Disclaimer: I love women. I believe a man should know how to be a man for a woman.
Now this looks like a job for me
So everybody, just follow me
Cause we need a little, controversy
Cause it feels so empty, without me
Aight, listen up, the class is now in session. Copied from mASF forums, enjoy and hopefully learn something.
How to **** a woman who wants you to **** her
I've been on ASF for almost a year now. Looking back on my experiences, I
realize that the most useful advice I've gotten here is not about how to
attract girls, but how to **** girls once they are already attracted to you.
That's what this post is about: This is a summary of the most basic,
non-controversial ASF advice on how to **** women who are attracted to you. It
should be especially helpful for those who are new here.
First, a word on attraction. ASF teaches many good techniques for making women
feel attracted to you. When done properly, negs, patterns, C&F/GM/MM routines,
pAImAI, projecting sexual state, and push-pull screening are all powerful tools
for building attraction. However, when done the wrong way or at the wrong time,
these techniques can make you seem bizarre and can derail your social
interactions. You should use them if they work for you, but most normal guys
don't need any of these techniques to attract women. If you go out and do the
things you enjoy in life, and you're around other people a lot, you will
encounter plenty of women who are attracted to you.
The problem is that most guys don't know how to recognize when a woman is
showing signs of attraction, or how to **** her when she does. These are things
you can learn on ASF that every man should know, but most do not. In addition
to using this material yourself, you can teach parts of this stuff to your
friends, without even mentioning that you learned it on ASF, and have a
significant impact on their success with women too.
Almost all of these ideas came from TFM or other posters. What I have done is
to synthesize the stuff that has had the greatest impact on my own game. I hope
people find it useful...
A. How to **** a woman who wants you to **** her
1. Recognize IOIs
2. Isolate
3. Escalate kino
4. Take her home and **** her
B. How to avoid common stumbling blocks
1. Don't supplicate
2. Pass **** tests
A. How to **** a woman who wants you to **** her
1. Recognize IOIs
When a woman is attracted to you, she will demonstrate it in ways that are
quite obvious if you know what to look for. She will do this by giving
Indicators of Interest (IOIs). Common IOIs include:
- Complimenting you.
- Touching you.
- Pointing out something the two of you have in common.
- Choosing to be with you, instead of with her friends or somewhere else.
- Smiling and playing with her hair while she talks to you.
- Asking for your name (after you have met and talked for a while).
- Offering to hold something for you, get something for you, or some other nice
Once a women has given you two or three of these IOIs, that means she wants you
to **** her! Women love sex and are constantly communicating to men that they
want to ****, but most men are totally ignorant of this, since they do not
understand how women communicate and do not know how to recognize and interpret
If a woman does not give you IOIs, or, worse, gives indicators that she is
uninterested (finds excuses to be away from you, looks away when you talk,
etc.), that means she does not want to **** you. In some cases you can turn
around this lack of interest, either with social proof from other women or with
other attraction-building techniques, but it is usually a waste of time to try
to **** a girl who does not want to **** you. Just move on and find one that
One warning about IOIs... If it is a woman's job to be nice to you, for
example, she is a waitress or a stripper, you should not interpret her everyday
job performance as an IOI. For example, if a waitress offers to refill your
water glass, that is not an IOI. On the other hand, if the two of you chat for
a while, then she smiles and says "I'm really glad you came in here today and I
got to meet you," that is probably an IOI.
Also, in some rare cases women give fake IOIs. These appear to be normal IOIs
(or exaggerated IOIs), but her real goal is to manipulate you into doing
something for her, instead of to have sex with you. This is pretty rare,
though, and you shouldn't worry about it. As long as you follow the rest of the
advice below, she will quickly realize that you cannot be manipulated, and will
either leave or will become genuinely attracted to you.
2. Isolate
Once a woman has given you two or three IOIs, you should isolate her as soon as
possible. It is almost impossible to build the connection necessary to have sex
when you're around a group of people. There are several reasons for this.
First, other people are likely to distract her and break her sexual state.
Also, if her friends are around, they might get jealous and make her feel
guilty for wanting to **** you. Finally, when it comes time to escalate kino,
she might not feel comfortable kissing or touching you in front of other
people. So you need to isolate her.
