Fitness freaks...I need advice, mostly supplement advice - Message Board


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Fitness freaks...I need advice, mostly supplement advice

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  • #16
    Re: Fitness freaks...I need advice, mostly supplement advice

    Originally posted by Flowbee V6 View Post
    Best supplement to your body = water, and good small planned out meals and snacks. But whey shakes are good to meet your protein requirements. I specifically like Muscle Milk. Its quite a bit more expensive than the pro-rated whey tubs you can get at costco, but they keep you full longer and taste a hell of a lot better. Those snickers lo-carb marathon bars are good too.

    I dont think diet pills are worth it (especially the non-ECA name brands), green tea or coffee is fine for an energy boost. I've gotten pretty ripped without them. Vitalert multi-vitamins are better since at least it helps you meet all your nutrition needs.
    I thought you had something going at first, should of stopped at small planned out meal. If he is trying to lose weight and is not a pretty active guy muscle milk has WAY to many calories.

    Originally posted by ThatsMeGC View Post
    Ah yes I forgot about a good multi-vitamin.

    I drink a good amount of water anyway, I feel weird if I don't have something to drink with me all the time. I would say I drink around 96 oz. of water a day. In the summer I was taking aa gallon of water with me to work plus a bottle with 32 oz. and I was nearly drinking the whole thing.

    The Xenadrine is an ECA stack, the review I read on it seems to think it is one of the best on the market. And the CLA is more of a dietary supplement than a fat burner, it's something we would get more of naturally if our food was more natural.
    Sounds pretty good, just be carful on relying on the CLA & ECA to much.

    Originally posted by Mighty Thor View Post
    You don't really need supplements. That's just a big waste of money. Most of them don't work and the ones that do work are very harmful to your health.

    Just to it the natural way. Get a Food Index book and average out your Kcal. that maintains you. Then subtract 500-700 Kcal. from that and you'll definately start losing weight.

    You also need to perform some form of activity where it raises your cardio for a duration of 30 min.

    2 pounds a week may not sound much. But it's more of a permanent weight loss in the long run.

    ^ Smartest most educated post so far. Look some supplements do help, but most of them have similar effects to you adkins diet. as soon as you come off the things you will start gaining back the weight.

    Trust me you are wanting to lose fat, not weight. keep your calories right at your daily alloance while you put together a diet you like, then slowly stat to go into a calorie defect just a few hundred at a time. but dont go to low. Kepp you diet strong andDO CARDIO. people who say you dont need cardio obviously don't have your genes. most people do require cardio to not only lose weight but keep you body healthy. sure you may be skinny but how long can you jog before your out of breath? :rolleyes:
    1998 Red T-top V6 Camaro
    - K&N Filter, Pacesetter Headders, MagnaFlow 2.5" Hi-Flo Cat, FlowMaster 80 Series, PowerDyne Supercharger@9Psi More 2 Come


    • #17
      Re: Fitness freaks...I need advice, mostly supplement advice

      Oh yea and who ever was the tard who said you cant do an ECA stack because of the ban on Ephedra is definitely not one you should listen to. ECA stack stands for Ephedrine Caffeine Aspirin. Not ephedra. Ephedrine is completely legal.
      1998 Red T-top V6 Camaro
      - K&N Filter, Pacesetter Headders, MagnaFlow 2.5" Hi-Flo Cat, FlowMaster 80 Series, PowerDyne Supercharger@9Psi More 2 Come


      • #18
        Re: Fitness freaks...I need advice, mostly supplement advice

        mighty knows best. he helped me out alot when i was getting bad sidestiches a little while ago.

        i'm not fat, never have been. i'm on the other end here. i'm too skiny and need to gain a little(95 lbs)

        but i run monday, wednesday, saturday then i skate(roller blade) tuesday, thusday and friday.

        i take sunday off.

        i was running about 8-10 miles a day, but i've toned it down since it's not summer(i will lose weight if i keep doing that). so now i do about 2-5 miles depending on what i'm doing when i'm done(lawn work, washing cars etc)

        then i skate 10 miles.

        i eat what i want, when i want. i have to put down about 5000 cals a day in order to maintain weight.

        make sure to drink alottttttttt of water but know when to cut it off before you work out. i drink a gator. about a hr before i start. it really helps. i start my day with a big cup of juice!


        • #19
          Re: Fitness freaks...I need advice, mostly supplement advice

          Hey I have heard alot of things on here to help. I agree with the drinking alot of water. I have lost 40 lbs is the last 4 months, down from 231 lbs to 191. Mostly because where I am at and not much to do other than workout, but the way I did it was, swimming 3 miles, after I would run 6-8 miles a day, and biking 10 miles after the run. I did this 6 days a week with one off. I didnt want to put muscle on so no weights for me. I wish you the best of luck.


          • #20
            Re: Fitness freaks...I need advice, mostly supplement advice

            In my Sophomore year of high school I was 270 lbs, benched 250, and looked like a mound of mashed potatoes. I just got tired of being obese and constantly hating myself, and one day over the summer I put up a punching bag and within 2 weeks I had lost 5 pounds from just hitting the bag for 20 minutes a day. I was eating 5000+ calories a day and decided to just knock off 500 calories. Lost some more weight, knocked off 500 more, lost more weight, repeated this process until I weighed 220 and was only eating 1500 cals per day. Meanwhile I kept working out with weights, using the punching bag, and started using an elliptical. Best advice I can give anyone looking to drop a few pounds since summer is here for some of us is this- when it comes to cardio it's not distance that matters, it's the amount of time you've spent. I constantly hear people say "Oh I'm in great shape, I run a mile three times a week." What they don't realise is this- it takes roughly 15 minutes for your body to start burning fat, and then they're running a mile in 10 minutes. All they've really done is just put a beating on their knees, hips, and ankles for that 10 minutes. Now I'm not saying don't keep track of your distance, just don't let distance and speed be your top priorities on a cardio regiment. And FYI- I've kept off every pound for 2 years now.

