I say let her go
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A Case for Terri Shiavo
It's none of our, or the governments, business.~Derrick <a href=\"http://www.appstate.edu/~do54457/\" target=\"_blank\"><i>My Webpage</i></a><br /><b>\'96 3.8L V6 M5 Firebird Y87</b> | <b>162.8 RWHP</b> / <b>196.7 RWTQ</b> <br /><b>•</b> SLP CAI <b>•</b> <a href=\"http://tech.firebirdv6.com/y87.html\" target=\"_blank\"><b>Y87</b> Package</a> - 3.23s <b>•</b> 180º thermo w/ fan switch <b>•</b> TB spacer from DEE<br />1991 Jeep Cherokee Laredo 4x4
Here's what gets me, most people ignorantly say "Pull the Plug" when there IS NO PLUG TO PULL! She isn't on life support folks, she relies on a feeding tube! If you think it's a humane way to let someone die by saying "remove the tube and let her starve" you're a cruel and horrible person.
this is just like to pro-life/pro-choice debate. pro-choice doesnt mean pro-abortion. The point is, ever case is different and it should be familys decision on weither someone is left on life support or not. And her parents arnt legally the people who can make that decision.RedlineVSix
I'm saying that doctors have been, and will be wrong. What if they're wrong now? Hell, I had to have 3 freaking surgeries instead of the one elective surgery because the DOCTORS SCREWED UP! Who's to say they're not wrong now with Terri?
I'm not against letting her die. I am completely against the way they are killing her. They don't kill criminals like that, so why her? Damn, put her to death in the gas chamber, its much more humane... Do you see what I'm trying to say?Check out my stable of supercharged W-Bodies <a href=\"http://www.fullthrottlev6.com/forums/vbgarage.php?do=view&id=136\" target=\"_blank\">HERE</a><br /><b>\'97 Pontiac GP GTP Coupe</b><br /><b>\'98 Regal GS | L67 3800 Series II</b>
All the video you see on tv has been "edited" The parents have taken hours upon hours of video, only showing the "edited clips"
Terri Shivo is mentally dead. Has been for like 15 years.
Her husband supposedly has no financial gains from her death. I really don't like the guy, but thats another story. Her parents offered to take custody and financial responsibility, he said no. So either (a)he benefits financial from her death or (b) he is truely trying to follow through with wife's wishes.
I'm surprised there hasn't been any indepth reporting on that angle.
I am a christian myself, most in the religious community think it's worng to take her off the feeding tube. As it's a life.
Either way, I personally would hope my family would let me go, I wouldn't want to be that way or put my family in such a position.
I can understand Terri's family and HUSBAND wanting her to live and be rehabilitated. But after all that time and she doesn't with no progress, her brain is dead. At least her husband came to terms with it. I just feel bad for her parents, not being able to let go.
Originally posted by InZane4all:
She's lost more than 15 years of her life. Could anyone ever recuperate from that? It's like saying you went into a coma and waking up 15 years from now.<a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/1995birdman\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/id/1995birdman</a>
posted by L32Projeckt:
Here's what gets me, most people ignorantly say "Pull the Plug" when there IS NO PLUG TO PULL! She isn't on life support folks, she relies on a feeding tube! If you think it's a humane way to let someone die by saying "remove the tube and let her starve" you're a cruel and horrible person.
Let me make my thoughts on this perfectly clear: The life she has is no life to live, but the death they want to give her is a death noone should have to experience.2004 CE Corvette 10.86@132mph
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Originally posted by Loochy88:
the guy wants money, girl's parents want her to live... im suprised they havnt offered to buy custody of her from the guy. he could have his new woman and be happy with his dollars - the parents could continue waiting for a miracle.
Some business person offered her husband 10 million dollars for the right to her. I think its insane, buying and selling people? I mean come on. I think the person who offered the money is stupid, and arrogant.Black \'94 Trans Am A4- SLP CAI & Loudmouth<br />Red \'93 Firebird A4- Ram Air under the WS6 hood, !cat, exhaust.
Originally posted by Shirl:
posted by L32Projeckt:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Here's what gets me, most people ignorantly say "Pull the Plug" when there IS NO PLUG TO PULL! She isn't on life support folks, she relies on a feeding tube! If you think it's a humane way to let someone die by saying "remove the tube and let her starve" you're a cruel and horrible person.
Let me make my thoughts on this perfectly clear: The life she has is no life to live, but the death they want to give her is a death noone should have to experience.
Check out my stable of supercharged W-Bodies <a href=\"http://www.fullthrottlev6.com/forums/vbgarage.php?do=view&id=136\" target=\"_blank\">HERE</a><br /><b>\'97 Pontiac GP GTP Coupe</b><br /><b>\'98 Regal GS | L67 3800 Series II</b>
Originally posted by 95fbirdkid:
Her own doctors testified in court saying she feels nothing, no hunger, no pain, nothing, therefor removing the tube isnt cruel at all.
This guy has moved on with his life. The only way he is tied to this women is through marriage. He's practically married to another woman, which he has kids with. He's out of her life now, so why should he be the one to decide her fate? Because the money is gone she should die now? Horrible timing isn't it.1998 A4 Pontiac Firebird
In my opinion I don't think it's the husband's right to decide when it's time for her to die, considering he's already moved on with his life.. It's really nobody's decision.. If it's anybodys, it's her parents decision, not the courts, doctors or the governments because they probably don't give a **** whether she lives or dies..
