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Girl delema

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  • #46
    ummm what was the question again??!! [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img]
    my other truck has a 50 cal mounted on it


    • #47
      [img]graemlins/popcorn.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img]
      Garrett<br /><br />2001 WS9 W68 Blackbird A4<br />Custom Turbo...Chrome ZO6...WS9 Hood...<br />Custom Leather Interior...<br />much much more...see website<br /><br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


      • #48
        I will tell you why i am a virgin, and there are many reasons.
        1-disease- nothing is 100% and i don't want to take a risk that i don't have to. It might be low, but right now i am at NO chance of getting a STD through sex.
        2-pregnancy- I am not responsible enough to deal with a child. Birth controll and everything thing else is not 100% effective, so in order for me to be having sex i need to be man enough to accept the responsibility of my actions. And i am Catholic so i wouldn't let my girl get an abortion. Not only because of my religion, but because of the unrepairable psycological damage it would do to her.
        3-religion- I am Catholic, enough said.
        4-respect- I have enought respect for my future wife that i am willing to for go haveing sex before I get married, so that when we get married we can share the joy of making love together for the first time, as good ment for it to be.
        5-special- each time you have sex with a new woman that you are not completely in love with, it makes the event less and less special. I don't ever want to **** a chick, or nail her, i want to make love with my wife. If you are nailing 2 girls a month, sex is no longer a special thing, it is just something that happens and feels good, like oral sex or beating off. And i never want sex to be just another thing. I think that it should be something special.
        And you can call me a pussy all you want, or not a man. But the fact is i am more of a man than you care to realise. I follow my convicitions and make sure that i am able to deal with the consiquences of them before i will ever have to. You are like the kid that blows his motor using nitrous and doesn't have the money to replace it, while i am the kid that makes sure he has money for the new motor before he ever even puts the nitrous on the car. I consider for thought more of a manly trait then i do following my hormoms. Any animal can follow their hormons, but it takes a real man to be able to controll what he does so that he can have a better life later.
        As for the band wagon, i am off the band wagon right now, everyone is haveing sex, i am one of very few that could be having sex and is not. Therefore you are the one on the band wagon doing whatever one else is, and i am the one that has my own beliefes and is not following what everyone else is.
        It makes me less of a man that i am able to supress my sexual drives in the hope of something better? What about the fact that i don't, havn't and never will try any drugs. Those feel good to (so i am told) but i won't try them. Why? Because i have certain objectives set for myself as a good human and drugs and premarital sex in no way push those goal foward, they only set them back. Being a real man is being able to see how actions now will effect you in the future, or might effect you in the future, and being able to controll you earges in order to make your future better.

        [ November 09, 2004, 07:49 PM: Message edited by: Ender2664 ]
        2002 M5 camaro- VTR CAI, custom cat-back exhaust, battery compacitor, pullie, lowering springs, 32mm sway bar, cross-drilled slotted rotars. 1-10\" L7 in cubby.


        • #49
          I really apreciate all of the comments on what you all have said to me about what you think i should do. I am going to have a sit down with the girl in a little while and see what she has to say about all of this.
          2002 M5 camaro- VTR CAI, custom cat-back exhaust, battery compacitor, pullie, lowering springs, 32mm sway bar, cross-drilled slotted rotars. 1-10\" L7 in cubby.


          • #50
            Originally posted by HAZ-Matt:
            Yeah I know, why aren't we dogging 1DangerousV6 anymore? [img]smile.gif[/img]
            Thats because we found the true definition of "****ing moron", and we found it in ka50.

            ka, because you think that YOUR opinion is a wanted one, doesn't mean that it is. I would LOVE to see anything proving you have been with these "many" (ROFL) women. I can tell right now you are completely full of **** for one. You are probably smaking your meat looking at pics of Janet Reno right now. But it is not that we care about your so called "pimp" BS lifestyle, it is that you can't respect someone elses. So shut your trap, order more Jergens, and keep your BSing to yourself.
            1995 Pontiac Firebird
            2008 Chevrolet Silverado LT Crew Cab 4x4


            • #51

              hey, buddy, newbreak for ya! Nothing is 100% in this world. Ever heard song called "paranoid"? Listen to it. It's by band called 3-rd strike. Describes you perfectly.