It is usually easy to isolate a girl who is attracted to you. If you have met
her in a bar or club, you can invite her to go sit with you in another section
of the bar, away from her and your friends. You can also invite her to go to
another nearby bar or coffee shop with you, or if she mentions any other nearby
location, you can offer to take her there.
It is best to isolate her right away instead of messing around with phone
numbers. However, if it is impossible for the two of you to leave the group,
you can get her phone number and plan to meet up some other time. This meeting
should be something casual, like getting drinks or coffee, and should never be
a group date or any other situation where the two of you are distracted by
other people.
If she is giving you massive IOIs, and seems ready for sex right away, you
should invite her over to your place or somewhere else you can **** her.
3. Escalate kino
In order to **** you, and woman has to feel very comfortable touching you. The
way you make her feel comfortable is by gradually increasing the amount of kino
(touching) between the two of you, always gauging her response to tell when she
is ready to go further. If she reacts with tension or withdrawal, she feels
uncomfortable and you need to back up, but if she seems relaxed an comfortable
when you touch her, or returns your kino by touching you, then you can keep
There are various stages of kino you should take a woman through. As soon as
she gives you a couple of IOIs, you can start doing light kino like touching
her on the shoulder. If this goes well, you can move to touching more sensitive
areas like her hands, her lower back, or her legs (if you are sitting down).
Once you get to this stage, it is time to kiss her. Most guys make too big a
deal out of kissing. Once a girl has given IOIs and let you isolate her and do
some light kino, kissing her is easy. Start with a little peck on her cheek or
her neck. Back up and give her time to react. Then give her another little
peck. In the unlikely case that she objects strongly or seems tense, you have
gone too far. If she gives a more playful objection like "Do you always kiss
girls right after you meet them?" it is just a **** test (see below). Pass the
**** test and keep going. Escalate until you are making out.
Make out for a while and have fun. Once you have been making out for twenty to
thirty minutes, you can try to take her home and **** her. If she won't go,
just keep making out with her and try again later. Be very sensual, lick her
neck, kiss her lips, and play with her hair. Women get really horny from this
4. Take her home and **** her
Once you have been making out with a girl for a while, or she is giving you
massive IOIs, it is time to take her home and **** her. When you invite her to
your home, it is important that you provide an innocent excuse for her to go.
This can be something simple like, "Would you like to come over and hang out
for a while?" or "Do you want to come over and have a drink at my apartment?"
You can also invite her over to look at something like pictures from a vacation
you went on, your rock collection, or whatever. It doesn't really matter what
excuse you use. If she's ready to **** you, she'll agree.
A common misconception is that when a guy uses an excuse like this he is being
deceptive and "tricking" a woman into going to his apartment so he can "take
advantage" of her. This is bull****. All you are doing is providing an innocent
excuse for her to go home with you without feeling like a slut. It would be
crude if you came right out and said, "Let's go home and ****." The whole idea
of tricking women into going back to your apartment is ridiculous. If you bring
a girl to your apartment before she has communicated through IOIs and kino that
she is ready to ****, she is not going to automatically have sex with you just
because she is in your apartment. You have to build the necessary connection
first, so she wants to **** you, then invite her over.
Once she is in your apartment, don't rush things. A good rule of thumb is to
kiss her for at least twenty minutes before taking her shirt off or anything
else like that. If she objects to something you try, back up, and try again in
about ten minutes. If she continues to object, or seems really uncomfortable,
you should send her home (in a nice way). If you don't **** her the first time
you get her to your apartment, it is probably going to take several more meets
since you lose some of your alpha status, but sometimes there is nothing you
can do about that.
In truth, ASF advice is of limited use once you get her to your bedroom. You do
not want to be thinking about tactics or techniques at lay time. The key is to
stay very sensual and sexual, and get her so horny that she is dying to ****
you. At this point, you should both be in a highly sexual state, and let
instinct take over.
B. How to avoid common stumbling blocks
1. Don't supplicate
These two sections discuss common stumbling blocks that can prevent you from
getting laid. The first is supplication.
