I hate jump starting cars with my car, but he is a friend and i had to help so...
I goto jump start his girlfriends van, for whatever f-up reason they have the a red cable comming off the negative post and a black comming off the positive. Vans are so crowed under the hood, i could not see where the cables went to, and there was no labeling, but i figured red posi, black negi. I hook one up them up, then I goto clamp the other, right before i even get to clamp, starks fly everywhere, Im thinking to myself, WTF! :eek: So i tap it quickly, sparks again, so i do it again sparks again, im puzzled and pist off. My friend then goes, oh sorry, i forgot to tell you the cables were switched up for some reason when we got the car.
Im like "thanks, i could of blown myself up and maybe destroyed our electical systems you ****!"
I goto jump start his girlfriends van, for whatever f-up reason they have the a red cable comming off the negative post and a black comming off the positive. Vans are so crowed under the hood, i could not see where the cables went to, and there was no labeling, but i figured red posi, black negi. I hook one up them up, then I goto clamp the other, right before i even get to clamp, starks fly everywhere, Im thinking to myself, WTF! :eek: So i tap it quickly, sparks again, so i do it again sparks again, im puzzled and pist off. My friend then goes, oh sorry, i forgot to tell you the cables were switched up for some reason when we got the car.
Im like "thanks, i could of blown myself up and maybe destroyed our electical systems you ****!"