So has the Democratic Convention changed your mind about voting - Message Board


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So has the Democratic Convention changed your mind about voting

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  • So has the Democratic Convention changed your mind about voting

    I watched 3 of them and if I was a strong Democrat back then, I would say hell yeah. But now I got more of a critical mind. I try listening to issues and plans. And I felt that Kerry/Edwards didn't explain too much as to how they would layout their plans. A lot of inspiring words and that's about it.

    I want to know, when is the Republican Convention is going to be. I want to hear what their plans are and see if they would lay it out more clearly and how it matches Kerry's.

    Eventhough I'm leaning towards Bush, I can still vote for Kerry if his is not strong.

    1998 Firebird . 1989 Firebird XS . 1986 Fiero GT

  • #2
    Good job on being critical, most people just go on emotions and who they (and all the people that talk ish about one candidate or another) like better, rather than accessing the incredible amount of information available to the public today.

    I am firmly anti-bush just because I think he's a sneaky backstabber who wants to instate a draft, make lots of money for his buddies in the energy business, and ruin the environment. I have done a lot of research on the issues, and would personally vote for a potato befor I'd vote for bush, but everybody who looks at that stuff gets a different impression and thus everybody's opinion will be different, which is fine because we live in America.

    God sace the USA, may we pull out of Iraq soon!


    • #3
      Originally posted by 98v6:

      I have done a lot of research on the issues, and would personally vote for a potato befor I'd vote for bush, but everybody who looks at that stuff gets a different impression and thus everybody's opinion will be different, which is fine because we live in America.

      God sace the USA, may we pull out of Iraq soon!
      Interesting issue on that. I was hoping Kerry would talk more about Iraq and his plans. But it was more indirect and not a whole lot of plans of how deal with the issues there.

      Kerry did agree to go to war in the beginning but now, where exactly does he stand on this. See this is what I mean.

      We know where Bush stands and with gay marriage. But Kerry say his against gay marriage but now he's iffy about it.

      But I want to see the Republican Convention and see and compare.

      OFF TOPIC: Not wise to talk about Bush's business of money making when we know for a fact how Edwards got his 26 million.

      1998 Firebird . 1989 Firebird XS . 1986 Fiero GT


      • #4
        I didn't watch it cause I am apathetic to the whole political dog and pony show(<--directed at both parties). Somebody will win, but either way my life will continue as it has and not much will change.
        2005 Ford Focus ZX3 SE D20 M5 - Modified ;) <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> <br />[ U R L = h t t p : / / w w w . g e o c i t i e s . c o m / h e a r t l a n d _ h e a t _ v 6 ] Heartland Heat V6 [ / U R L ]


        • #5
          Who the hell has a jackass as their mascot?

          Yeah, im with the jackass party. [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img]

          Don't mean to insult democrats here. [img]smile.gif[/img]
          1995 Patriot Red T-Topped Z28 A4<br /><br />Mystery rebuild in progress.<br /><br />Soon to have 383 ways to beat KBreezy and Shane. :D


          • #6
            i watched some of it

            it was full of lying and hypocracy. I can't believe they had the balls to put ted kennedy up there i mean common

            i wish i could vote this november but ill only be 17

            i think the republican convention is like late august early september
            Red 1998 Camaro 3.8<br />K&N and Home Depot<br />2 12\" JL W3v2 Subwoofers<br />-more audio stuff to come-


            • #7
              i watched it. scared of kerry even more. I just dont know what kerry stands on some issues like Mighty Thor said. I fell like he is just trying to make people think that he believes in what the person watching wants and doesnt really say what he thinks. that scares me. i know what bush is about, and without a firm nonwaving answer by kerry, i stand by my choice of bush 4 more.
              2000 3.8 A4 Pewter Camaro


              • #8
                I really dont believe Kerry stands for anything except himself. He'll say or do anything he needs to promote himself into the presidency. He will not/ can not give a strait answer to issue.... other than his assurance that things are going to be better under him. :rolleyes: What really confuses me, is if he doesnt have anything that he stands for (since he cant make up his mind and flip-flops all over the place), and has billions of dollars from his wifes family, why the hell would he want to be president anyway? what is he going to do for us? we know where Bush stands.... and he stands there pretty strongly. There's a few things I disagree with Bush on, but damnit I know what he is about. I respect that. Kerry..... who the hell knows. I wish ANY other democratic candidate won the primaries..... then there would be question in my mind as to who I should vote for.
                \'01 Mineral Grey SVT Cobra<br />-former F-body owner