              So far I know that you're good at following someone else's instructions, extremely submissive, believe in abstract ideas that make you even more submissive, absoultely have no clue about how wonderful sex can be for you and the woman (did you know there's more to sex than 2 positions and put in, cum, pull out? lol...), absolutely clueless about man/woman relations and believe that women don't want sex.

              Well, have fun in your little life, pussy boy.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Mogobs30th:
                </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by HAZ-Matt:
                Yeah I know, why aren't we dogging 1DangerousV6 anymore? [img]smile.gif[/img]
                Thats because we found the true definition of "****ing moron", and we found it in ka50.

                ka, because you think that YOUR opinion is a wanted one, doesn't mean that it is. I would LOVE to see anything proving you have been with these "many" (ROFL) women. I can tell right now you are completely full of **** for one. You are probably smaking your meat looking at pics of Janet Reno right now. But it is not that we care about your so called "pimp" BS lifestyle, it is that you can't respect someone elses. So shut your trap, order more Jergens, and keep your BSing to yourself.
                </font>[/QUOTE]lol, another player hater

                I don't need to prove or qualify myself to you. So go suck a ****


                • #53
                  Player hater, yet the player can't be proved. But you are correct, you don't need to prove **** to me, because you are full of BS. That is a fact. Just the way you talk is proof of that. You don't sound like a player, you sound like a wannabe, who is pushing thier fake lifestyle upon someone else. You honestly sound like someone who is actually too afraid to talk to a real woman, so you sit in your lonely little room, reading books on how to become a better "player". I have seen your kind before, and I have seen your true player, and my friend, you are not a player. You're sitting the bench.

                  BTW, any man that has to STUDY on how to get with a woman, isn't a player. A player is a natural thing. Players don't study books, techniques, they just know naturally what they are doing, that is a TRUE player. And I will take your $500 easily if you want. ;)
                  1995 Pontiac Firebird
                  2008 Chevrolet Silverado LT Crew Cab 4x4


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Mogobs30th:
                    Player hater, yet the player can't be proved. But you are correct, you don't need to prove **** to me, because you are full of BS. That is a fact. Just the way you talk is proof of that. You don't sound like a player, you sound like a wannabe, who is pushing thier fake lifestyle upon someone else. You honestly sound like someone who is actually too afraid to talk to a real woman, so you sit in your lonely little room, reading books on how to become a better "player". I have seen your kind before, and I have seen your true player, and my friend, you are not a player. You're sitting the bench.
                    Come down to DC and we'll setup a challenge if you want.

                    I'm just curious why you're tripping so hard about it. I'm assuming cuz you've been owned by women a lot and jealous of somebody who's made some progress.


                    • #55
                      I don't care what you have to say about me, you are a little man with a narrow view of the world. 3rd strike is my favorite band, so yes i have heard that song. I am 100% sure that i am not going to get a girl pregnanut without haveing sex. There are things that are 100%. But there is also something called increasing the odds. I could walk in my car tomorow and it blows up killing me, now i am dead. But i could walk around in LA with a 12 gauge yelling i have black people, and i probably will die. Nothing is 100% sure, but why increase my odds of something happening to me. There are so many bad things that can happen to me on a day to day basis, so why add another one to the list?
                      You are clueless about man/woman meaningfull relationships. Ask any successfull married couple with kids, sex is about 1% of their relationship. The real relationship is in communication, comprimise and sacrifice. And i am willing to sacrifice having sex now, so that i can be happier with my wife later.
                      And yes i know about sex, i have 4 older siblings that have all had sex, and i have talked to them about it...not to mention my friends, and they all say that they wish that they were strong enough to hold out for marrage, and that they commend me for trying to.
                      These belifes are my own, no one elses, so stop saying that i am following other beliefes, cause they are mine! No one else i know is a male virgin, so whos beliefes would i be following? There is no one that believes the same as me?
                      And don't say it is my parents, cause neither of my parents have ever told me not to have sex until my dad about a week ago said "remember Tim, it is illegal to have sex with your girlfriend, she is a minor" And that is becasue he is a lawyer and knows what can happen. He let me figure out on my own what is best for me, without ever telling what i should do, when it comes to sex and relationships.
                      2002 M5 camaro- VTR CAI, custom cat-back exhaust, battery compacitor, pullie, lowering springs, 32mm sway bar, cross-drilled slotted rotars. 1-10\" L7 in cubby.


