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Originally posted by 4thgenowner: </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Shane: You must not have done a good job of lighting the school on fire.
[img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] [img]tongue.gif[/img] </font>[/QUOTE]:( so mean...so mean......
1998 bright red camaro ,M5 ,Y87 ,stock<br /><br />Originally posted by Rune:<br />If it smells like a turd and looks like a turd, chances are its probably not a candy bar.
Originally posted by loser: </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by 4thgenowner: </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Shane: You must not have done a good job of lighting the school on fire.
[img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] [img]tongue.gif[/img] </font>[/QUOTE]:( so mean...so mean...... </font>[/QUOTE]Ah man im joking, I have a sarcastic/mean sense of humor. No harm done I hope. [img]smile.gif[/img]
1995 Patriot Red T-Topped Z28 A4<br /><br />Mystery rebuild in progress.<br /><br />Soon to have 383 ways to beat KBreezy and Shane. :D
Originally posted by loser: </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by JohnD.: Sounds to me like you need to GROW THE FUK UP!
Edit: I'm sure your parents are proud of you.
the fire thing was an accident and this time i got suspended for minding my own business. i had a meeting today ( just got back ) with the principal and im still suspened till friday.he said im just as much at fault as he was. he compared it to a murder,he asked me if i saw someone shoot someone, would i just walk away and not tell anyone. i answered nicely that i think he is blowing this way out of paportion.im sorry but i just dont see how i " need to grow up" i didnt do anything.as for everyone saying pick new friends, now that i have time to think about it , it sounds like a good idea. its the end of the year, ill just drift away and not hang out with them next year when school starts again.
EDIT: my parents didnt care about this one, they know i didnt do anything wrong.my dad is happy i didnt nark out my friend. </font>[/QUOTE]I agree, you do need to grow up. If you havent had a previous bad record you could of gotten off for this one I am sure. Quit acting so immature, your parents pay for your school so how about actually learning something? K?
2000 Pewter Pontiac Transam 360rwhp, 370ftlbs 1998 Sport Gold Metallic Chevrolet Camaro *SOLD* 1974 Silver Chevrolet BIG BLOCK Corvette
Everyone is jumping on him so quick to grow up, but how many of you would rat out your best friend?
In my opinion, he didn't do anything wrong. He didn't commit the crime, so why should be pay the time. Take for example, would you call the police on your best friend for laying a patch in front of your house? You can't compare narking your friend out for putting paint on a wall with murder. Your principal is blowing it way out of porportion.
Then again, if you would have kept your nose clean before then no one would have even questioned you.
you are who you hang out with, plain and simple. hang around druggies and drunks you will eventually become one. hang around good people and you will not have the bad influences. im going to be blunt here. your actions arent good and you know it. there is no use complaining about it if you dont want to change.
there are people willing to help you change, but they can only do so much. "you can help a horse to the water, but you cant force him to drink"
get your act together! not because i told you to or anyone else, but because you dont want the bad rep, the mis trust, etc. etc. try to get a job. what references are you going to use?
its either be successful in life(not just careers) or be a trashy dirtbag that noone likes or respects.
right now you arent either, but are on the virge of being a trashy dirtbag. be your own man, and be who you know you should be and who you have the capability of being.
and no i have never heard dr. phil speak, its common sense.
96 Camaro 3.8 A4 Basemodel: 8 mm wires, Shift Kit, Hollowed <br />Cat(o2 sims), RKSport exhaust, IAT 5.6K resistor, Home Depot CAI<br />>>>15.375 @ 89.27<<<NEW BEST TIME <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/memberpage/552491\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/memberpage/552491</a>
Teachers/admins/custodians just LOVE kids like this because we're the ones who end up cleaning up after them like their mommy's and daddy's do at home. Stealing, lighting the school on fire, suspended 3 times...you seem to be proud of yourself. Sounds like you'll be in juvee before you graduate. How about applying yourself to something useful rather than vandalism? As some of the others have already said, these types of actions are frowned upon here.
