearing man, I know that Pres. Bush is for family, protecting the sacredness of marriage between a man and a woman, and would do a better job on the war against terrorist.
That's my take. If you disagree, I respect that. Your an American and you have the right to it. Now make it contructive.