when you think of all the wrecks that you see on the news.. most have two 16-18year old kids racing down the street with speeds exceeding 100+mph. they have a tendency to think that they are invincible to everything at that age anyways. so they do dumb S***. they dont use the same train of thought that an older more experienced driver would use in deciding a safe speed to cut out at, driving conditions, traffic, pedestrians,etc. they see professional drivers in movies and tv make high volume traffic racing making it look easy. so they tend to think "well if they can do it so can i." kind of mentality. getting parents to pay for their mistakes makes(such as tickets)lets them get a free pass.
parents who buy their kids a fast car should not be surprised to see them get into serious wrecks. the kid wants the car b\c its fast right? well he then wrecks his Evo into a phone pole and dies becuase of that. yeah that sucks but what do you expect from a inmature kid with a fast car?
when i was that age my parents wouldnt let me get a T\A.. but now as i look back in retrospect i appreciate that. i bought both of my cars myself.(92grand am and 95 firebird) that made me think before i acted. yeah i did dumb stuff but nothing that would get me killed. im more experienced now and i am smarter. now is when i start looking at those T\As that i wanted 7 years ago.
parents who buy their kids a fast car should not be surprised to see them get into serious wrecks. the kid wants the car b\c its fast right? well he then wrecks his Evo into a phone pole and dies becuase of that. yeah that sucks but what do you expect from a inmature kid with a fast car?
when i was that age my parents wouldnt let me get a T\A.. but now as i look back in retrospect i appreciate that. i bought both of my cars myself.(92grand am and 95 firebird) that made me think before i acted. yeah i did dumb stuff but nothing that would get me killed. im more experienced now and i am smarter. now is when i start looking at those T\As that i wanted 7 years ago.