Originally posted by Shirl: Teachers/admins/custodians just LOVE kids like this because we're the ones who end up cleaning up after them like their mommy's and daddy's do at home. Stealing, lighting the school on fire, suspended 3 times...you seem to be proud of yourself. Sounds like you'll be in juvee before you graduate. How about applying yourself to something useful rather than vandalism? As some of the others have already said, these types of actions are frowned upon here.
i understand what your saying.but in this case i didnt really do anything wrong. my grades have improved in the last 3-4 mths.and i am applying my self to school work.now i have a car to work for.if i do good in shcool my dad will help me with the car a little. and myabe everyone " frowning" on me will help me turn myself away.im not proud of my record in anyway at all.
1998 bright red camaro ,M5 ,Y87 ,stock<br /><br />Originally posted by Rune:<br />If it smells like a turd and looks like a turd, chances are its probably not a candy bar.
Originally posted by Iris: </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Th3 RiCk: Everyone is jumping on him so quick to grow up, but how many of you would rat out your best friend?
Faster than shyte through a goose if his/her stupidity causes me to get in trouble. A true friend will not get you into trouble. </font>[/QUOTE]A friend is someone you call to bail you out of jail. A best friend is the one sitting next to you saying, "That was ****ing awesome!"
Seriously people, how many of you didn't do anything worse than putting paint on a wall in high school, which he says he didn't even do. I can recall quite a few things that would outdo that by far. I turned out just fine with a lot of good memories. Have fun, but don't cross the line, only get real close to it. [img]graemlins/rock.gif[/img] If your friends are all burnouts that are eventually going to get you in a lot more trouble then dump em fast. But if you and your buddies are clean and just acting like normal people your age then don't let a bunch people on the internet change you.
But once you get a bad rep for yourself you'll be labled for quite awhile. You are guilty by association, but association with good kids who do minimal stupid things (Yeah, like putting a little paint on a wall) is totally different than trying to steal a car or deal drugs. Just know the difference between right and wrong.
Yeah he didn't do anything wrong this time or last.
Then last time he got suspended was for throwing paper or an old notebook behind an old heater. If I remember correctly there was a bunch of other trash back there too.
Never narc out a friend!! If your my friend and you narc me out for anything, don't ever expect to speak to me again, and you better even stay clear depending on the severity. Honestly if you don't like what your friends are doing (throwing paint on walls, smoking, drinking, doing crack whatever) yeah find new friends. But don't narc them out. Thats not only directed to loser but for anyone else. No matter what it is don't narc.
Hypothetically speaking, if one of my close friends called me up and told me they killed someone for whatever reason, I'm going to help them hide/bury the body. I'm not kidding, I'm sure I'll get people saying stuff about this post, but it's the way I feel. People are two faced the only way you know how good of a friend someone is, is when the time comes for them to show thier loyalty.
Perfect example HS we are at a HS football game, our rivals at thier field. Some girl tried to talk to one of my friends and he verbally cut her down. Well she got pissed apparently and told some black friends of hers we were saying racial stuff. So 5 of them come over to my group, and start talking **** we tried to explain what happened but they didn't want to listen. So 5 black dudes vs. me and 2 of my friends (well almost). So we line up and eventually after some more talk one of the black dudes swings at my buddy, then I hit him, and so on. Not 2 seconds after we started fighting my other 7 friends from our rival school are already there, and the fight was over pretty quickly after that.
All of my group all 10 of us run to the parking lot and take off, with security tryiing to chase us down. Well that was saturday.
Come monday, all of my friends get called into the office seperately. Nobody narc'd anybody else out, and only 3 of us got into trouble me and one friend from my school and one from rival school. (they could only identify the 3 of us from some crappy camera) They threatned me with expulsion and threatned to report it to police, but if I'd say who else was involved they'd only give me a week suspension.
I said nothing, even said that it wasn't me on the tape. So they called the police, the cop came and said the kid i hit had a broken jaw but parents hadn't decided to press charges. I told the cop it wasn't me on the tape. (i looked kinda dumb when he said i was even wearing the same hoodie as in the tape) But still said nothing, the cop made me think i was going to jail if i didn't give up my other friends. I said nothing, I sat there all day while they tried to get me to narc my friends.
Finally my mom and dad showed up at like 10 minutes till end of school and mom took me home, while dad talked to the cop and principle. I ended up getting 2 week "at home detention" (suspended but able to do class work at home) and i wasn't allowed to attend any more games for the rest of the year.
