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Stock investing help

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  • #16
    Originally posted by WSU77:
    I love this subject [img]smile.gif[/img] I am a licensed financial advisor for a bank.

    I have my clients go into Mutual Funds, I dont do a lot of "Stock Picking", if a client wants to do that, I have them open a separate account and put no more than 10% of their account into it for stock trading. I do not offer a lot of advice on stocks.

    It is a very good way to get burned fast. I have quadrupled my own money with stocks and lost it all and came back etc. It is not a fun ride. Its all about should a could a would a.

    If you are looking to possibly use this money in the next few years, I wouldnt invest it in the market. Find a CD for a year and go that route, its a lot safer and you know the money will grow, opposed to the market where you might lose some.

    If you do go the mutual fund route, be careful of no loads, a lot of times their management fees are more expensive than a back end or front end load.

    Remember this, It's time IN the market not TIMING the market. History shows that time in the market is very rewarding in a diversified account.
    Thanks for the advice. I'm deffinately gonna need to take some of that money back out in about a year when my wifes job goes into the off season. I'll probably buy about 100 shares of sirius and put the rest in my paypal money market (it's earning 4.25% right now)
    <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">2003 Zinc Yellow Mustang GT</a> 1 of 701<br />ET : TBD<br />But our shenanigans are cheeky and fun! Yeah, and his shenanigans are cruel and tragic. Which... makes t


    • #17
      Originally posted by PewterBird:
      </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by WSU77:
      I love this subject [img]smile.gif[/img] I am a licensed financial advisor for a bank.

      I have my clients go into Mutual Funds, I dont do a lot of "Stock Picking", if a client wants to do that, I have them open a separate account and put no more than 10% of their account into it for stock trading. I do not offer a lot of advice on stocks.

      It is a very good way to get burned fast. I have quadrupled my own money with stocks and lost it all and came back etc. It is not a fun ride. Its all about should a could a would a.

      If you are looking to possibly use this money in the next few years, I wouldnt invest it in the market. Find a CD for a year and go that route, its a lot safer and you know the money will grow, opposed to the market where you might lose some.

      If you do go the mutual fund route, be careful of no loads, a lot of times their management fees are more expensive than a back end or front end load.

      Remember this, It's time IN the market not TIMING the market. History shows that time in the market is very rewarding in a diversified account.
      He knows what he is talking about.

      I graduate next fall with a Finance Major and I will be sitting for the Series 7 in March. I currently work for a retirement planning firm.

      Mutual Funds are the way to go. American Funds is doing real well recently. Check them out. Im not giving investment advice but I would trow that money into an IRA and forget about it. Im not sure what you do for a living but I woundn't coun't on a pension cosidering what IBM just did. And who knows what is going to happen for Social Security in the future.
      </font>[/QUOTE]Ha, no way is my company giving me a pension. I just opened a 401k with my company, so that's gonna be my main retirement investment.
      <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">2003 Zinc Yellow Mustang GT</a> 1 of 701<br />ET : TBD<br />But our shenanigans are cheeky and fun! Yeah, and his shenanigans are cruel and tragic. Which... makes t


      • #18
        Originally posted by camaro_speedemon:
        </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by WSU77:

        I have my clients go into Mutual Funds, I dont do a lot of "Stock Picking", if a client wants to do that, I have them open a separate account and put no more than 10% of their account into it for stock trading. I do not offer a lot of advice on stocks.

        It is a very good way to get burned fast.

        I'll probably buy about 100 shares of sirius and put the rest in my paypal money market (it's earning 4.25% right now) </font>[/QUOTE]Putting all of your money in a single stock for a short period is not a wise investment. At 4%, your paypal account is probably your safest investment.

        Yes, lots of people will say, "I bought x at this much and doubled my money. You should get in, too" It's called luck. This type of bandwagon investing contributed to the "internet bubble". Coincidently, google is fueling a brand new bubble. yes, some people made craploads of cash. Others lost their shirts.

        Listen to the WSU77 and the other investment people. They know what they are talking about.


        • #19
          I've been investing for some time, and I plan to retire early. First, let me tell you to invest in NOTHING outside the protection of a Roth IRA. The Roth is the best thing going for tax efficiency, and allows your gains to multiply tax free. Secondly, DON'T put all your money into a small-cap, highly speculative stock like Sirius which DOESN'T have the current cash flow to support its price to earnings ratio. If you want reasonable growth with a high level of security, invest in stable, dividend paying stocks and trusts. A company which steadily increases its dividend is making a solid committment to its shareholders. Look at it this way: if you have to sell the stock to make money from it, what good is that? Johnson and Johnson doubles its dividend payout every 5 years at the current rate, Wells Fargo does about the same, and Coca-Cola doubles every 7-8 years. (Dividend payout, not share price.) That is cold, hard cash that is deposited into your brokerage account, without you having to sell the stock. If the stock price itself goes up, you're that much better off. Reinvest your cash dividends along the way and you're going to compound your payouts for the next dividend, all without having to sell your stake in the company.