            One more tip- the more muscle mass you have the better metabolic rate you're going to have. I'm a believer in weight loss through lifting moderate weight for high reps in addition to a cardio exercise plan and dieting. This plan will have you slimming down, toning up, and getting in kickarse shape. For proper muscular development you need to consumer 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight (a person who weighs 100 lbs needs 100g per day, a 200 lbs person needs 200g per day, etc.). And if you're going to be using a protein shake make sure to drink it within 20 minutes of working out, this is due to your blood vessels being more open than normal and thus the protein gets to your muscles easier and faster.


            • #21
              Re: Fitness freaks...I need advice, mostly supplement advice

              eat right dont starve yourself.
              Cardio workout everyday for 15 minutes to one hour, I did something different everyday so I wouldn't get bored. Then I would lift weights 3 times a week, everytime working a diffrent muscle.
              Weds i worked my back and chest.
              Friday i worked my arms.
              Sunday i worked my shoulder and forarms.
              each day i lifted i did a diffrent ab workout. then id finish with a mile run.
              shop around for gyms. find one close to home, and make sure you like the enviornment first. there will always be people wondering in not taking the gym seriously: new years resolution people, summer body people, and so on. also when you join a gym, find out what time is the least busyest.
              When I was taking it seriously I lost about 13 lbs. every two weeks. really important you do not push yourself hard in the begining, take it super light so you dont get discuraged. unfortunatly with my current schedule i cant keep it up. the important thing is to find something that works for you and sticking to it. it will take time to find what works. and make sure you get plenty of sleep. aviod all them miracle pills. dont drink energy drinks frequently, dont want to become dependent on them. after your body is used to working out, you will naturally get energy.
              dont weigh yourself everyday


              • #22
                Re: Fitness freaks...I need advice, mostly supplement advice

                I think that walking at a brisk pace for 30-45 min is super for losing unwanted weight, and cardio
                best of luck, dont quit
                my other truck has a 50 cal mounted on it


                • #23
                  Re: Fitness freaks...I need advice, mostly supplement advice

                  there are no pills that will safely make you lose weight.

                  start exercising regularly, drink nothing but a TON of water and watch your sugar intake. sugar is your worst enemy(except for natural sugars of course)

                  but sweet, ice cream candy drinks...BAD


                  • #24
                    Re: Fitness freaks...I need advice, mostly supplement advice

                    If anyone is a total ice cream addict and trying to lose a few pounds, when you're having a weak moment during yoru first few weeks of a new diet, try freezing some Cool Whip. Tastes like Vanilla ice cream ando nly 15 cals per serving.


                    • #25
                      Re: Fitness freaks...I need advice, mostly supplement advice

                      run but at first dont go for speed or distance. Just jog for a min of 35min. Try to get at a speed you can maintain for the entire time.
                      This keeps your heart rate elevated the whole time. After about 25-30 min your body runs out of quick muscle energy (basically sugar) and starts using stored energy (ummm... fat). Do the math, thats not much actual fat burning. Doing this 4 times a day and watching what you eat (nothing crazy); you will start seeing results within a month. Mostly in your belt size.
                      Lay off sodas and switch to water, this will make your work outs more efficient.
                      If you're knees, lower shins or ankles start to hurt, switch to a bike or eliptical. However make sure you are moving your arms and legs. All appendages must be involved in the workout or your heart rate will drop fast. With that said, while jogging, do not stop moving your arms if you get tired. Instead just go slower.
                      After about a month on this, continue the routine, however add periodical bursts where you'll increase the speed for a short distance, then go back to your normal speed. After a while then set time/distance goals ie(2mi in 20min or so).

                      Its nothing difficult, you just have to be dedicated and change your daily routine. If you're too tired after work to give yourself 45min or so, then wake up an hour earlier. It sucks at first, but after the routine is developed it becomes easier.
                      The biggest piece of advice I can tell you is to work through the pain. At first everything will hurt, but dont take too many days off. Now if you're seriously injured obviously take the time you need. However muscle soreness, and I know it can get bad, is not a reason to skip a schedualed day. Like a said, knees hurt, switch to something low impact.


                      • #26
                        Re: Fitness freaks...I need advice, mostly supplement advice

                        oh and to help yourself, I recommend getting into the nike+ stuff. It will help you track your day to day (running/walking) activity. Its a little expensive at first- ipod, sensor and shoes are needed, and it needs caliberated (which can be a huge PITA) but it gives you graphical data.
                        I personally cannot stand running with ear buds/phones or anything in my dang on ear. So I just run with the ipod to keep track of my calories and speed. After a while distance is nothing, speed is the key ;)
                        But yea, check out the site, its a pretty neat lay out.


                        • #27
                          Re: Fitness freaks...I need advice, mostly supplement advice

                          why in gods name are you ding dongs responding to a 2 and a half year old thread?

                          current car- 95 Trans am- bolt ons, parked and collecting dust. why? because **** it

                          Follow me!
                          Or this


                          • #28
                            Re: Fitness freaks...I need advice, mostly supplement advice

                            man, w/e happen to V6bob ...awesome f'ing guy and he knew his sh*tz when it came to suspensions ....great loss for us :(

                            09 Nissan 370Z MB M6 Sports Package



                            • #29
                              Re: Fitness freaks...I need advice, mostly supplement advice

                              dingdong posting ftw!!


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