Ok legal isn't gonna cut it, do what I did when I was sixteen. Save up about $300 and buy a 1/4 ounce of cocaine. Cut it bisquick or Vitamin B3(Niacin) and sell it for $60/gram. 60 x 14 = $840. Then you double the amount you bought before and repeat the process over again. If you don't cut it, then you make more money in the long run since addicts always come back. Don't worry about transporting it, just keep a bag of coffee grounds in your glove box and when you are making your deliveries just put it in the bag. Cops have to have probable cause to go in your glove box or trunk if they are locked. Just remember to keep your registration easily accessible other than glove box. And just some advice, never have people come to your house always go to theres, guaranteed way to keep the heat down. Just joking, I learned all this from Jeezy! I'd suggest getting a credit card and just charging it to that and paying it off in payments.
[ February 06, 2006, 01:32 PM: Message edited by: Kevin T. ]
[ February 06, 2006, 01:32 PM: Message edited by: Kevin T. ]