Before I say anything else: THIS IS ALL IN GOOD FUN, so let's not turn this into a flame war, ok? I heard this on a radio show down in Florida.
A woman was alone in a hot air balloon, and she was lost. Finally, she managed to find a fisherman in the middle of a lake and lower the balloon down so she could talk to him. "Excuse me," she said, "but I'm lost, and 2 hours late for a meeting! Could you tell me where I am?" The fisherman consulted his GPS unit and told her "You're at 36 degrees, 4 minutes north latitude, 49 degrees, 8 minutes west longitute, about 10 feet over a ground elevation of 1,256 feet." The woman thought a moment and said, "You must be a Republican." "How could you know that?" asked the fisherman. "Because," she said,"what you've told me is technically true, but I have no idea what to do with it. You've really been no help at all." The fisherman replied, "And you must be a Democrat." "Yes, I am, how did you know?" replied the woman. "Well, you made a promise you had no idea how to keep, you have no idea where you are or where you're going, and now you're in the same situation you were before we ever met, but somehow, now it will be my fault." If you're laughing, welcome to the Republican party.
A woman was alone in a hot air balloon, and she was lost. Finally, she managed to find a fisherman in the middle of a lake and lower the balloon down so she could talk to him. "Excuse me," she said, "but I'm lost, and 2 hours late for a meeting! Could you tell me where I am?" The fisherman consulted his GPS unit and told her "You're at 36 degrees, 4 minutes north latitude, 49 degrees, 8 minutes west longitute, about 10 feet over a ground elevation of 1,256 feet." The woman thought a moment and said, "You must be a Republican." "How could you know that?" asked the fisherman. "Because," she said,"what you've told me is technically true, but I have no idea what to do with it. You've really been no help at all." The fisherman replied, "And you must be a Democrat." "Yes, I am, how did you know?" replied the woman. "Well, you made a promise you had no idea how to keep, you have no idea where you are or where you're going, and now you're in the same situation you were before we ever met, but somehow, now it will be my fault." If you're laughing, welcome to the Republican party.