My other friend from my school got the same deal.
But our friend from the other school, admitted to fighting (he really messed up on of those guys, he dislocated and broke the same arm, and also broke 3 of the dudes ribs) he was black belt in taekwondoe or something and they were going to put him in jail, since he was legal considered a weapon. Assault and battery with a deadly weapon, but he got it reduced to 1 year probation, and suspended for 2 weeks. But he was looking at serious jail time and he was over 18 at the time, and he never narc'd anyone else out.
There are other examples but that is the only one I feel safe giving here on a public forum.
Hypothetically speaking, if one of my close friends called me up and told me they killed someone for whatever reason, I'm going to help them hide/bury the body. I'm not kidding, I'm sure I'll get people saying stuff about this post, but it's the way I feel. People are two faced the only way you know how good of a friend someone is, is when the time comes for them to show thier loyalty.
:rolleyes: I dont care how good of a friend you are, as soon as you do somthing wrong, and get me involoved, i look out for number 1, me.
i understand what your saying.but in this case i didnt really do anything wrong. my grades have improved in the last 3-4 mths.and i am applying my self to school work.now i have a car to work for.if i do good in shcool my dad will help me with the car a little. and myabe everyone " frowning" on me will help me turn myself away.im not proud of my record in anyway at all
Oh, that's good! Maybe I mis-read what you were trying to say. Sorry about that. [img]smile.gif[/img] It's great to hear that you're working on improving yourself. I'm sure you'll see that a lot of good things will happen for you in school and outside of school. Didn't mean to go off on the "teacher rant" before.. just don't like seeing that kind of stuff (and believe me... I see it all the time). :D :cool:
^ its ok. the whole perpose i made this thread was to see if other people thought that i got suspended for reason.( but its not turning out like i thought)i mean, 3 days is a little much for not telling on my friend.Now if i only got 1 day, it'd be different because in a way , i was wrong for not notifying someone i gusse.( im trying to look at it from the schools view) but at the time 2 little blobs of paint didnt seem to bad. My sister came home from school yesterday and told me that 3 kids in 11th grade flushed M80's down 3 tolets and blew them all up [img]graemlins/omg.gif[/img] . i had another meeting with my principal( at my request ) just to appolojize ( spelling) i kinda blew up when he first told me i was suspended.he was cool about it though, he joked around saying how i tryed to burn the school down and these kids tryed flooding it.
1998 bright red camaro ,M5 ,Y87 ,stock<br /><br />Originally posted by Rune:<br />If it smells like a turd and looks like a turd, chances are its probably not a candy bar.
heres a story that about me in middle school that shows you I know what you're going through..
6th grade, I had a bb gun and bought my bb's in like sealed packets of 100 bbs. Well a kid that lived like 2 bus stops away from me asked me if i would give him some bbs. so one day i walked to his bus stop to meet him before the bus got there. I gave him a sealed packet of bb's while we were standing at the bus stop. keep in mind this isnt an actual bus stop so much as just someones drive way. well i get called down to the principals office near the end of the day. Turns out this kid and his friend started throwing the bb's at people durning gym class. guess what? all 3 of us got the same 3 day suspension. now i never had these bb's on school property nor on the bus, and i had no idea he was going to throw them durning school. principle told all of us it was kids like us that grow up to be people like the unibomber :eek: . I got the same ****ing punishment for giving this kid bb's out of school as he did for throwing them in school. Guilty by association so to speak.
The punishment doesnt always fit the crime, but the most you can do is learn why you got in trouble, and learn from your mistakes. now maybe your personal belifes are that you should never narc on anyone, which is noble of you in a way. but you have to think about yourself sometimes, is protecting a freind worth ruining your school record, your grades by missing school, your reputation in other peoples eyes? just b/c you didnt do anything yourself, many people in the world wont look at anything other than the fact that you have suspensions on your record and never give you a chance to defend your case.
Start living now as you will once you are out in the real world. Protecting your friends is a good thing, but not at the expense of yourself imho. Luckily for you its just your school record right now, but next time it could be a legal issue and your criminal record. Just keep that in mind.
its not wrong to make mistakes, only wrong to not learn from them.
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