It's where these people call in and tell stuff they have for sale or want to buy.
"I got a tailgate for a late 80's Ford F150 pickup - I'll take $100 for it. Call 475-..."
"I'm selling a 92 Silverado. It is really pretty. It don't have no motor though."
"I need to sell some of the stuff I got out there in my car port. I've got several mattresses, a couple of lamps and a queen size four poster bed with those big giant balls on the tops of the posts."
"I got a tailgate for a late 80's Ford F150 pickup - I'll take $100 for it. Call 475-..."
"I'm selling a 92 Silverado. It is really pretty. It don't have no motor though."
"I need to sell some of the stuff I got out there in my car port. I've got several mattresses, a couple of lamps and a queen size four poster bed with those big giant balls on the tops of the posts."