I'm watching "True Life: I'm Obese" on MTV right now, and I'm disgusted. Before you get all mad at me, I'm not disgusted by overweight people, I'm disgusted by the ATTITUDE of the people on this show (with one exception). One guy is 200 lbs overweight and continues to eat junk food with abandon (even with his mom trying to help him eat healthy) because "I can always get the gastric bypass surgery." What a terrible, lazy attitude. Gee, I wonder why THAT guy got fat? Another girl is at least a size 22 and convinced that she is beautiful. She is convinced that it's ok to be so overweight because SHE thinks she's pretty and because "not all skinny people are healthy." I've got news for you: ALL GROSSLY OBESE PEOPLE ARE UNHEALTHY. Whether all skinny people are healthy is f***ing irrelevant. The only exception was a girl who was 600 pounds but at least acknowledged that, although she had a lymph node problem, she had responsibility, too. She also genuinely wanted to work to get healthier. Look, I know we've got some overweight guys on this board, and I know some of you are sensitive about it. I'm really not trying to offend you. But I am just so sick of the attitude that so many people take, that they don't have to put forth any effort or that it's ok to live an inherently unhealthy lifestyle. For those of you trying, I wish you the best of luck and have the utmost respect for you. For those of you *****ing and moaning about how badly the obese are treated but not doing anything about it... go do something about it. And I DON'T mean change attitudes about obesity.
No announcement yet.
Hey man I could work out if I wanted to ! lol :rolleyes:00\' firebird v6 5spd<br />201rwhp ---- 230 rwtq<br />\"Everyday I grow stronger...and further from you.\"<br />WARNING: Do not take any of my comments seriously unless they are technical in nature and then only at your own risk
When I took on Personal training business almost a decade ago, I notice that it isn't the physical part you have to deal with but rather the psychological part.
I found that women are a lot worst than men when it comes to this. Most of my women clients don't last very long because they had high expectation and sort of like thinking by working out and dieting only for a month would help them become a size 2.
I remember having a client once. She was over 100 lbs over weight. She meant a guy on a chatroom and now they are planning on meeting each other in a couple of months. The problem was, she sent him a picture when she was only 140 lbs. She came to me hoping for a miracle. I told her at first realistically that isn't going to happen.
Anyway to make a long story short. I worked her out, put her on a good diet plan and try behavioral modification. I simply made her write everything down on a daily notebook. What she eats, how she feels,and so on.
My friend caught her one time having a malt shake at mall with her obese friend. When one month past, she gained 5 more pounds. She literally cried. She knows what she's doing and she quit in less than 2 months.
I guess in a way food is somewhat of a comfort thing for her. Kind of sad though.
1998 Firebird . 1989 Firebird XS . 1986 Fiero GT
my cuzin is probably 500-600 pounds,I think hes going to die of a heart Atack becuase hes huge,(He looks like Fat Bastard off of austin powers)We tired to get him to go for walks but he refuses too.Last night we went out for pizzahut,and he at a hole large pizza to himself,Then orders two take out extra Large pizzas all for him self :eek: [img]graemlins/omg.gif[/img] I want to say somthing to him but I dont want to hurt his feelings.Hell iam 6"0,280 now,But iam starting to get back to weight lefting now and running [img]smile.gif[/img]$Ryan$<br />95 3400 Teal Green FireBird M5<br />Mods: see link <a href=\"http://lowrider.cardomain.com/id/mystical420\" target=\"_blank\">http://lowrider.cardomain.com/id/mystical420</a> <br />1986 Gold Mazda B2000 ROTIP :)<br />*New*74 Moded 350 Chevy Pickup
I'm currently trying to make Big Hawgs slimmer. Before HS started we called him Hawgs. But in HS it was changed to Big Hawgs. :(
It all started in HS. Well, as a "fat" infant, child and then teenager, he had gotten "used to" not having clothes fit him and all of the other wonderful things that went along with that. But, to be honest nothing had prepared him for the heart break he was to deal with from Jessie Stewart. He was 16 and really into cars. Had a cool '67 Charger and my group of friends were into "cruising" and hanging out at Country Kitchen drinking coffee until the *wee* hours of the morning. By "hanging out "". He met a girl, who went to the other HS and was a year older than him, my group of friends and this guy kinda clicked. And to be honest I thought him and her did too. They started out just all hanging together, then Jessie and him would go *cruising* alone. She liked the * hot cars* too. He had the biggest crush on her. She wasn't the cutest girl Ross had ever met, or the coolest. But, she just was so sweet(I thought), and had a great smile, this friendship went on for quite a few months( and for a teenager that is a LONG time). They would drive and talk for hours and hours on end. Then one night, they were out in the country , parked ( just talking). and Jessie looked at him and told him she needed to tell him something. (OH hope upon hope could it be...did she like me?) She then said the worst thing he had ever had anyone ever say to him... She said "Ross, with your personality, if you had a *HOT* body I would have met my match!" I just sat there and stared at her, not really believing( or wanting to believe) what I heard. As a "fat dude", he just shrugged it off and chalked it up to how his life would be. It has taken him many years to come the realization that, If someone chooses to not like him because of his exterior image ...they are the ones missing out on a good thing..NOT him! NOW, he tries to live true to this philosophy "The shell may be pleasing to the eye...but it is what the shell encompasses that truly matters. Because as time moves on the shell may fade, but what is inside lives on forever!" Thanks for allowing me to share!
