Bush has a sense of humor?!? - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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Bush has a sense of humor?!?

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  • Bush has a sense of humor?!?

    The answer to his last question in tonight's debate...

    Question: "Both of you candidates are married to strong wives and you have two beautiful daughters each, what's the one thing you learned from them?"

    Bush's answer: "To listen to them!"

    It received a roar of applause but it just goes to prove the point... he's full of it. Four stinking years of his totalitarian regime and now all of a sudden he's put on the spot, potentially going to lose the election, and he shows a sense of humor? Where has this been for the past four years? Why the sudden change now? Because he's putting on a face.

    If I was a dimwitted moron I'd say "wow, that was a funny comeback, I should vote for him" but thank you Good Lord, I know better.

    Interesting debate though. Bush didn't seem like as much of a moron as he usually does. Too bad he'll revert to "let's turn the rest of the civilized world against us and drive the country deeper into recession to fight terrorists" if he gets re-elected, particularly as a lame duck.

  • #2
    he's had a sense of humor all along. nobody ever understood it as he laughed to himself at the podium numerous times over the years, but it's been there. another good one was when he said kerry could debate himself for 90 minutes. [img]tongue.gif[/img]

    how'd this debate go? i just got home about ten minutes ago, so i missed it.
    1996 Pontiac <a href=\"http://www.fullthrottlev6.com\" target=\"_blank\">Firebird</a> <br />Black, 3.8L A4


    • #3
      Bush did much better than the fool he made of himself in the first debate.

      I'd still say Kerry won but not by as much as the first or second rounds.

      It didn't make me want to turn the TV off or barf at all, so that's a start.

      (Disclaimer again: even though I support Kerry, that does not mean I'm a brainless wishy-washy liberal that every Bush-supporter seems to think any Bush-hater is. I'm a traditional conservative who used to support Bush but have turned against him in the past year or so.)


      • #4
        Another dumbass Texan!

        2001 Black Z28 M6<br />Sprayed, slotted, geared and more~


        • #5
          One point that comes to mind was taxation.

          Bush, as the papers predicted, tried to paint the picture that Kerry is a wishy-washy liberal who is for raising taxes and having the government pay for everything (mostly healthcare). Kerry tried to paint the picture that Bush's tax cuts only favor the wealthiest 2% of the population.

          The thought that comes to mind is Bush's claim about his tax cuts. I believe he used the figure of an $1800 savings for the average middle class family. That's funny, because I am middle class and I didn't save ****. Oh wait, that's because I don't have kids and that benefit went out to people with children. Maybe I should knock Jenn up a few times to get a tax break? :rolleyes: Oh, wait, his benefits also go to homeowners. Well guess what? By the time you f'ing buy a home you are already financially stable. Jenn and I are not at that point yet. The people who can NOT afford to buy their own home are the people that need that tax break the most. But nevermind that we slave away for a living, we're obviously scum because we're not homeowners...

          The other major focus was health care... where Kerry said he has major plans for reform to make it more affordable and Bush said its fine the way it is with private companies providing everything insead of the government getting involved. In fact, he even said something along the lines of "whenever government gets involved in health care, quality diminishes". To that I ask, what nations in the world have the best health care systems? Three come to mind: Sweden, Denmark, and Switzerland. In all three of those, the government pays 100% of health care costs. If government intervention decreases quality, why have those three nations had the best standards of health care for the past fifty straight years??? Those countries are often used as models for what health care systems should be like.

          Also, for the record, it wasn't until early this year that Jenn or I had health insurance. Sure, we had coverage when our parents paid, but after that it was gone. Could we afford it at the time? Hell no. Today we have it through our employers but the coverage royally sucks.

          I shudder to think of what would have happened this spring when Jenn severed her left index finger tendon working on her car had it happened just a few months before her benefits at her new job kicked in. She had to get reconstructive surgery that cost more than any Trans Am. If that had happened six months prior we'd be filing bankruptcy.

          "But why didn't you just pay the premiums for private insurance?" Because like many, many other Americans, we could not afford it. Health insurance should not cost a quarter of your rent.