It is pathetic how deeply ingrained the concept of male supplication is in
Western culture. Rock lyrics teach kids that "Girls don't like boys, girls like
cars and money." (Newsflash: Women love men. When is the last time you saw an
article on cars in Cosmo magazine?) Hollywood churns out nauseating romantic
comedies in which the supplicating beta male "nice guy" gets the woman in the
end. Medieval legends tell of knights fighting fire-breathing dragons just so
they can marry a hot chick who got locked in a tower. History books say that
Sir Walter Raleigh threw his cape down in the mud so some uppity ***** wouldn't
get her shoes dirty. The list goes on. No wonder most men think the way to get
a woman to like you is by complimenting her, buying her things, doing her
favors, and otherwise supplicating to her.
The truth is the exact opposite. Supplication makes you unattractive. Garbage
"pickup lines" like "Your father must have been a thief, because he stole the
stars and put them in your eyes" and "Let me check the tag on your shirt to see
if you were made in heaven" are just about the worst thing you could say to a
woman you want to ****. Buying girls drinks or any other gift before you ****
her is also a bad idea. Women want to **** powerful, confident, alpha males who
have their pick of sex partners. Buying a girl gifts or complimenting her
excessively communicates that you are a weak beta male, desperate for sex, and
with nothing to offer but money and insincere praise.
You should never take a woman out to a fancy dinner, or any other expensive
date, before having sex with her. No matter what your true motivations, she
will think that you are trying to impress her, which makes you look like a
weak, supplicating beta male. Your pre-sex meets with girls should be for
casual activities like coffee or drinks, and you should let her pay her share
if she offers.
You should never buy her flowers before ****ing her, and even after ****ing
her, only on rare occasions.
Do not pretend to be interested in a long-term committed relationship if that
is not what you want. It is a common myth that players "trick" women into
having sex with them by pretending to be interested in marriage when all they
really want is sex. The truth is that only a pathetic, supplicating beta male
would try something like that. You should not be ashamed of your desires as a
man. Women are attracted to alpha males who confidently and honestly
communicate what they are looking for. Women like to **** too.
Finally, one of the most pathetic forms of supplication is continuing to show
interest in a woman who is not showing interest in you. If a girl does not
return your phone calls, or comes up with excuses not to meet up with you, do
not keep calling her or inviting her to do things with you. If she is not
interested in you, do not waste your time with her. Continuing to express
interest only makes you look more unattractive and desperate. Move on.
While you should avoid supplication, this doesn't mean you have to be a jerk.
You should not insult women or otherwise mistreat them. You can even do nice
things, as long as you do them for the right reason. If the two of you are
having fun together, and you feel like getting a drink and buying her one too,
it's okay to offer. Then let her get the next round, just like you would with
your buddies. It is not okay, however, to buy her a drink in the hopes that
this will impress her and she will sleep with you. (Women can tell the
difference.) Likewise, if she is being nice to you, and you feel like giving
her a sincere compliment, it's okay to do so. But it is not okay to walk up to
a girl and tell her she is beautiful, before she has shown any sign of
interest, in the hopes that this will somehow make her like you. Be sparing
with your compliments, and if she fails to show appreciation by smiling or
thanking you, don't give her any more.
2. Pass **** tests
Women categorize men into two groups. The first is weak, beta males, who make
good "friends" or possibly good providers, i.e., boyfriends or husbands who
provide money and security but not good sex. The second group is powerful alpha
males, who are good for sex. If you supplicate to a woman, she will assume you
are a beta male. But even if you do not, she will probably give you "****
tests" to see whether you respond like an alpha or beta male.
Here are the three most common **** tests, along with sample beta and alpha
responses to them:
**** Test One (beta response)
Her: I have a boyfriend.
You: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize... Well, maybe we can just be friends.
**** Test One (alpha response)
Her: I have a boyfriend.
You: I have a boyfriend too. And you know what he told me before I went out
tonight? He said, "If you meet someone exciting, have a good time! I don't want
to hold you back." I think it's wonderful that he is so open like that, don't
you? (said in a playful tone)
**** Test Two (beta response)
Her: I'm not having sex with you tonight.
You: Fine, then I'm leaving! (gets angry and storms off)
**** Test Two (alpha response)
Her: I'm not having sex with you tonight.
You: Who said I wanted to have sex with you? Please, just because we're having
drinks together doesn't mean you're getting lucky. Stop trying to rush me into
something I'm not ready for! (said in a playful tone)
**** Test Three (beta response)
Her: Are you a player? / How many women have you done this with? / etc.
You: Oh no, I'm not a player. I never do this kind of thing.