                      • #56
                        Owned by a woman, sure, few times. It happens to everyone, no one is perfect. Please tell me you haven't, and I will know for sure you are lying through your teeth.

                        Jealous, I think not. Your internet pimp words don't mean anything. You can say your a player, I can say I am a millionaire, but we both know that that isn't true, unless you got some proof. But you don't have anything to prove to me, LL Cool J, I will take your word for it (ROFLMAO!!!!).
                        1995 Pontiac Firebird
                        2008 Chevrolet Silverado LT Crew Cab 4x4


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Ender2664:
                          I don't care what you have to say about me, you are a little man with a narrow view of the world. 3rd strike is my favorite band, so yes i have heard that song. I am 100% sure that i am not going to get a girl pregnanut without haveing sex. There are things that are 100%. But there is also something called increasing the odds. I could walk in my car tomorow and it blows up killing me, now i am dead. But i could walk around in LA with a 12 gauge yelling i have black people, and i probably will die. Nothing is 100% sure, but why increase my odds of something happening to me. There are so many bad things that can happen to me on a day to day basis, so why add another one to the list?
                          You are clueless about man/woman meaningfull relationships. Ask any successfull married couple with kids, sex is about 1% of their relationship. The real relationship is in communication, comprimise and sacrifice. And i am willing to sacrifice having sex now, so that i can be happier with my wife later.
                          And yes i know about sex, i have 4 older siblings that have all had sex, and i have talked to them about it...not to mention my friends, and they all say that they wish that they were strong enough to hold out for marrage, and that they commend me for trying to.
                          These belifes are my own, no one elses, so stop saying that i am following other beliefes, cause they are mine! No one else i know is a male virgin, so whos beliefes would i be following? There is no one that believes the same as me?
                          And don't say it is my parents, cause neither of my parents have ever told me not to have sex until my dad about a week ago said "remember Tim, it is illegal to have sex with your girlfriend, she is a minor" And that is becasue he is a lawyer and knows what can happen. He let me figure out on my own what is best for me, without ever telling what i should do, when it comes to sex and relationships.
                          Dude you're so clueless it's even a little scary. Sex in married couples is less than 1%, cuz women get it on the side. There are 2 kinds of men: providers (people like you) and lovers (people like me). So, while you're providing for your pretty wifey, having sex once a year, if that, I'm banging her away in my car.

                          Well, I guess a man with healthy sexual drive is no friend to a pussified man.


                          • #58
                            Wait wait wait.....Ka, I just realized you pay for it??? That is not a player, that is a JOHN!!!!! [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img]
                            1995 Pontiac Firebird
                            2008 Chevrolet Silverado LT Crew Cab 4x4


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Mogobs30th:
                              Owned by a woman, sure, few times. It happens to everyone, no one is perfect. Please tell me you haven't, and I will know for sure you are lying through your teeth.

                              Jealous, I think not. Your internet pimp words don't mean anything. You can say your a player, I can say I am a millionaire, but we both know that that isn't true, unless you got some proof. But you don't have anything to prove to me, LL Cool J, I will take your word for it (ROFLMAO!!!!).
                              Hey dumbass, real players don't talk about their women and they don't need to qualify themselves.

                              There are 3 key rules: Confidentiality, Contraception, Congruency.

                              That's all I have to say.


                              • #60
                                Ender, also I'm curious. How is sacrificing sex now will make you happier later? How is having it 10 yars later will be anymore satisfying than having it tomorow?

                                If you're sooo worried about STD's and pregnancy - get yourself and your woman checked for STD's, get her on the pill or depo shot and use rubber on top of that. Then you won't have anything to worry about.


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