Annoying, uninformed blondes (guys included) - Message Board


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Annoying, uninformed blondes (guys included)

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  • Annoying, uninformed blondes (guys included)

    I really thought that most people had a little common sense when talking about cars, but i have since changed my mind, and been completely overwhelmed at the same time. To start this off, i am a 16-year-old in high school. I was the first in my class to buy a sports car, many have copied me since. Many of my friends have even sold their newer Grand Prix and other vehicles to get a Camaro. Well....heres what happened today.

    I was just having a normal, exciting Friday at the good ole' high school, when a friend comes up to me and says, "Haha, dude, your car sucks". Taken back by this remark, i say, "Umm...ok, whats that supposed to mean"? He proceeds to say, "Your car is crap compared to mine, i just got a new one". I reply with, "O really, well lets see, if you are going to say you got a Mustang, then dont even talk to me". Obviously, he took this the opposite way of the way i had meant it. I guess i gave him more reasons to bash me. He says, "O yeah, I GOT A BRAND NEW MUSTANG"!

    At this point, completely stunned by his pride over his new Mustang, i proceed to move in for the kill. I tried being easy on it, and happy for him, (he is a friend and all..) but sometimes you just need to get on some people, or they never see the whole picture. He goes, "Hell yea, that thing is freakin awesome, ur car is sucha piecea shyt"! By this time people have gathered around, listening in, all them know im the cool kid with the Camaro [img]graemlins/rock.gif[/img] I starting softly laughing to myself and say, "Dude, ur car is as fast as my moms truck, and my car walks my moms truck like a doggy". (2000 Silverado Z71) He goes, "Whatever man, everyone has Mustangs cause they are awesome". By this time im laughing much harder.

    Then i say, "Is it an auto or stick?; because the autos suck the biggest balls of any cars known to man", he says, "Its an auto, because sticks are too hard to drive, i cant do it" By this time im almost on the floor laughing, along with the bystanders. I see his face turning red.

    Then i say, "Haha, those things barely do burnouts". Then he completely finishes himself off by saying, "So what, i got them to squeal after i washed it" [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img]

    Thats only part of it.

    Another person at school whom i dont talk to very much, was telling me about how her car goes fast. The car is a stock '98 Cavalier, that somehow obtained a 140MPH speedo....

    She comes up to me and says, "Hey guess what, my Cavalier goes faster than your Camaro. My speedometer goes up to 140, and yours only goes to 125" [img]graemlins/slap.gif[/img] I laughed histarically while walking away.

    This year should have more interesting encounters in store.....

    [ September 18, 2004, 02:04 AM: Message edited by: 97V6Camaro ]

  • #2
    I'm still missing the point about how this involves blondes. Oh, hopefully none of your friends got rid of a newer Grand Prix that happened to be a GTP model.

    Here's how you don't come off looking like a jerk: explain to them (calmly, and not being condescending to them) where they are wrong and back it up with facts. Help them to increase their knowledge so they can be better informed. If you just laugh at people who are still in their learning stages, you'll discourage them from really learning about vehicles and another ricer will be born! It'll be all your fault! [img]tongue.gif[/img]

    Imagine if the good folks on this board laughed at you while you were learning. I know you didn't show up on this board all-knowing, and I'm sure there's plenty more for you to learn. Oh yeah, and "Don't get cocky, kid!" ;)
    Check out my stable of supercharged W-Bodies <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">HERE</a><br /><b>\'97 Pontiac GP GTP Coupe</b><br /><b>\'98 Regal GS | L67 3800 Series II</b>


    • #3
      No, i didnt go about it in a mean way, we talked for a little bit after what i had posted here. It was just a little friend to friend I-am-better-than-you war going on. Nothing personal. The only thing that set me off was the way the kid went about telling everyone that he got a Stang. You know, kind of made me feel bad for the kids that arent as fortunate and drive an '85 Cavalier or whatever. He just went around announcing it like he was on top of the world, just like everyone else when they got their cars.
      But when i got my Camaro, I didnt go around announcing it like my shyt dont stink. I tried to be very modest about it, just because im not the type of person to rub things in.

      Me and my buddies are always talkin cars and ATV's. Thats our hobby. And yes, i did not show up here acting like a know-it-all. I have learned soo much, im so glad i found this place. I am still learning by the day.....

      [ September 18, 2004, 03:15 AM: Message edited by: 97V6Camaro ]


      • #4
        Hey, it's all gravy man. Remember that even though their car may not be the greatest thing out there, they may think it is because it's their car. Looks like you have that figured out already, however. I'm sure most people's fondest memories are of their first car.

        My first car was a 1979 Volkswagen Scirocco. The car was just as old as I was, born in the same year, lol. Had one side with good pain, and another side that was oxidized past repair. Was quite peppy since it didn't weigh anything, haha.
        Check out my stable of supercharged W-Bodies <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">HERE</a><br /><b>\'97 Pontiac GP GTP Coupe</b><br /><b>\'98 Regal GS | L67 3800 Series II</b>


        • #5
          O I loved high school SOOO much. I had to explain on a daily basis how my 99 v6 could hang and even beat pre 99 mustang gt's to the dozen or so gt drivers at my school. And a kid had a 3000gt SL thought it was a 14 sec car stock. . . prooved him wrong.
          \"Well, we don\'t care how bad-*** some dude\'s N/A Honda S2000 motor is; if you go up against 900+ pushrod ponies and 750 pounds of earth-shaking torque with a wrong-wheel-drive econobox, you\'re gonna get a fast and furious old-school ***-whipping.\"


          • #6
            i'm 16 and in highschool as well... so i know exactly what you're talking about when somebody starts crap like that. when people with cars not quite as fast, nice, or expensive as mine rip on my car on whatever (ie, 1989 escort wagon), i say, "alright" and walk away. i honestly don't even care lol. when someone with a faster or better car than mine (ie, 80-something IROC-Z, perfect condition, aftermarket hood, blackouts, built up engine, etc) rips on my car, i do the same thing. i just ignore it. it's my car, not theirs. i didn't buy it to impress them. if they don't like it, who cares? :D
            1996 Pontiac <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Firebird</a> <br />Black, 3.8L A4


            • #7
              i used to make all the kids at my high school put their money where their mouth was...( :( oh it seems sooo long ago..2001) [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] theyd run their mouths and then id run their cars. and theyd shut their mouths. real simple solution.. put up or shut up. the ones who didnt shut up... id challenge them to a dong off and tell them if their ****s were bigger they win and talk all the s*** they want. [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] i never lost :D [img]graemlins/banana.gif[/img]

              current car- 95 Trans am- bolt ons, parked and collecting dust. why? because **** it

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