**** Test Three (alpha response)
Her: Are you a player? / How many women have you done this with? / etc.
You: Yo yo yo, I'm a true playa, dawg. / I lost count around 10,000 /
(otherwise escalate in a cocky-funny way that yes, you are more of a player
than Wilt Chamberlain)
These three **** tests are so common that you absolutely must be prepared for
them. But women also give a whole range of other **** tests that you cannot
predict, so it is important to understand the principles behind how to respond
to a **** test.
The first thing to realize is that **** tests are exactly that. They are
bull****. She is ****ing with you to see how you respond, kind of like athletes
joke around with each other in the locker room after a game. Do not treat ****
tests as logical questions or objections. If your boss at work says, "We cannot
continue this project because the costs are too high," that is a serious
objection and you better respond in a logical way. (This is true even if your
boss is a woman. Women are capable of being logical at work, just not in
personal relationships.) On the other hand, if a girl you are going to ****
says, "I don't think we're right for each other because we have nothing in
common," do not start struggling to think of things you have in common. Give a
witty response if you have one, or just smile and say, "Yep, we're complete
opposites!" Then continue as before, without worrying about her bull****
In addition to avoiding logical responses, you also want to avoid apologizing
or getting angry. Apologizing for some bull**** complaint she makes shows that
you are weak, and getting angry shows that your self-image is so fragile that
you place a lot of weight on her opinion of you. Stay light-hearted. If you
have a witty response to her **** test, that is best. Otherwise, you can ignore
it, or brush it off. They key is not to act like you care too much.
You should be aware that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish a **** test
from a legitimate objection. For example, if you invite a woman to your
apartment and she says, "I don't know you well enough," a good response is
"What do want to know about me?" That is a witty way to brush off her
objection. But if she continues to go on about not feeling like she knows you,
it could mean that instead of this being a **** test, you really need to spend
more time building rapport with her so she feels comfortable ****ing you. It's
a judgment call.
When a woman gives you a **** test, you should consider this a good sign, since
it means she is thinking about ****ing you and wants to make sure you are
However, if a girl gets out of control and gives you more than, say, five ****
tests in a short period, at that point she's just being a *****, and you
probably want to move on to another girl.
Now this looks like a job for me
So everybody, just follow me
Cause we need a little, controversy
Cause it feels so empty, without me
Aight, listen up, the class is now in session. Copied from mASF forums, enjoy and hopefully learn something.
How to **** a woman who wants you to **** her
I've been on ASF for almost a year now. Looking back on my experiences, I
realize that the most useful advice I've gotten here is not about how to
attract girls, but how to **** girls once they are already attracted to you.
That's what this post is about: This is a summary of the most basic,
non-controversial ASF advice on how to **** women who are attracted to you. It
should be especially helpful for those who are new here.
First, a word on attraction. ASF teaches many good techniques for making women
feel attracted to you. When done properly, negs, patterns, C&F/GM/MM routines,
pAImAI, projecting sexual state, and push-pull screening are all powerful tools
for building attraction. However, when done the wrong way or at the wrong time,
these techniques can make you seem bizarre and can derail your social
interactions. You should use them if they work for you, but most normal guys
don't need any of these techniques to attract women. If you go out and do the
things you enjoy in life, and you're around other people a lot, you will
encounter plenty of women who are attracted to you.
The problem is that most guys don't know how to recognize when a woman is
showing signs of attraction, or how to **** her when she does. These are things
you can learn on ASF that every man should know, but most do not. In addition
to using this material yourself, you can teach parts of this stuff to your
friends, without even mentioning that you learned it on ASF, and have a
significant impact on their success with women too.
Almost all of these ideas came from TFM or other posters. What I have done is
to synthesize the stuff that has had the greatest impact on my own game. I hope
people find it useful...
A. How to **** a woman who wants you to **** her
1. Recognize IOIs
2. Isolate
3. Escalate kino
4. Take her home and **** her
B. How to avoid common stumbling blocks
1. Don't supplicate
2. Pass **** tests
A. How to **** a woman who wants you to **** her
1. Recognize IOIs
When a woman is attracted to you, she will demonstrate it in ways that are
quite obvious if you know what to look for. She will do this by giving
Indicators of Interest (IOIs). Common IOIs include:
- Complimenting you.
- Touching you.
