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THe Boortz report, enjoy

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  • THe Boortz report, enjoy

    Today's Nuze

    Thursday, July 29, 2004


    Democrats just love to talk about your "right" and your "access" to health care. You'll never hear them talking about just how government policies make both health care and health insurance more expensive. There is a government prejudice against an individual purchasing their own private health insurance policy. If your employer purchases the policy for you, your employer gets to deduct the cost of that health insurance on their income taxes. If you purchase the policy for yourself the cost is not deductible. In other words, you get punished for taking personal responsibility for your own health care. I wonder why Democrats don't think this is a problem? Hell .... I wonder why Republicans don't think this is a problem!
    44 million. 44 million what? 44 million Americans who don't have health insurance. You'll hear that number time after time after time listening to these Democrats. What you don't hear is that most of these people don't have health insurance because they've made a conscious decision not to purchase health insurance. Oh ... they could afford it, but new dubs for the ride are far more important.

    That brings us to the concept of individual responsibility. Other than Barack Obama .. the speakers at this convention have paid scant attention to the idea of people being more responsible for their own lives. I guess that goes with the territory when you're waging a war against the very concept of individuality in the first place.

    "Barack" and "Obama." Two words that have now been added to spell checkers on the computers of virtually every journalist in the free world. Let them type "Boortz" and they'll get that little squiggly red line. This is as it should be.

    A mouthpiece for Tereeeeeza Heinz Kerry said that the future first lady's remark that Ted Kennedy is a "perfect bastard" is "water under the bridge." Unfortunate choice of words those.

    Boston's Howie Carr calls Ted and Tereeeeeza "... two poster children for the debilitating soul-corroding effects of unearned wealth." You go Howie


    Have you been injured in an accident? If so, then last night was your night at the Democratic National Convention. North Carolina Senator and trial lawyer John Edwards addressed the crowd at The Fleet Center, along with the 483 people watching on television at home. So how was it?

    It was a pretty good Zell Miller said to Tom Brokaw afterward, the wrong man is at the top of the ticket. Edwards borrowed a lot of Reagan optimism....but in the end, would up towing the same old tired, boring, Democratic political line. Let's break it down, shall we?

    Edwards reverted to his 'two Americas' stump speech that he used during the primaries. Most of it was the same old class warfare retreads we've heard for decades from people like Ted's just in a prettier package this time. What is the Johns' economic plan? Unbelievably, their plan is to raise taxes on the top 2 percent of income earners to pay for more social spending. The premise here is that money is better spent when spent by government rather than the person who actually earned it.

    So .. what do they want to spend it on? The usual. First you have to pay your debt to the nation's most politically powerful union, the National Education Association, so there'll be even more spending on government schools. Then you have to continue your decades-long drive for socialized medicine through more government health care spending. You know the routine.

    Then came the big lie. Edwards announces that 35 million Americans are living in poverty. Not only it is not true, but what is his definition of poverty? The average poverty-stricken American has a car, a roof over his head, air conditioning, a microwave, a 'fridge full of food and several television sets. Remember this: The average American defined by the government as living in poverty enjoys a standard of living higher than that of the average European. I said the average European .. not the average poor European. Fact: You can be a multi-millionaire living in a paid-for three million dollar home with $875,483.05 in your checking account and still be defined by the government as "living in poverty." The government's method of defining the extent of poverty in this country is designed to create a need for government services. That John Edwards would even cite these phony statistics is evidence of his lack of honesty.

    And then the tort king started talking about children going to bed hungry. Do I have to tell you again how this phony statistic came to pass? Some leftist advocacy group interviewed a bunch of parents. One of the questions was whether or not their children had complained about being hungry during the past year.

    What parent could say no? I'm sure that when Ted Kennedy was being raised in the Kennedy Compound on Martha's Vineyard he at least once walked into the kitchen and said "Mom! I'm hungry." Alas, another poor American rug rat goes to bed with torturous hunger pangs devastating his already-portly little Kennedy bod.

    Then there was Edwards talking about poor, poor pitiful families struggling to get by on the minimum wage, another myth. Most minimum wage workers are, for the most part, students and young people in their first jobs. The average minimum wage worker stays at the minimum wage for less than one year. The harsh truth is that someone incapable of earning more than the minimum wage has no business getting pregnant or getting someone else pregnant. Stupid people rely on the minimum wage for extended periods of their lives. Stupid people shouldn't breed, so don't give me this "raising a family on minimum wage" BS. Please tell me you already know why Democrats like to hammer the minimum wage issue. It's for their union pals! Many union contracts are tied to minimum wage. As the minimum wage goes up, so do union wages. Simple as that ... paying off your union supporters.

