hey there, I was trying to figure out how to formatt a bar with linked buttons and a title into a css file.
The class project we have wont let us edit the content of the html, only the css for formatting. The buttons each have three states (plain, mouse over, and depressed)
Fireworks used Javascript as well as a super table to put these together, but its no good because its all in the html file instead of the css.
Confused hehe, seen things about calling tables in css but dont even know where to start as the bar has 35 parts all with varying heights and widths... gah my brain hurts hehe.
The class project we have wont let us edit the content of the html, only the css for formatting. The buttons each have three states (plain, mouse over, and depressed)
Fireworks used Javascript as well as a super table to put these together, but its no good because its all in the html file instead of the css.
Confused hehe, seen things about calling tables in css but dont even know where to start as the bar has 35 parts all with varying heights and widths... gah my brain hurts hehe.