- Pointing out something the two of you have in common.
- Choosing to be with you, instead of with her friends or somewhere else.
- Smiling and playing with her hair while she talks to you.
- Asking for your name (after you have met and talked for a while).
- Offering to hold something for you, get something for you, or some other nice
Once a women has given you two or three of these IOIs, that means she wants you
to **** her! Women love sex and are constantly communicating to men that they
want to ****, but most men are totally ignorant of this, since they do not
understand how women communicate and do not know how to recognize and interpret
If a woman does not give you IOIs, or, worse, gives indicators that she is
uninterested (finds excuses to be away from you, looks away when you talk,
etc.), that means she does not want to **** you. In some cases you can turn
around this lack of interest, either with social proof from other women or with
other attraction-building techniques, but it is usually a waste of time to try
to **** a girl who does not want to **** you. Just move on and find one that
One warning about IOIs... If it is a woman's job to be nice to you, for
example, she is a waitress or a stripper, you should not interpret her everyday
job performance as an IOI. For example, if a waitress offers to refill your
water glass, that is not an IOI. On the other hand, if the two of you chat for
a while, then she smiles and says "I'm really glad you came in here today and I
got to meet you," that is probably an IOI.
Also, in some rare cases women give fake IOIs. These appear to be normal IOIs
(or exaggerated IOIs), but her real goal is to manipulate you into doing
something for her, instead of to have sex with you. This is pretty rare,
though, and you shouldn't worry about it. As long as you follow the rest of the
advice below, she will quickly realize that you cannot be manipulated, and will
either leave or will become genuinely attracted to you.
2. Isolate
Once a woman has given you two or three IOIs, you should isolate her as soon as
possible. It is almost impossible to build the connection necessary to have sex
when you're around a group of people. There are several reasons for this.
First, other people are likely to distract her and break her sexual state.
Also, if her friends are around, they might get jealous and make her feel
guilty for wanting to **** you. Finally, when it comes time to escalate kino,
she might not feel comfortable kissing or touching you in front of other
people. So you need to isolate her.
It is usually easy to isolate a girl who is attracted to you. If you have met
her in a bar or club, you can invite her to go sit with you in another section
of the bar, away from her and your friends. You can also invite her to go to
another nearby bar or coffee shop with you, or if she mentions any other nearby
location, you can offer to take her there.
It is best to isolate her right away instead of messing around with phone
numbers. However, if it is impossible for the two of you to leave the group,
you can get her phone number and plan to meet up some other time. This meeting
should be something casual, like getting drinks or coffee, and should never be
a group date or any other situation where the two of you are distracted by
other people.
If she is giving you massive IOIs, and seems ready for sex right away, you
should invite her over to your place or somewhere else you can **** her.
3. Escalate kino
In order to **** you, and woman has to feel very comfortable touching you. The
way you make her feel comfortable is by gradually increasing the amount of kino
(touching) between the two of you, always gauging her response to tell when she
is ready to go further. If she reacts with tension or withdrawal, she feels
uncomfortable and you need to back up, but if she seems relaxed an comfortable
when you touch her, or returns your kino by touching you, then you can keep
There are various stages of kino you should take a woman through. As soon as
she gives you a couple of IOIs, you can start doing light kino like touching
her on the shoulder. If this goes well, you can move to touching more sensitive
areas like her hands, her lower back, or her legs (if you are sitting down).
Once you get to this stage, it is time to kiss her. Most guys make too big a
deal out of kissing. Once a girl has given IOIs and let you isolate her and do
some light kino, kissing her is easy. Start with a little peck on her cheek or
her neck. Back up and give her time to react. Then give her another little
peck. In the unlikely case that she objects strongly or seems tense, you have
gone too far. If she gives a more playful objection like "Do you always kiss
girls right after you meet them?" it is just a **** test (see below). Pass the
**** test and keep going. Escalate until you are making out.
Make out for a while and have fun. Once you have been making out for twenty to
thirty minutes, you can try to take her home and **** her. If she won't go,
just keep making out with her and try again later. Be very sensual, lick her
neck, kiss her lips, and play with her hair. Women get really horny from this
4. Take her home and **** her
Once you have been making out with a girl for a while, or she is giving you
massive IOIs, it is time to take her home and **** her. When you invite her to
your home, it is important that you provide an innocent excuse for her to go.