Please understand Ross' weight frustration as he makes those posts poking fun at people. It's not his fault.
Clark, I don't mean to insinuate that we should all look the same. I agree that if a girl turned a great guy down for not being hot, then she's not worth his time. I'm just frustrated with people consciously living unhealthy lifestyles and then getting upset when there are consequences. I don't necessarily have a problem with obese people... I have a problem with obese people who are unhappy that way but unwilling to do the necessary work to change.
I use to be 5-11 300-lbs and had that same attitiude, then i got **** together and now im 5-11-185, not really skinny but better than i was. I was 176 6 months ago but then i started working hardcore and my diet went to **** cause i was just eating whatever. I need to get back on itDont call me chief.<br /><br />2001 Camaro Convertible Rs Replica<br />1991 Acura Legend
I dont know if i'm considered obese the weight i am now, but i'm sure i used to be. I used to be nearly 300lbs (295 to be exact) and now i'm on my way down, i am 235-240 right now and my goal is 180-190. I know some of you diss atkins but please dont knock it until you have read the book, done research, and realized that people that die from it are doing it wrong. and also when you have been overweight your whole life and this works, dont make fun of us for being on the diet. to be quite frank, anyone who says anything bad (AKA my friends) and get pissed at me for being on it i will say "YOU haven't been overweight your whole life, where as my whole life i've been at LEAST twice as big as normal people, so until you know what its like to be me shut the hell up"
K my little post that ended up turning to a rant (sorry) is done [img]smile.gif[/img]White 1992 3.1L V6 firebird<br /><a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/ssj_trunks\" target=\"_blank\">Here she is</a><br />----------------------------------
Almost as bad I'm half the size of all my friends.00\' firebird v6 5spd<br />201rwhp ---- 230 rwtq<br />\"Everyday I grow stronger...and further from you.\"<br />WARNING: Do not take any of my comments seriously unless they are technical in nature and then only at your own risk
Originally posted by Trunks:
I dont know if i'm considered obese the weight i am now, but i'm sure i used to be. I used to be nearly 300lbs (295 to be exact) and now i'm on my way down, i am 235-240 right now and my goal is 180-190. I know some of you diss atkins but please dont knock it until you have read the book, done research, and realized that people that die from it are doing it wrong. and also when you have been overweight your whole life and this works, dont make fun of us for being on the diet. to be quite frank, anyone who says anything bad (AKA my friends) and get pissed at me for being on it i will say "YOU haven't been overweight your whole life, where as my whole life i've been at LEAST twice as big as normal people, so until you know what its like to be me shut the hell up"
K my little post that ended up turning to a rant (sorry) is done [img]smile.gif[/img]
You're right.
Where from Chicago are you?
Originally posted by 97chevycamaro:
I use to be 5-11 300-lbs and had that same attitiude, then i got **** together and now im 5-11-185, not really skinny but better than i was. I was 176 6 months ago but then i started working hardcore and my diet went to **** cause i was just eating whatever. I need to get back on it---Niño---<br /><i>95\' silver 5 spd</i>
i'm 6'3" and 220lbs. it's mostly muscle. playing football and working out 4 days a week helps, but my diet consists of subway, chinese, BK, and mcdonald's. i need to change that.
i can understand if somebody has a weight problem and they're trying to do something about it. i'm glad that they're doing it for themselves. but it pisses me off when i'm sitting at a restaurant and a group of obese girls come in wearing thear sweaty workout clothes and each of them orders enough food to feed three people, then *****es at the waitress because she brought regular instead of diet coke. they aren't helping themselves by doing that. diet coke over regular at one meal consisting of two burgers, a burrito, and a steak isn't going to change much. this actually happens quite a bit.1996 Pontiac <a href=\"http://www.fullthrottlev6.com\" target=\"_blank\">Firebird</a> <br />Black, 3.8L A4
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