          • #6
            Yes, President Bush *does* have a sense of humor, it's just a little odd at times, like mine LOL.
            Check out my stable of supercharged W-Bodies <a href=\"http://www.fullthrottlev6.com/forums/vbgarage.php?do=view&id=136\" target=\"_blank\">HERE</a><br /><b>\'97 Pontiac GP GTP Coupe</b><br /><b>\'98 Regal GS | L67 3800 Series II</b>


            • #7
              Bush wins. Why? He did some testing with a Camaro.

              Don't argue with me. I'm right, you're wrong. ;)
              2002 NBM Firehawk #312 | <a href=\"http://hawk.visionsconnect.com\" target=\"_blank\">hawk.visionsconnect.com</a>


              • #8
                Originally posted by epic:

                Don't argue with me. I'm right, you're wrong. ;)
                that gets you banned around here


                I'm a Bush supporter because even though I don't agree with everything, I agree with even less of Kerry. Now, I know I'm going to get bashed and disrespected by someone for my views, but I won't stoop to that level :rolleyes: (the whole i'm right you're wrong no matter what thing doesn't slide with me)
                2011 Camaro LS 6M, in black.


                • #9
                  I'm voting bush and not for his sense of humor...everyone can have their own opinion and everyone thinks their opinion is better.
                  2005 Ford Focus ZX3 SE D20 M5 - Modified ;) <a href=\"http://www.knightenmotorsports.com\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.knightenmotorsports.com</a> <br />[ U R L = h t t p : / / w w w . g e o c i t i e s . c o m / h e a r t l a n d _ h e a t _ v 6 ] Heartland Heat V6 [ / U R L ]


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by navyblue2000:
                    (the whole i'm right you're wrong no matter what thing doesn't slide with me)
                    Exactly. I think it's pretty childish, hense my deterrent that Bush did some maneuvering with an F-Body. [img]smile.gif[/img]
                    2002 NBM Firehawk #312 | <a href=\"http://hawk.visionsconnect.com\" target=\"_blank\">hawk.visionsconnect.com</a>


                    • #11
                      As much as I prefer conservative republican party over liberal democratic, I say - f*ck bush with his militaristic a-la conquestador attitude and f*cked up patriot act, which violates citizen's rights and spits in the face of United States Constitution. On debates he looks like he just graduated from special ed class... retarded humor and zero professionalism.

                      Kerry isn't a piece of pie either, but definetly better than police state dictator bush.

                      [ October 14, 2004, 01:27 AM: Message edited by: ka50 ]


                      • #12
                        Whatever the cosy relationship between US governments
                        and Big Business, it certainly hasn't been as successful
                        compared to the European Union.

                        455 million people are citizens of the EU as opposed to
                        300 million in USA.

                        The EU now is the biggest internal single market, as well
                        as the largest trader, in the world. It's GNP of $10.5 trillion
                        already exceeds America and it also has a trade surplus
                        not a deficit. It's currency, the Euro, is stronger than the
                        US Dollar by 25%. (If you deduct the costs of military
                        adventures, the US shortfall is even greater.)

                        61 of the top 150 global companies are European, as
                        opposed to 50 American and 49 elsewhere. European
                        corporations are becoming stronger in America too.

                        Nokia of Finland is the No1 producer of cell phones.
                        Bertlesmann of Germany is the world's third largest
                        media company and the No1 book publisher (it owns
                        Random House, Penguin, Putnam and Viking.) Airbus
                        now controls 76% of the global airplane market having
                        long since outperformed Boeing. The Dutch company
                        Ahold is the worlds largest food retailer - and the biggest
                        on the American East Coast, owning Giant, BiLo,
                        Stop & Shop and Brunos. Deutsche Post owns Air
                        Express and are fast overtaking UPS and Federal Express.
                        Fourteen of the worlds largest banks are now European -
                        including 3 of the top 4. Eight of the top ten insurance
                        companies are European. In a recent survey, by Global
                        Finance, of the worlds fifty best companies all but one
                        (Hilton) were European. Should we go on?........

                        Contrary to the Bush talk about the importance of Small
                        Businesses - there are in fact far more small businesses
                        in Europe, representing 66% of employment as opposed to
                        46% in USA. There are also more millionaires in Europe
                        than USA - 2.6 million to 2.2 million.

                        In seven of ten leading economic indicators, America was
                        outperformed last year by Denmark, Finland, Netherlands,
                        Sweden and UK. And this was so despite such countries
                        providing far more than America in terms of social
                        services (such as public health and transportation)

                        As to the quality of life, while Americans live to work,
                        Europeans work to live. They are more concious
                        socially, which we are told is a road downhill. But is it?