    The bottom line is the left needs to portray America in a bad light, they need you to be dependent on their government programs so they can buy your votes with more handouts. For someone who is supposedly optimistic, he sure talked about a lot of doom and gloom.

    The Poodle barks and howls tonight...expect more of the same.

    Can I say anything positive about the Third World Hotel I was staying at in Brookline the past four days? Yes. The staff was wonderful. That and thankfully the couple in the next room wasn't feeling particularly randy this week. When you can hear someone putting on their socks through the walls, you don't want them trying to make the beast-with-two-backs while you're grabbing zees.

    We at Radio Row keep waiting for Alexandra Kerry to show up in that dress she was wearing in Cannes. We're pigs. All of us. No exceptions.

    The next time Shrillary speaks I want you to watch for this. When she reaches the podium she'll point to someone in the audience, smile broadly and wave. Hint: She has no clue who that person is. Never seen that person before, and never expects to see that person again. It's all for the camera .. the friendly Hillary waving at her dear, close and personal friends in the audience.

    I ran into some lower-level Fox News Channel staffers yesterday. They thanked me for spilling the beans on O'Reilly. He's universally despised. I'm told that an edition of the "Factor" rarely ends without O'Reilly singling out some hapless Fox or Foxette for an obscenity-laden tongue lashing.

    Al Franken hasn't yet arrived at Radio Row. What's that smell? Oh, wait! Is it actually the absence of a stench I detect? Yesterday the left's rabid little ****zu actually followed me up and down the hallway in front of our broadcast location nipping at my heels: "You have no sense of morality! You're a liar!" Somebody get him a hydrant, would you?


    How about this...tonight the official convention video will be shown featuring The Soufflé and it will feature footage of him in Vietnam. Of course, for a war he opposed, he sure is using it a lot for political purposes these days.

    Anyway, a controversy is coming out about some of the footage showing The Poodle in action in Vietnam. Apparently, according to a book written by the man who took over sKerry's swift boat, some of the scenes were reenacted with the cameras rolling! In other words, clips showing Senator Kerry in action may just be a dramatization. Infomercials shown at a giant infomercial. Sounds about right.

    The Poodle was no doubt attempting to follow in the footsteps of his idol, the real JFK....he knew that down the line, 'war hero' footage might just come in handy...and it looks like it has. According to the forthcoming book, the joke was that Kerry left Vietnam not because of this three Purple Hearts, but because he already had enough film in the can.


    Anybody else notice last night that during Edwards' speech, his position on the Iraq war seemed to almost match that of George Bush? The GOP is set to release a video showing The Poodle's many changing positions on the war....for it, against it, for it but not for the way George Bush did it, against it because we didn't get UN approval.

    Edwards did also say that somehow John Kerry and John Edwards are going to magically get NATO to send troops to Iraq...ain't gonna happen. Those countries aren't sending any troops to Iraq ever, under any circumstances. What makes Kerry and Edwards think their fantasy will come true? Beats me.

    Their internal polling must be telling them voters support George Bush on the war, because this is a shift.


    Last night on CBS, Dan Rather once again proved why he was a shill for the left. Right after John Edwards got done speaking and Rather and Bob Schieffer were conversing on the air, Rather delivered this line: "We know that after considerable consideration, the Bush/Cheney campaign decided to send Vice President Cheney out this week as a kind of hitman for their side."

    Hitman? That's right...he called the Vice President of the United States a hitman.

    Of course, this is just Rather being his usual Bush-hating self...but pause for a moment and ask yourself: what if a Republican had called a sitting Democratic Vice President a hitman? It would be all over the headlines, with people demanding that person's apology or resignation. But not when it comes to demonizing Cheney...that's allowed.

    Dan Rather has always been a big liberal...he just doesn't hide it anymore. Hell ... he can't hide it any more.
    The bastardification of Third & Fourth gen cars.

  • #2
    I love this line:
    "Unbelievably, their plan is to raise taxes on the top 2 percent of income earners to pay for more social spending. The premise here is that money is better spent when spent by government rather than the person who actually earned it."

    That is the damn truth right there!

    Raise taxes for those that work hard to have the extra money....SHEEESH [img]graemlins/bs.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/twak.gif[/img]
    White 98 Camaro with t-tops leather and Y87. For more info on mods just ask.<br />1/4=14.9<br />2002 Xterra V6 A4


    • #3
      i thought we were done with political posts for a while?


      • #4
        Originally posted by RallyRed 98:
        i thought we were done with political posts for a while?
        Neal Boortz may be a conservative, but as a Libertarian, he's an equal oppertunity basher.

        Besides, he's funny & entertaining [img]graemlins/rock.gif[/img]
        The bastardification of Third & Fourth gen cars.


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