It was during my commute home today. I turned right at a light onto the overpass and was sitting a few cars back from the another light.
Well as I turned the corner I noticed an older model Saturn (96ish) facing the other direction. It had some backwards-cap wearing, slouching in the seat, trying to be bad a$$ed kid with his twinkie girl in the passenger seat. He stared my car down as I passed.
As I'm sitting in traffic I keep hearing this revving engine. Actually I take it back, I wasn't hearing the engine as much as I was hearing this horrible high pitched exhaust rattle as it revved. I turn around to see where the noise is coming from and I'll be damned if it wasn't coming from that crappy Saturn. His exhaust was just behind my door.
After a few seconds of this I got annoyed so I popped the tranny into neutral and hit it upto about 5k. That just set the saturn off. Vhroooom, rattle, rattle, rattle. Vhrooooooom, rattle, rattle, rattle. I just started laughing really loud which I think he heard because all of a sudden he started revving it for much longer.
As my light turned green I waited till there was a large gap between myself and the car in front and left a little chirpie as I went along my merry way.
Well as I turned the corner I noticed an older model Saturn (96ish) facing the other direction. It had some backwards-cap wearing, slouching in the seat, trying to be bad a$$ed kid with his twinkie girl in the passenger seat. He stared my car down as I passed.
As I'm sitting in traffic I keep hearing this revving engine. Actually I take it back, I wasn't hearing the engine as much as I was hearing this horrible high pitched exhaust rattle as it revved. I turn around to see where the noise is coming from and I'll be damned if it wasn't coming from that crappy Saturn. His exhaust was just behind my door.
After a few seconds of this I got annoyed so I popped the tranny into neutral and hit it upto about 5k. That just set the saturn off. Vhroooom, rattle, rattle, rattle. Vhrooooooom, rattle, rattle, rattle. I just started laughing really loud which I think he heard because all of a sudden he started revving it for much longer.
As my light turned green I waited till there was a large gap between myself and the car in front and left a little chirpie as I went along my merry way.