                        EDUCATION - American children rank 15th in reading
                        literacy, lower in mathematics literacy than 12 European
                        nations, lower in scientific literacy than 8 European nations.
                        The average teenager in America finishes 16.5 years of
                        education - 17.5 years in Europe. 22% of US children live
                        in poverty - dead last among developed nations.

                        HEALTH - Americans believe they have the worlds best
                        health care system - but this is not supported by facts.
                        In the EU there are 322 physicians per 100,000 people -
                        in USA - 279. America is 26th at 7 deaths per 1000
                        births - well below the EU average. Average life expectancy
                        in the EU is 78.2 and in America 76.9. Even worse - the US
                        ranks 24th in the world in disability life expectancy - far
                        below any European country. The World Health Organisation
                        rated America's overall health performance at 37th - and in terms
                        of fairness of health system to all, 54th - dead last of
                        all countries surveyed. Yet The USA spends far more on
                        health care than any other nation in the world - $4,900 per
                        person per year.

                        SECURITY - It is more dangerous to be out on the streets
                        of America than Europe. 1.7 murders per 100,000 Europeans,
                        6.26 murders per 100,000 Americans. Childhood murders,
                        suicides, firearm related deaths, far exceed the worlds top
                        25 wealthiest nations, including all European. People lock
                        their doors in American cities. The EU has 87 prisoners per
                        100,000 citizens in jail - in America an incredible 685.

                        THE FUTURE - While Europe is busily preparing for a new
                        era, America seems desperately trying to hold on to the old
                        one, which favors the wealthy at the expense of the middle
                        class. America seems determined to ensure the supply of
                        strategic raw materials (mainly oil) by military force -
                        Europe prefers to negotiate diplomatically (even if the
                        products themselves cost more.)

                        All this is bad enough but the real danger to America is
                        that other countries are now beginning to sell and buy oil
                        in Euros not Dollars. This in turn is likely to result in more
                        world investment in the euro and less in the dollar. In turn
                        again further risking the US economy which depends on
                        overseas investment to support it's huge deficit of $450
                        billion - and it's grotesque National Debt of $7.2 trillion.
                        The US has no alternative (after the election) but to raise
                        interest rates and probably taxes, which will not only make
                        mortgage and car payments higher but also deflate sales
                        of such products - and therefore the economy.

                        If America designed and made things to export more
                        agressively, it might not matter so much . But of course
                        Americans make little these days. Many American plants
                        in a desperate attempt to remain competitive have moved

                        Perhaps some new development will arise like PC
                        computers, to be seized upon by traditional American ingenuity
                        and create a new industry. But both corporate and government
                        investment in R&D for new products is - you guessed it - far
                        lower than in Europe. Consequently American made
                        products are increasingly either unavailable or uncompetitive
                        in world markets. It is hard to see how this can lead to anything
                        but lower incomes and harder times for most Americans.

                        For those who think abortion, gay marriage, stem cell
                        research, immigration, school prayer or even the war in
                        Iraq to be crucial life threatening issues - they are minor
                        compared to the unquestionable evidence that the future
                        seems now to lie in Europe - and for that matter, in
                        SE Asia.

                        It may be too late for older folks - but you might suggest
                        to a young person or grandchild - could be a good idea
                        to learn a second language and consider emmigration.
                        Just like we once did......
                        This was posted on fark, dunno what the source is.
                        Matt<br />2000 Firebird<br /><br /><a href=\"http://www.fullthrottlev6.com/forums/index.php?\" target=\"_blank\">FullThrottleV6.com</a>


                        • #13
                          I coudn't beleive it tonight when Bush said "our health care system is the envy of the world."

                          What really bothers me though is not that he said it, but that millions of people will beleive it.

                          Kerry is right about "Integrity" if either canidate had it, they would win by a landslide.

                          [ October 14, 2004, 02:10 AM: Message edited by: phoenix64 ]
                          Turbocharged and intercooled.<br />17psi(oops), stock fuel pump, no FMU<br /> <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/phoenix64\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/id/phoenix64</a> <br />Video: <a href=\"ftp://ftp.pfabrication.com\" target=\"_blank\">ftp://ftp.pfabrication.com</a> Assorted car ****: TurboCamaroFull.


