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Time Travel?
Originally posted by Speedin96:
I'm sorry but that is not how a time machine is built. Traveling faster then light is the only way to go back into time. IF you remember from science class, light bounces off objects and reflects colors so that you can see it, so imagine a really freakin fast Frame per second bouncing towards your eyes. Light bounces off our earth from the sun, if you were to travel the same direct as the light that is on its way AWAY from our earth and pass the light up you start seeing the EARLIER "frame". I have a time machine. It's not like you think either, it only allows you to SEE the past.
heh heh heh, actually its a good theory eh?
I have a diagram i could draw, I actually think its possible. IF you could travel faster than light.
now looking into the future is already. happining, so to speak with a telescope. take a cosmic event, say super nova, look at it with a telescope. the telescope's field of view is alot closer than the one of earth, meaning the light from the nova will reach it faster than the earth. so in effect you are looking into the future.
"but thats just my opnion" Dennis MillerFighting Texas Aggie class of 2008<br />black 3.4 T-top bird<br />- K&N CAI - magnaflo catback - slect coils - catco cat - tb coolant bypass
Originally posted by chas:
you dont need to wait log. he claims there will be a civil war (uprising?) in 2005 in the US.
95 Firebird<br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> <br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> <br /><br />me on a good day------> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">linky</a>
Originally posted by andrew.brandon:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by chas:
you dont need to wait log. he claims there will be a civil war (uprising?) in 2005 in the US.
Fighting Texas Aggie class of 2008<br />black 3.4 T-top bird<br />- K&N CAI - magnaflo catback - slect coils - catco cat - tb coolant bypass
But seroiusly, until Enstines THEORY is proven or disproven we will only be able to test and guess to our hearts content.95 Firebird<br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> <br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> <br /><br />me on a good day------> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">linky</a>
Originally posted by cero:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by andrew.brandon:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by chas:
you dont need to wait log. he claims there will be a civil war (uprising?) in 2005 in the US.
95 Firebird<br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> <br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> <br /><br />me on a good day------> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">linky</a>
Originally posted by cero:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Speedin96:
I'm sorry but that is not how a time machine is built. Traveling faster then light is the only way to go back into time. IF you remember from science class, light bounces off objects and reflects colors so that you can see it, so imagine a really freakin fast Frame per second bouncing towards your eyes. Light bounces off our earth from the sun, if you were to travel the same direct as the light that is on its way AWAY from our earth and pass the light up you start seeing the EARLIER "frame". I have a time machine. It's not like you think either, it only allows you to SEE the past.
heh heh heh, actually its a good theory eh?
I have a diagram i could draw, I actually think its possible. IF you could travel faster than light.
now looking into the future is already. happining, so to speak with a telescope. take a cosmic event, say super nova, look at it with a telescope. the telescope's field of view is alot closer than the one of earth, meaning the light from the nova will reach it faster than the earth. so in effect you are looking into the future.
"but thats just my opnion" Dennis Miller </font>[/QUOTE]On the telescope thing, you are actually looking into the past. As far as travel into the future, that's easy. You do it every time you start accelleration...the faster you move the further into the future you go(relative to someone not moving or at a slower rate of speed..)...kinda.
As you stated about moving at relativistic speeds, yes, time for the traveler would be very distorted(or for the outside observers, whichever you are) and you could travel as far into the future as you want with negligible aging. If I remember correctly it is called time dilation. That said once you get there you are stuck.
You can never EVER go faster than the speed of light in a way that would let you travel into the past. The only way that would let you go faster than light is only on a technicality (involving theoretical cosmic strings and such).
Apparent faster than light travel is possible, but a craft doing this would actually not be moving, thus the rules of relativity do not apply(the space is distorted and moves, but the craft doesn't, thus avoiding speed long as you have enough energy to power the drive system...lots of energy).
If you could travel into the past you still wouldnt be able to go back to your past, you would end up on another timeline in the multiverse. You cannot alter your own timeline.