Just my 2 cents!*~* Tasha *~*<br /><br />\'96 Pontiac Firebird, 3.8L, 5 speed<br />\'91 Chevy Z28, 305, 5 speed - SOLD<br />\'73 Plymonth Duster Twister, 318, automatic<br /><br /> <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/domesticchic\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/id/domesticchic</a>
Originally posted by Nicklz:
All the video you see on tv has been "edited" The parents have taken hours upon hours of video, only showing the "edited clips"
Terri Shivo is mentally dead. Has been for like 15 years.
Her husband supposedly has no financial gains from her death. I really don't like the guy, but thats another story. Her parents offered to take custody and financial responsibility, he said no. So either (a)he benefits financial from her death or (b) he is truely trying to follow through with wife's wishes.
I'm surprised there hasn't been any indepth reporting on that angle.
I am a christian myself, most in the religious community think it's worng to take her off the feeding tube. As it's a life.
Either way, I personally would hope my family would let me go, I wouldn't want to be that way or put my family in such a position.
I can understand Terri's family and HUSBAND wanting her to live and be rehabilitated. But after all that time and she doesn't with no progress, her brain is dead. At least her husband came to terms with it. I just feel bad for her parents, not being able to let go.
How can you consider a person to be alive, when they are not self aware? If you believe in God, why would you want to keep someone alive who can't do ANYTHING on their own? I would much rather see them pass on, knowing they are in a much better place then this world could ever be.<a href=\"http://pics.projectpredator.com/thumbnails.php?album=16\" target=\"_blank\">2003 Zinc Yellow Mustang GT</a> 1 of 701<br />ET : TBD<br />But our shenanigans are cheeky and fun! Yeah, and his shenanigans are cruel and tragic. Which... makes t
Looks like I'm not the only one with my opinion:
http://www.usatoday.com/news/opinion...medicine_x.htmCheck out my stable of supercharged W-Bodies <a href=\"http://www.fullthrottlev6.com/forums/vbgarage.php?do=view&id=136\" target=\"_blank\">HERE</a><br /><b>\'97 Pontiac GP GTP Coupe</b><br /><b>\'98 Regal GS | L67 3800 Series II</b>
Okay just to add my opinion to this arguement....
Doctors can be wrong its not unheard of people have had to deal with serious consiqueces after doctors have mis-diagnosed or even worse operated on the wrong limb. That being said with our current medical technology we can map brain fuction in real time, whats to say the doctors havnt done that? There are alot of possibilities here but I would like to point out that the husband is not making money on this he is losing a great deal of it. Spending one night in the hospital can run upwards of $1,000 and I know that alot of insurance wont cover an extended stay in the hospital. These points having been made, I feel that the husband has the choice here, he is still legally married to the woman and granted has children with someone else but he has not forsaken his previous marraige in order to marry his girlfriend that in my mind means that at least he cares about here still. I'm sure its not easy to move on after something like this I have dealt with tragidy before having lost both my uncles on my mother's side and my aunt in accidents or to medical conditions. Recovery is a long rode but after 15 years it can also be said that in some ways he has already moved on and thats normal. The parents do have some say in this but he is her legal gaurdian and her husband whom she is bound to till death. I maintain that it is the husbands choice and with the diagnosis that she has been given he has made his choice. I continue to keep all those involved in my prayers but I think this has been taken a little to far in the media. Sorry for the horid spelling but thats why I'm not an english major. Just wanted to add my opinion.
Yeah the Terri's family are very Catholic. That explains alot.
What get's me is that her husband has already shacked up with this girl and had two kids. It's been reported that he get happy when he hears that she is sick with high fever, GI track or amonia. I don't know what his stake is, maybe life insurance. But he should divorce her and marry this girl he's been shacking up with already and just leave Terri alone to the care of her parents and family.
I just saw her again in the news late last night at PBS. This was a couple of weeks ago before removing her feeding tube. She has no more hair but her eyes does follow the camara around. She smiles a little bit and she does respond to touch. I don't know what to think of that.
If you want to put this in a religious perspective. If you truly are a Christian, you know well that Faith is not a sprint but, an endurance and Terri's family is having their faith tested as of now. What we are seeing now is the Catholic's fundamental belief in faith with works. I'm sure their reward in heaven will be great and so will Terri's.
Now in a political point of view. She's become an arena. Like I said before, there are worst case than Terri's but why they picked on her, I don't know. I know for a fact though, that once we embrace this ruling, we have now come closer to embracing the Culture of Death.
Pretty soon we will be doing this to every patience who are like Terri, like Christopher Reeves, like Ronald Regean, mentally damage peron, mentally ill person, and those who are mentally disable. I'm not even mentioning the ones who have physical disability.
Our culture will want to wipe away what's inconvience for us and forget about self sacrifice and compassion. And we would embrace what's self gratifying and convience.
Now in a medical point of view. They say her brain have shrunk, cerebral has little or no activity anymore. How about the ones with severe down syndrome, aren't they in the same boat too. What about Alheimer's disease.
Now my opinion on this. I say the husband should leave her and her family alone. Divorce her and go marry his shack up girlfriend and be a proper father to his two kids. Just let her family deal with this. They obviously know more about Terri than any politics, religion or any of us do. They are the ones who are making the sacrifice.
If you are saying that we are wasting tax payers money because of the medical care. We already are wasting billions on disabled people. How is this any different.
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