                          • #14
                            Go US Healthcare professionals! WOOO!
                            Matt<br />2000 Firebird<br /><br /><a href=\"http://www.fullthrottlev6.com/forums/index.php?\" target=\"_blank\">FullThrottleV6.com</a>


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Stefan:

                              The other major focus was health care... where Kerry said he has major plans for reform to make it more affordable and Bush said its fine the way it is with private companies providing everything insead of the government getting involved. In fact, he even said something along the lines of "whenever government gets involved in health care, quality diminishes". To that I ask, what nations in the world have the best health care systems? Three come to mind: Sweden, Denmark, and Switzerland. In all three of those, the government pays 100% of health care costs. If government intervention decreases quality, why have those three nations had the best standards of health care for the past fifty straight years??? Those countries are often used as models for what health care systems should be like.

                              "But why didn't you just pay the premiums for private insurance?" Because like many, many other Americans, we could not afford it. Health insurance should not cost a quarter of your rent.
                              Why doesn't the United States pay 100% of healthcare for all citizens? Easy answer, we can't afford it! There's enough *****ing at Bush multiplying the national debt. So let's tac on a few more trillion... around 1.4 to be specific. We're already outspending everyone else in the world on healthcare. Even those with free healthcare. Can you see the dent in the pocket book after free healthcare if offered?

                              Need some proof?

                              The United States spends more on health care than other industrialized countries; as a percentage of 2001 GDP, the United States spent 13.9%, Germany spent 10.7%, Canada spent 9.7%, France spent 9.5%, and Sweden spent 8.7% on total health care spending. (David Walker, “Health Care System Crisis: Growing Challenges Point to Need for Fundamental Reform,” presentation to the General Accounting Office Health Care Forum, 13 January 2004).

                              Ok, ok... We are spending too much money on stupid things. Who needs homeland security anyways. I mean we're invincible right? And no Bush didn't cause the towers to fall. People haven't liked us for a long time. Billy Joel (I think) put it quite well.. "We didn't start the fire, it was always burning since the world was turning." So maybe we don't need to invade foreign countries who financially back terrorists that threaten our lives everyday. Technology is growing and soon enough bigger things than planes will be exploding into buildings. BUT we'll let the rest of the world do their thing and see what happens. Oh wait we did do that once. BAM.. WWII!

                              One point that comes to mind was taxation.

                              Bush, as the papers predicted, tried to paint the picture that Kerry is a wishy-washy liberal who is for raising taxes and having the government pay for everything (mostly healthcare). Kerry tried to paint the picture that Bush's tax cuts only favor the wealthiest 2% of the population.

                              The thought that comes to mind is Bush's claim about his tax cuts. I believe he used the figure of an $1800 savings for the average middle class family. That's funny, because I am middle class and I didn't save ****. Oh wait, that's because I don't have kids and that benefit went out to people with children. Maybe I should knock Jenn up a few times to get a tax break? :rolleyes: Oh, wait, his benefits also go to homeowners. Well guess what? By the time you f'ing buy a home you are already financially stable. Jenn and I are not at that point yet. The people who can NOT afford to buy their own home are the people that need that tax break the most. But nevermind that we slave away for a living, we're obviously scum because we're not homeowners...
                              Alright let's think here. Who needs the money more.. Stefan and Jenn (your wife I think?), whom work and are struggling to make ends meet (Although I don't really see them hitting up the soup kitchen anytime soon but hey I don't know either of them) OR the family with 3 kids struggling to make ends meet just like you. At the moment old Joe Schmoe could use that $1800 to buy his kids some clothes and food rather than finish up your supercharger project. See how that works?

                              Ok, so you're against raising taxes and such, but you're for 100% free healthcare paid for by the government. Ok...anyone see a problem here? Low taxes and free healthcare all while making sure little Johnny doesn't get blown to bits by a suicide bomber at school?!?! Stefan for president!

                              Face it people. Things aren't always as peachy as they could be. Whether Kerry, Bush, or hell even Nader is in office things aren't going to be perfect. IMO you're in the same league as Michael Moore. Let the grudge go and support the country rather than tear it apart.

                              [ October 14, 2004, 02:27 AM: Message edited by: Th3 RiCk ]
                              1998 A4 Pontiac Firebird


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