EDIT: Oh yeah and on the viewing the past, that is very very simple. You simply get in a starship, travel however far away you need to go to intercept the light (say 10 light years for ten years) and use a super powerful optical device to zoom in on what you want to see. This has lots of limitations but it is the easiest way to do this...but it only works so far out cause the light get pretty redshifted after awhile.2005 Ford Focus ZX3 SE D20 M5 - Modified ;) <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> <br />[ U R L = h t t p : / / w w w . g e o c i t i e s . c o m / h e a r t l a n d _ h e a t _ v 6 ] Heartland Heat V6 [ / U R L ]
insnt most of that what i said?
the telescope is looking into the future as far is earth is conserned hence reltivity,
keep facts here in science, not holywood (The One)
faster than light travel is IMPOSSIBLE, or anything that resembles it.
not to completely bash what you said you are right in one aspect of your own thinking. viewing in the past is very simple, turn on a dvd or vhs. hell what you are viewing now is past.Fighting Texas Aggie class of 2008<br />black 3.4 T-top bird<br />- K&N CAI - magnaflo catback - slect coils - catco cat - tb coolant bypass
mine broke down, im workin on fixin it, but the damn thing just wont take me back to the futureFighting Texas Aggie class of 2008<br />black 3.4 T-top bird<br />- K&N CAI - magnaflo catback - slect coils - catco cat - tb coolant bypass
Everything he said is true. I also come from the future and can assure you that something terrible is going to happen. I can't say when and I can't say where, but when it happens, you'll all think back to this post and feel like idiots.1999 A4 Firebird<br />Mods coming soon-
Originally posted by cero:
mine broke down, im workin on fixin it, but the damn thing just wont take me back to the future95 Firebird<br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> <br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> <br /><br />me on a good day------> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">linky</a>
No hollywood in my post and I still think you are confused on the telescope thing...what you see through the telescope is the past. The further away the object is, the older it is.2005 Ford Focus ZX3 SE D20 M5 - Modified ;) <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> <br />[ U R L = h t t p : / / w w w . g e o c i t i e s . c o m / h e a r t l a n d _ h e a t _ v 6 ] Heartland Heat V6 [ / U R L ]
Well i just spent the last 4 hours entertaining my self by reading the whole thing.. It is very interesting, he deff does a lot of physics. He also seemed to understand a lot of phsyics laws and ideas that are just now theorys. I HIGHLY doubt this could be true but then again, we dont have to wait to long to see if the elections break apart and we fall into cival war. I just think its gonna be cool to see the 5 presidents and new capitol of Omaha. By the way he doesnt mention this but that is where the SAC airforce base was. This is also where they took the president during 9/11. According to my granpa who worked there as some kinda of millitary adivsor(notsure) allways told me that would be the safest place in the world to be during any kind of attack. If america gets nuked as bad as he says i dont know if its going to be worth trying to get through. Espically with a allmost communist type civilaztion. Few cars and not many working computers. Water being poisiond with radiation and a 60 year average lifespan. Man it would really suck. If we are in cival war next year im hauling *** to south america. The only place he said didnt get hit to bad. By the way im pretty sure he sorta hinted toward there being MAJOR weather problems, anyone else catch onto that? Am i the only one that read this WHOLE thing?
i wouldnt reccomend saying its bs and trying to talk because you just sound really stupid to those who have read the entire thing.Red 98 A4 Firebird<br />..its pretty..<br />- - - - - - - - - <br />6 Infinity 3-way speakers with Alpine deck and 720 watt Kenwood amp..
yes but in relation to earth future. example, i have a big *** teleschop, i see a star blow up. i bet you $100 that it blows up, time passes and with out the scope we watch it go, i get my money.
in relation to earth, it is seeing into the futureFighting Texas Aggie class of 2008<br />black 3.4 T-top bird<br />- K&N CAI - magnaflo catback - slect coils - catco cat - tb coolant bypass
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