This is a yes/no questions riddle, meaning you can ask me yes/no questions regarding the riddle. If you know the answer, don't post it, but instead email me. Or put a [img]graemlins/rock.gif[/img] or :D or whatever.
1. A guy takes an elevator all the way up to his room on rainy days. On sunny days, he takes the elevator half-way up, then walks the rest of the way. Why?
(I think you can Google this, but that takes the fun out of it). And like I said, this could get really fun if no one says the answers. Remember, YES / NO questions.
[ March 16, 2005, 05:43 PM: Message edited by: 98goldbird ]
1. A guy takes an elevator all the way up to his room on rainy days. On sunny days, he takes the elevator half-way up, then walks the rest of the way. Why?
(I think you can Google this, but that takes the fun out of it). And like I said, this could get really fun if no one says the answers. Remember, YES / NO questions.
[ March 16, 2005, 05:43 PM: Message edited by: 98goldbird ]