Time Travel? - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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Time Travel?

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  • #46
    Very Interesting....
    1994 Arctic White Camaro T-Tops(all options except leather)<br />80 Series Flowmaster Muffler<br />Ebay Cold Air Intake<br />Earthquake in the back known as a Kicker Solo Baric 15 L7<br /><br /> <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/sirshaun\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/id/sirshaun</a>


    • #47
      Originally posted by Dominic:
      Time travel does not exist simply because there is no recording of time. Time is an instant present and the past and future are merely concepts of human thought. Please remember that [img]smile.gif[/img]
      you go girl
      The bastardification of Third & Fourth gen cars.


      • #48
        Originally posted by 3.4 [deployed]:
        </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Dominic:
        Time travel does not exist simply because there is no recording of time. Time is an instant present and the past and future are merely concepts of human thought. Please remember that [img]smile.gif[/img]
        you go girl </font>[/QUOTE][img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] HAHAHA!!! [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img]
        You guys have a very interesting thread going on here w/ a good debate, glad noone has started to flame another. I was starting to believe this till Dominic killed it for me, then 3.4 [img]smile.gif[/img]
        ---Niño---<br /><i>95\' silver 5 spd</i>


        • #49
          His Big Bang theory has made me think and actually put a little belief in me. What if the Big Bang theory is like a pulse and everytime something happens it just adds a new layer. Like a mirror universe. We are constantly moving through the universe expanding. I think its called red shift where everything is moving out. Its just crazy how we will never know how the universe began and why we are the only planet with life in solar system. So many unknowns in this world.
          1994 Arctic White Camaro T-Tops(all options except leather)<br />80 Series Flowmaster Muffler<br />Ebay Cold Air Intake<br />Earthquake in the back known as a Kicker Solo Baric 15 L7<br /><br /> <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/sirshaun\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/id/sirshaun</a>


          • #50
            Thank you Dominic! Said the words I couldn't.
            <b><a href=\"http://members.cox.net/95batmobile/d86f.jpg\" target=\"_blank\">Sinister Six</a> </b><br /><br />1998 Sport Metallic Gold Firebird A4:<br /><br />Whisper Lid, 5% Limo Tint, 30th Anniversary Side Stripes, 3\" Borla Catback Dual Exhaust, Man Fan Switch, SLP CAI<br /> <a href=\"http://members.cardomain.com/98goldbird\" target=\"_blank\">http://members.cardomain.com/98goldbird</a>


            • #51
              I do not agree with you dominic, but you point was well worded... Anyway wouldnt "present" be a concept of human thought?

              I still believe time travel is possible due to the basic fact of everything has a balence.
              Red 98 A4 Firebird<br />..its pretty..<br />- - - - - - - - - <br />6 Infinity 3-way speakers with Alpine deck and 720 watt Kenwood amp..


              • #52
                Hmmm,well I think time travel is possible,For example,the atomic bomb,it was only talk,but when the sceintists where able to make the most devestating bomb ever with spliting an atom,and adding sugar(uranium)and spice(plutonium).
                But really,the only limitations a person has,is his/her brain,if you manage to unlock it,anything is possible.
                it really pisses me off when people still think, "we are the only life in the universe"I belive thats wrong,the universe is full of it!!!thats another example of brain limitations!
                $Ryan$<br />95 3400 Teal Green FireBird M5<br />Mods: see link <a href=\"http://lowrider.cardomain.com/id/mystical420\" target=\"_blank\">http://lowrider.cardomain.com/id/mystical420</a> <br />1986 Gold Mazda B2000 ROTIP :)<br />*New*74 Moded 350 Chevy Pickup


                • #53
                  I can allmost guarrente that if he was from the future he prolly fuked a lot up. He changed my mind, i might actually pay attention in phsyics this year.. :D
                  Red 98 A4 Firebird<br />..its pretty..<br />- - - - - - - - - <br />6 Infinity 3-way speakers with Alpine deck and 720 watt Kenwood amp..


                  • #54
                    ya but THINK ABOUT IT?? Like seriously! What would be the means of acheiving time travel? There would have to be some device involved of course. And then what? You go faster than the speed of light somehow? how will your body handle that? More important, how will your brain? And then, the device would have to be electrical of course. So then, if you go into the past, where electricity doesn't exist or is poorly distributed, how will you get back? You can't PORTAL your way through time. It will never ever happen. I'm sorry
                    <b><a href=\"http://members.cox.net/95batmobile/d86f.jpg\" target=\"_blank\">Sinister Six</a> </b><br /><br />1998 Sport Metallic Gold Firebird A4:<br /><br />Whisper Lid, 5% Limo Tint, 30th Anniversary Side Stripes, 3\" Borla Catback Dual Exhaust, Man Fan Switch, SLP CAI<br /> <a href=\"http://members.cardomain.com/98goldbird\" target=\"_blank\">http://members.cardomain.com/98goldbird</a>


                    • #55
                      speedracer95v6 that's exactly what i was thinking, if you could open a portal and teleport millions of miles away you would beat the light being reflected off the earth or any object for that matter if you knew where it was, you could use a powerful telescope and actually view yourself teleporting, but its only viewing I don't believe there is a way to interact.