This can be something simple like, "Would you like to come over and hang out
for a while?" or "Do you want to come over and have a drink at my apartment?"
You can also invite her over to look at something like pictures from a vacation
you went on, your rock collection, or whatever. It doesn't really matter what
excuse you use. If she's ready to **** you, she'll agree.
A common misconception is that when a guy uses an excuse like this he is being
deceptive and "tricking" a woman into going to his apartment so he can "take
advantage" of her. This is bull****. All you are doing is providing an innocent
excuse for her to go home with you without feeling like a slut. It would be
crude if you came right out and said, "Let's go home and ****." The whole idea
of tricking women into going back to your apartment is ridiculous. If you bring
a girl to your apartment before she has communicated through IOIs and kino that
she is ready to ****, she is not going to automatically have sex with you just
because she is in your apartment. You have to build the necessary connection
first, so she wants to **** you, then invite her over.
Once she is in your apartment, don't rush things. A good rule of thumb is to
kiss her for at least twenty minutes before taking her shirt off or anything
else like that. If she objects to something you try, back up, and try again in
about ten minutes. If she continues to object, or seems really uncomfortable,
you should send her home (in a nice way). If you don't **** her the first time
you get her to your apartment, it is probably going to take several more meets
since you lose some of your alpha status, but sometimes there is nothing you
can do about that.
In truth, ASF advice is of limited use once you get her to your bedroom. You do
not want to be thinking about tactics or techniques at lay time. The key is to
stay very sensual and sexual, and get her so horny that she is dying to ****
you. At this point, you should both be in a highly sexual state, and let
instinct take over.
B. How to avoid common stumbling blocks
1. Don't supplicate
These two sections discuss common stumbling blocks that can prevent you from
getting laid. The first is supplication.
It is pathetic how deeply ingrained the concept of male supplication is in
Western culture. Rock lyrics teach kids that "Girls don't like boys, girls like
cars and money." (Newsflash: Women love men. When is the last time you saw an
article on cars in Cosmo magazine?) Hollywood churns out nauseating romantic
comedies in which the supplicating beta male "nice guy" gets the woman in the
end. Medieval legends tell of knights fighting fire-breathing dragons just so
they can marry a hot chick who got locked in a tower. History books say that
Sir Walter Raleigh threw his cape down in the mud so some uppity ***** wouldn't
get her shoes dirty. The list goes on. No wonder most men think the way to get
a woman to like you is by complimenting her, buying her things, doing her
favors, and otherwise supplicating to her.
The truth is the exact opposite. Supplication makes you unattractive. Garbage
"pickup lines" like "Your father must have been a thief, because he stole the
stars and put them in your eyes" and "Let me check the tag on your shirt to see
if you were made in heaven" are just about the worst thing you could say to a
woman you want to ****. Buying girls drinks or any other gift before you ****
her is also a bad idea. Women want to **** powerful, confident, alpha males who
have their pick of sex partners. Buying a girl gifts or complimenting her
excessively communicates that you are a weak beta male, desperate for sex, and
with nothing to offer but money and insincere praise.
You should never take a woman out to a fancy dinner, or any other expensive
date, before having sex with her. No matter what your true motivations, she
will think that you are trying to impress her, which makes you look like a
weak, supplicating beta male. Your pre-sex meets with girls should be for
casual activities like coffee or drinks, and you should let her pay her share
if she offers.
You should never buy her flowers before ****ing her, and even after ****ing
her, only on rare occasions.
Do not pretend to be interested in a long-term committed relationship if that
is not what you want. It is a common myth that players "trick" women into
having sex with them by pretending to be interested in marriage when all they
really want is sex. The truth is that only a pathetic, supplicating beta male
would try something like that. You should not be ashamed of your desires as a
man. Women are attracted to alpha males who confidently and honestly
communicate what they are looking for. Women like to **** too.
Finally, one of the most pathetic forms of supplication is continuing to show
interest in a woman who is not showing interest in you. If a girl does not
return your phone calls, or comes up with excuses not to meet up with you, do
not keep calling her or inviting her to do things with you. If she is not
interested in you, do not waste your time with her. Continuing to express
interest only makes you look more unattractive and desperate. Move on.
While you should avoid supplication, this doesn't mean you have to be a jerk.
