I need to set up a DHCP server to automatically give out IP address to a bunch of computers connected to a switch. I'm trying to Ghost an image onto all of them, but without dhcp I have to manually change the IP address for every single computer.
We tried installing Fedora Core 2 on a machine hoping that it would install and run dhcpd automatically, but that didn't work. We can't even find dhcpd on the machine, even though we told it to install all the network server packages. We set it up with a static IP as a gateway, and to even think about changing it to automatically connect to the ASU network, get on the interweb and find the package gives me a headache. I'd rather reinstall it then try to change those settings.
Does anybody know of a small linux distro that automatically runs dhcpd, and would run well on a 350MHz machine? I dunno what our server guy was thinking, but FC+Gnome doesn't.
Does anybody know if connecting a router to the switch would give us the desired effect? I've tried this at home with my own equipment with no luck.
Any suggestions at all?
We tried installing Fedora Core 2 on a machine hoping that it would install and run dhcpd automatically, but that didn't work. We can't even find dhcpd on the machine, even though we told it to install all the network server packages. We set it up with a static IP as a gateway, and to even think about changing it to automatically connect to the ASU network, get on the interweb and find the package gives me a headache. I'd rather reinstall it then try to change those settings.
Does anybody know of a small linux distro that automatically runs dhcpd, and would run well on a 350MHz machine? I dunno what our server guy was thinking, but FC+Gnome doesn't.
Does anybody know if connecting a router to the switch would give us the desired effect? I've tried this at home with my own equipment with no luck.
Any suggestions at all?