I had a long F'in day at work yesterday 2pm-12am, and after work I went to the gym. After heading home, this VW R32 with exhaust and who knows what else, pulls in front of me. I guess he was trying to show off to me cuz he would gun it and then slow down for me to catch up (I wasn't even close to racing him cuz I was tired as all). It turns out he lives in the same apt. complex I do. When the gate opened up, he gunnned it again just to show off, and I was like...whatever. So I park, get outta my car, look down the alley and see him with his friends starrin me down. I'm like, whatever. I wake up to go to target around 12:30ish and open my door and **** is all over my seat, and DUMBASS ME forgot to bring my wallet in, so that was gone as well. Cops and Forensics came, and I'll find out the fingerprint report come Tuesday or so. I'M SOOOO F'IN PISSED! I really think it's one of those guys or the guy in the R32, so I wanna confront him somehow, if the prints don't come up. Any ideas??
And I don't wanna hear...."man, you're stupid for leaving your wallet in your car." My response, yes, I know. NO $HIT! Also, try living in my shoes for a month right now..."
And I don't wanna hear...."man, you're stupid for leaving your wallet in your car." My response, yes, I know. NO $HIT! Also, try living in my shoes for a month right now..."