          Don't put your money, or at least more than 20% of it, in Sirius! Sirius is banking far too heavily on Mr. Stern, and though Stern may improve Sirius, the expectations are way too high already! In stocks, you benefit from buying when expectations are not so high. One slipup on a stock like Siris and you're in deep doo doo, because the current stock price reflects how well people THINK Sirius will do 1-2 years from now. Stocks are always future-spective. Take a look at Canadian oil and gas royalty trusts like Provident, symbol PVX. Provident pays a regular dividend each month, and it is located in an area of Canada near vast reserves of oil sands (half the world's petroleum reserves are thought to be tied up in oil sands). Provident has the infrastructure to make transportation of that oil profitable, and it also own traditional oil and gas properties in Canada and the U.S.

          Make your money in very boring, but highly profitable, sources of steady cash flow. Most of the Canadian oil trusts will get you between 10-15% yearly, and Provident is right in the middle of that group, with the added advantage over its competitors of refining capacity and pipeline services which mean that it has a longer life than most trusts.

          Any questions, and you can email me at


          • #20
            A lot of people here are giving some good advice, I wonder how the conversation would have looked in 1999 lol. (market on huge uproar, you could throw a dart to pick a stock and double your money)

            Its just amazing to see how people perceptions have changed on investing since 2000. Some people are deathly afraid of the market and wont go near it.

            I tell them that ANY good financial plan has a mix of cash, income (cd's and bonds) and growth (stocks, mf's, and vari annuities). Reason being is because of Interest rate risk and inflationary risks.

            If im speaking Greek to anyone let me know and I'll explain more.
            What\'s her last name? I\'ll look it up.<br />You know I don\'t recall. Swim, Swammy, Slippy, Slappy, Simmons, Sommons, Swenson, Swanson?<br />Maybe it\'s on the briefcase.<br />Oh yeah! It\'s right here, Samsonite! I was way off! I knew it started with an S though!


            • #21
              11:48 am
              I have done well with Apple Computer
              symbol aapl
              Record earnings report will come out after the market closes
              today and I expect the stock to go up big. Wallstreet has a target price of $100. It is down at this hour today at $83.35. I would not be surprised if it splits again so that will reduce the price but
              if it is announced it will not happen until March or so. I bought it at $14.


              • #22
                Thursday 1-19-06
                1:53 PM
                AAPL down $2.34

                Not picking on you Palm, but when news is known, it is usually already too late. THe market is known for building in news that isnt out yet etc.

                Apple has risen sharply since 1-13 or so, im guessing its because there was already speculation that the earnings were awesome and the stock reacted positively prior to the news.

                Its down now becuase of profit taking, I wouldnt be alarmed. I think its a good stock and a split is a good possibility.
                What\'s her last name? I\'ll look it up.<br />You know I don\'t recall. Swim, Swammy, Slippy, Slappy, Simmons, Sommons, Swenson, Swanson?<br />Maybe it\'s on the briefcase.<br />Oh yeah! It\'s right here, Samsonite! I was way off! I knew it started with an S though!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by WSU77:
                  Thursday 1-19-06
                  1:53 PM
                  AAPL down $2.34

                  Not picking on you Palm, but when news is known, it is usually already too late. THe market is known for building in news that isnt out yet etc.

                  Apple has risen sharply since 1-13 or so, im guessing its because there was already speculation that the earnings were awesome and the stock reacted positively prior to the news.

                  Its down now becuase of profit taking, I wouldnt be alarmed. I think its a good stock and a split is a good possibility.
                  It was announced sometime last year that they were switching from IBM to Intel chips.
                  <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">2003 Zinc Yellow Mustang GT</a> 1 of 701<br />ET : TBD<br />But our shenanigans are cheeky and fun! Yeah, and his shenanigans are cruel and tragic. Which... makes t


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by camaro_speedemon:
                    I was thinking of buying a few shares of google
                    January 20, 2006: 4:41 PM EST

                    NEW YORK ( - Google stock posted its largest single-day loss ever Friday as investors showed concern about prospects for the Internet advertising market and the company's role in a Justice Department lawsuit about Internet searches.



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