                      It would be like you talking to someone on a webcam, there would be a delay dependant on the distance, that would be like an example of time travel, your viewing something thats already happened. what if someone was broadcasting on radio transmissions away from the earth, you wait 15 minutes into the transmission, travel WAY faster than the radio waves away from the earth, turn on the radio again and boom your listening to a rerun!
                      96 3.8L V6 Camaro 5-Speed<br />Vroom Vroom<br />No Power Doors / No Power Locks<br />Removed Jack and Spare<br /><a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/mikerob283\" target=\"_blank\">CarDomain - Mikerob283</a>


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Cam:
                        i wouldnt reccomend saying its bs and trying to talk because you just sound really stupid to those who have read the entire thing.
                        cameron your the only the one i know who would read that whole thing
                        Red 1998 Camaro 3.8<br />K&N and Home Depot<br />2 12\" JL W3v2 Subwoofers<br />-more audio stuff to come-


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by 98goldbird:
                          ya but THINK ABOUT IT?? Like seriously! What would be the means of acheiving time travel? There would have to be some device involved of course. And then what? You go faster than the speed of light somehow? how will your body handle that? More important, how will your brain? And then, the device would have to be electrical of course. So then, if you go into the past, where electricity doesn't exist or is poorly distributed, how will you get back? You can't PORTAL your way through time. It will never ever happen. I'm sorry
                          You should not talk and read the whole thing, you can only go back like max 60 years... so bah to you.. He wouldnt have that problem, he also explains how the thing works and how your body handles it and why you are ok within the bubble it creates around you. You never really "move" faster than light, the anti-grav devices create a sort of microsingualarty, he calls it a twin parodox it think between the singularity and faster than light travel.

                          Therfore please read before you comment. I tried to explain how he says it works and what i read from other sites about stuff like this. However if you can understand it is VERY confusing. Especially since its all theory anyway...
                          Red 98 A4 Firebird<br />..its pretty..<br />- - - - - - - - - <br />6 Infinity 3-way speakers with Alpine deck and 720 watt Kenwood amp..


                          • #58
                            by the way i think this guy is COMPLETLY bull ****ting im just extremely interested in the idea of time travel now.
                            Red 98 A4 Firebird<br />..its pretty..<br />- - - - - - - - - <br />6 Infinity 3-way speakers with Alpine deck and 720 watt Kenwood amp..


                            • #59
                              I'm bored :) I should be programming, but...

                              Anyone ever watched star trek?

                              See how they rattle off words, even make it sound fairly convincing? There is an entire fictional science there. Some of it even parallels real-life science.

                              My point is this, it is easy for someone to sit down and carefully plan something out and sound both intelligent and logical.
                              2001 75th Anniversary V6 Pewter Firebird w/ Chrome Wheels, T-Tops, & Y87<br />Mods: Free Ram Air, !Silencer, Holley Filter, Full 3\" Hooker Catback, 3\" Cat<br />Best time: 15.095 at 90.00 MPH with a 2.127 60\'


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Speedin96:
                                speedracer95v6 that's exactly what i was thinking, if you could open a portal and teleport millions of miles away you would beat the light being reflected off the earth or any object for that matter if you knew where it was, you could use a powerful telescope and actually view yourself teleporting, but its only viewing I don't believe there is a way to interact.

                                It would be like you talking to someone on a webcam, there would be a delay dependant on the distance, that would be like an example of time travel, your viewing something thats already happened. what if someone was broadcasting on radio transmissions away from the earth, you wait 15 minutes into the transmission, travel WAY faster than the radio waves away from the earth, turn on the radio again and boom your listening to a rerun!
                                Part of what I was saying was just stating a way to view the past, not interact with. Just the same as what we do when we look at other stars, etc. through a telescope, only from the other side. You could watch events in your field of view even though they had already happened. Not time travel, just a peak into the past.

                                Some of my stuff was actually about time travel, but that part wasn't..lol. I'll clarify:

                                going into the future: easy, just go really really fast(relativistic speeds) for x amount of time for y amount of time to pass, whilst you in the craft will only experience a small amount of time compared to how far into the "outside" future that you go.

                                going into the past: well, darn near impossible and I can't think of a way to really make it work. If you could travel into the past you would end up in another universe(due to the uncertainty principle) and you could never really return home. The odds are against you ever coming back to your original timeline, and if you did you would have to go to the exact time you left or later, or you would be in yet another timeline(quantum reality if you will).

                                apparent FTL travel: this means to an outside observer you appear to be moving at a speed faster than light. You can do this, but in order to comply with relativity (which says you - something with mass - cannot go the speed of light, let alone faster) your ship would not be moving, but the space ahead of it would be compressing while the space behind you would be expanding, meaning the space moves, not you. You first need to figure out how to do the compression/expansion and then you need a massive massive amount of energy to drive the setup. This way you never go faster than light, but you "apparently" do.

                                looking into the past: My first paragraph explains that. Very easy just need to look at something far away, after all, everything you see is in the past, just the further away it is, the older the light is. If it took time for photons to move from an object to your retina, it is in the past.

                                Oh yeah, and if you want to read about some wierd phenomena, look into tachyons. They theoretically move faster than light, thus pressing them into different past quantum realities...and here is where string theory comes in...you can make anything move from one spectrum of the string to another, thus any string (be it photon, neutron, positron, - possibly virtual particles like gravitons) can be moved from one phase of the string to the tachyon phase and go into the past...a past. [img]smile.gif[/img]
                                2005 Ford Focus ZX3 SE D20 M5 - Modified ;) <a href=\"http://www.knightenmotorsports.com\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.knightenmotorsports.com</a> <br />[ U R L = h t t p : / / w w w . g e o c i t i e s . c o m / h e a r t l a n d _ h e a t _ v 6 ] Heartland Heat V6 [ / U R L ]


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