                • #9
                  Let's just say my TV was off for that whole week... I thought I was going to puke wih all the gayness in the air.
                  Lenore<br />Red 1996 Camaro 3.8L M5<br />Flowmaster 80 Series, Pro-5.0 Shifter


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ellik:
                    I really dont believe Kerry stands for anything except himself. He'll say or do anything he needs to promote himself into the presidency. He will not/ can not give a strait answer to issue.... other than his assurance that things are going to be better under him. :rolleyes: What really confuses me, is if he doesnt have anything that he stands for (since he cant make up his mind and flip-flops all over the place), and has billions of dollars from his wifes family, why the hell would he want to be president anyway? what is he going to do for us? we know where Bush stands.... and he stands there pretty strongly. There's a few things I disagree with Bush on, but damnit I know what he is about. I respect that. Kerry..... who the hell knows. I wish ANY other democratic candidate won the primaries..... then there would be question in my mind as to who I should vote for.
                    instead of saying all that, why didnt you just say "I dont know a thing about what Im talking about".

                    And Thor - Im glad to see you have an open mind. The convention wasnt meant to really bring Bush supporters to the Kerry side, it was more to mobilize the base and get some energy into the campaign. Democrats for many years have been far too splintered and dull... and this convention was great at shaking that stigma.

                    If you want specifics on the issues read the Democratic Platform available at the DNC site (if you cant find it let me know, I know its there somewhere but I have a hard copy and havent D/Ld it). It starts out about the War on Terror and Iraq and moves into National Sec and then domestic issues. Very well written and, if you can ignore the political fluffiness that is inherent to any platform peice, I think you'll really see the message the Democrats have for this election.

                    Two things I took away from the convention was that Kerry will BE STRONG when it comes to threats against our nation. Also, that the DNC is not to admit that they are Christians and have faith in God.

                    Thor, also before the election - since you are a former Dem voter, I encourage you to read "Whats the Matter With Kansas?" by Thomas Frank. It deals with why people with strong conservative "family values" and a more conservative view on gays, race issues, and abortion, etc should still vote Democratic. If YOU want to see some of YOUR tax money back vote Dem, if YOU want to see YOUR tax money go to Ken Lay vote for Bush.


                    • #11
                      Kerry doesnt know what he wants. The only thing he is going on is to make everyone against Bush just because hes Bush. Who knows where Kerry stands on the war. Bush is not the greatest president ever but hes getting my vote over Kerry. If Bush wouldnt have acted against iraq and others after 9/11 then i think we would most likely have already been attacked again.
                      1996 Camaro -- SLP CAI, Motorvator TB spacer, MSD 8.5 mm wires, 180 thermostat, Pacesetter headers, Catco 3 in cat, TSP Rumbler, custom painted interior, 18x9.5 Z06 replica wheels, Nexen N3000 265/35r18 tires, - Best 1/4 mile 15.3@89mph


                      • #12
                        I don't think the Democrats have any strong stands on the issues. Kerry waves the flag for one thing this week, and then he's supporting the other side the next week. Bush stands firm on his ideas, most of which i agree with. The DNC pretty much seemed like a whine-fest to me. I support Bush 100%.
                        \'98 Camaro - SOLD<br />Best E/T: 15.489 @ 86.48 MPH<br />60\': 2.131<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"> </a><br />1998 Saturn SL2<br />Official <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">NJ Disturbance</a> bracket racer


                        • #13
                          oh, and the Republicans have Don King working for them, trying to rally black voters. I don't think the Dems stand a chance. :D
                          \'98 Camaro - SOLD<br />Best E/T: 15.489 @ 86.48 MPH<br />60\': 2.131<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"> </a><br />1998 Saturn SL2<br />Official <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">NJ Disturbance</a> bracket racer


                          • #14
                            oh, scorpian and will.... you dont know a thing about what you are talking about. machiavelli just pointed that out to me, so now Im going to be a hardcore Democrat from now on, that way I will be right and ALWAYS know what Im talking about regardless of how much I contradict myself. I thought I might give you the heads up before he wags his finger at you too.
                            \'01 Mineral Grey SVT Cobra<br />-former F-body owner


                            • #15
                              Why can I imagine Mach wagging his finger, lips pursed and red in the face like he's scolding a child? Hmm, that's HAWT! Opps, nevermind, lmfao, J/K.
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