Sold it today guys. I've been trying for about a month and she finally went today. I got $7,200 for it. Not as much as i'd liked to have gotten but it's got a couple things wrong with it such as the gas guage and the salvaged title. I'm actually looking for a cheap car now and a buddy has one i might look at. It's a Red '93 SC with the supercharged 3.8 V6. black leather, moon roof, power EVERYTHING, 96K miles. can get it for cheap. hmm. Let you guys know how that pans out... I'll still be on here from time to time. I'm sure the guy will find out about this site and if he doesn't know about it i'll let him know that this is the place to get info if you need it. Thanks guys for All the help you guys have given me. Bye [img]graemlins/wavey.gif[/img]
[ November 24, 2004, 01:55 PM: Message edited by: Cole Angrimson ]
[ November 24, 2004, 01:55 PM: Message edited by: Cole Angrimson ]