There is this new website. Its like cardomain only a lot better. They're supposed to launch in a week.
I really want to be a mod in the american cars section. If you register please put my name Teal99camaro in for referrer. This website has some huuge potential. Its got a section for the car owner (like myspace) Section for cars (like cardomain) and a really good forum.
The website is
Please sign up. Not only is it a great site, but they're hosting givaways too pretty soon, and there arent too many members meaning the odds are in our favor.
The car pages will be up in about a week. You will be able to post you're ride then.
Please help me out. Thanks
ps heres a link to my first post
I really want to be a mod in the american cars section. If you register please put my name Teal99camaro in for referrer. This website has some huuge potential. Its got a section for the car owner (like myspace) Section for cars (like cardomain) and a really good forum.
The website is
Please sign up. Not only is it a great site, but they're hosting givaways too pretty soon, and there arent too many members meaning the odds are in our favor.
The car pages will be up in about a week. You will be able to post you're ride then.
Please help me out. Thanks
ps heres a link to my first post