You should not insult women or otherwise mistreat them. You can even do nice
things, as long as you do them for the right reason. If the two of you are
having fun together, and you feel like getting a drink and buying her one too,
it's okay to offer. Then let her get the next round, just like you would with
your buddies. It is not okay, however, to buy her a drink in the hopes that
this will impress her and she will sleep with you. (Women can tell the
difference.) Likewise, if she is being nice to you, and you feel like giving
her a sincere compliment, it's okay to do so. But it is not okay to walk up to
a girl and tell her she is beautiful, before she has shown any sign of
interest, in the hopes that this will somehow make her like you. Be sparing
with your compliments, and if she fails to show appreciation by smiling or
thanking you, don't give her any more.
2. Pass **** tests
Women categorize men into two groups. The first is weak, beta males, who make
good "friends" or possibly good providers, i.e., boyfriends or husbands who
provide money and security but not good sex. The second group is powerful alpha
males, who are good for sex. If you supplicate to a woman, she will assume you
are a beta male. But even if you do not, she will probably give you "****
tests" to see whether you respond like an alpha or beta male.
Here are the three most common **** tests, along with sample beta and alpha
responses to them:
**** Test One (beta response)
Her: I have a boyfriend.
You: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize... Well, maybe we can just be friends.
**** Test One (alpha response)
Her: I have a boyfriend.
You: I have a boyfriend too. And you know what he told me before I went out
tonight? He said, "If you meet someone exciting, have a good time! I don't want
to hold you back." I think it's wonderful that he is so open like that, don't
you? (said in a playful tone)
**** Test Two (beta response)
Her: I'm not having sex with you tonight.
You: Fine, then I'm leaving! (gets angry and storms off)
**** Test Two (alpha response)
Her: I'm not having sex with you tonight.
You: Who said I wanted to have sex with you? Please, just because we're having
drinks together doesn't mean you're getting lucky. Stop trying to rush me into
something I'm not ready for! (said in a playful tone)
**** Test Three (beta response)
Her: Are you a player? / How many women have you done this with? / etc.
You: Oh no, I'm not a player. I never do this kind of thing.
**** Test Three (alpha response)
Her: Are you a player? / How many women have you done this with? / etc.
You: Yo yo yo, I'm a true playa, dawg. / I lost count around 10,000 /
(otherwise escalate in a cocky-funny way that yes, you are more of a player
than Wilt Chamberlain)
These three **** tests are so common that you absolutely must be prepared for
them. But women also give a whole range of other **** tests that you cannot
predict, so it is important to understand the principles behind how to respond
to a **** test.
The first thing to realize is that **** tests are exactly that. They are
bull****. She is ****ing with you to see how you respond, kind of like athletes
joke around with each other in the locker room after a game. Do not treat ****
tests as logical questions or objections. If your boss at work says, "We cannot
continue this project because the costs are too high," that is a serious
objection and you better respond in a logical way. (This is true even if your
boss is a woman. Women are capable of being logical at work, just not in
personal relationships.) On the other hand, if a girl you are going to ****
says, "I don't think we're right for each other because we have nothing in
common," do not start struggling to think of things you have in common. Give a
witty response if you have one, or just smile and say, "Yep, we're complete
opposites!" Then continue as before, without worrying about her bull****
In addition to avoiding logical responses, you also want to avoid apologizing
or getting angry. Apologizing for some bull**** complaint she makes shows that
you are weak, and getting angry shows that your self-image is so fragile that
you place a lot of weight on her opinion of you. Stay light-hearted. If you
have a witty response to her **** test, that is best. Otherwise, you can ignore
it, or brush it off. They key is not to act like you care too much.
You should be aware that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish a **** test
from a legitimate objection. For example, if you invite a woman to your
apartment and she says, "I don't know you well enough," a good response is
"What do want to know about me?" That is a witty way to brush off her
objection. But if she continues to go on about not feeling like she knows you,
it could mean that instead of this being a **** test, you really need to spend
more time building rapport with her so she feels comfortable ****ing you. It's
a judgment call.
When a woman gives you a **** test, you should consider this a good sign, since
it means she is thinking about ****ing you and wants to make sure you are
However, if a girl gets out of control and gives you more than, say, five ****
tests in a short period, at that point she's just being a *****, and you
probably want to move on to another girl.