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The Conservative / Liberal Dictionary

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  • The Conservative / Liberal Dictionary

    The Conservative Dictionary

    Bad, because they defend parts of the Bill of Rights

    Good, because they defend parts of the Bill of Rights

    Someone who breaks the law, unless the law has anything to do with guns, selling arms to Iran, or refusing to pay your taxes. In those cases, you are a...

    Victim of society
    Any white male, especially a conservative one, who are suffering now more than any other race in all history.

    Leech, Welfare bum/queen
    Any person on the government dole, EXCEPT for corporations receiving tax write-offs, ranchers and farmers receiving subsidies, and defense contractors.

    Survival of the fittest, and if you don't like it, you don't deserve to survive

    Anyone who shows human compassion, or reads the New York Times

    Anyone who is a member of the Christian Coalition

    Godless Atheist
    Anyone who is not a member of the Christian Coalition

    The Homosexual Agenda
    Gay people exercising their rights to free speech and to petition the government for redress of grievances

    Grassroots citizens' movement
    Conservative people exercising their rights to free speech and to petition the government for redress of grievances

    Republican Party
    A political party which welcomes all conservatives, as long as they are pro-life, pro-gun, and anti everything else.

    Democratic Party

    Gays, Feminists, Environmentalists, Immigrants, Blacks
    These didn't exist until they were invented by liberals back in the 1960's

    The heart of the Evil Empire.

    A Democrat working for the government.

    Public Servant
    A Republican working for the government.

    Rush Limbaugh
    The leading conservative intellectual (do I really need to insert a snide comment here?)

    Bill Clinton

    Pat Robertson

    Guns and Ammo magazine
    Pornography for conservatives

    Our Founding Fathers
    The true heroes who persevered and founded a nation conceived in liberty, and who also share identical beliefs with Rush Limbaugh.

    What should be taught at public schools instead of science

    A kooky cult started by Charles Darwin

    Jesus Christ
    An conservative Republican leader to whom some erroneously attribute the phrases "love thy neighbor" and "turn the other cheek" to.

    Ronald Reagan
    The greatest President ever.

    Abraham Lincoln
    Was a Republican when the party began 140 years ago, so he can be forgiven for freeing the slaves and suppressing states' rights.

    States rights
    The right for individual states to pass conservative laws without interference from Washington. Note: does not apply if states pass liberal laws.

    Judicial activism
    What liberal judges do.

    Sound jurisprudence
    What conservative judges do

    One who is willing to kill to preserve life.

    Traditional Values
    The classic values and morals that made America great, such as lynching blacks, beating up gays, and keeping the "little woman" barefoot and pregnant.

    Pro-family politician
    Any thrice-divorced Republican congressman late on child-support payments who is against gay marriage

    Criminals Rights
    Should be ignored unless said criminal is a member of wacko religious cult or is firearms dealer.

    Liberal (2)
    A conservative who has been arrested

    Liberal media
    Anything to the left of the American Spectator, G. Gordon Liddy, or Rush Limbaugh

    Public Broadcasting
    Rush Limbaugh (historical note: Newt Gingrich actually said this!)

    Family Values
    A mother and father who vote Republican raising two kids who attend a private school in the suburbs and attend a conservative church.

    Subversive elements in society
    Bookstores, coffeehouses, art galleries, and anything inside the city limits of a major American city.

    The Right to Kill and Bomb Americans

    Special Rights
    Constitutional rights for minorities you don't like.

    Islamic Fundamentalism
    The greatest threat to the Integrity of our Beloved Nation.(Fact: Limbaugh has said this on many an occasion)

    Christian Fundamentalism
    The greatest hope for the Integrity of our Beloved Nation.

    Conservative Biblical literalism.

    An institution that is not a RELIGION (see above).

    Any work such as The Bell Curve, The American Spectator, or The Limbaugh Letter.

    Liberal Ideology
    Anything espoused in the work of Stephen Jay Gould, Noam Chomsky, or The Nation.

    Big Government
    Federal social programs that attempt to construct a more rational, fair society.

    Proper Government
    Billions upon billons of tax dollars wastefully spent on inefficient and otherwise prohibitively costly defense contracts, subsidies and tax breaks for corporations, and "The War on Drugs."

    The Liberal Dictionary

    Soviet Union- The workers' utopia that failed because the right people weren't in charge.

    Public Interest- A liberal cause.

    Special Interest- A conservative cause

    Democracy- Letting us liberals choose your leaders

    Peace- When all opposition to the socialist movement has been silenced through propaganda, imprisonment or violence

    Truth- A bit of information which is manipulated into what liberals want you to think

    Religious Extremist- One who holds to any set of ideologies that does not accept or coincide with the socialist or atheistic worldviews

    Racism- Any disagreement that a white person may have with someone else who is not white

    Civil Liberties- Rights that are given and can be easily revoked by the government

    Loophole- Giving a conservative a special tax break

    Target Tax Cut- Giving a liberal a special tax break

    Racist- White Person

    Hate-Speech- A Republican's/Christian's/Conservative's lips are moving

    Free Speech- The speech of liberals

    Free Press- All media except Fox News and Talk Radio

    Blacklisting and Hate Mongering- Conservative speech

    Homosexual- alternative lifestyle

    Heterosexual- artificial gender role

    Capital Punishment- Murder
    Abortion- Choice

    Ecomomic Growth- Opression

    Government Growth- Prosperity

    Racist/Bigot/Homophobe/Nazi/Fascist- Anyone winning an arguement against a liberal

    Clear and Present Danger- Guns in hands of law abiding citizens

    Global Warming-Yuppies driving SUVs

    Gun control- Diane Feinstien and Robustly Abominable [Rosie O'Donnell] can have one, but not you

    Intolerance- Disagreement with a liberal's point of view

    Mean spirited- Anyone who subscribes to the notion, "love the sinner, hate the sin"

    Uncle Tom-
    1. A black male who is not a victim
    2. A black male who is not liberal
    3. A black male who doesn't listen to Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the NAA(L)CP

    Death Penalty-
    1. The process by which future electoral majorities are lost.
    2. The shameful process by which true entrepreneurs are mercilessly cast out of the system for their refusal to live by the restrictions of society.

    Mexico- A reserve of convenient votes to be tapped as necessary.

    Politically Correct- A style of speech devised solely to be continually one step ahead of Republicans and evolving to be continually one step ahead of any form of common sense whatsoever.

    Sexual Relations- Any form of physical contact not involving physical contact.

    Undocumented Immigrant- Illegal aliens

    Mean-spirited- The tendency to disagree with a liberal

    Bipartisanship- When conservatives give in to everything liberals want

    Campaign Finance Reform- What needs to happen when Republicans find legitimate ways to raise more money than Democrats

    Civil Rights- What everyone should have except conservatives

    Compromise- When conservatives do everything liberals want

    Conservative- Someone who wants to starve children and old people, destroy the environment, shoot everyone with their assault gun, run over others with their SUV, dump toxic waste in everyone else's swimming pool, and become one of The Richest 1% of Taxpayers.

    The Constitution- A document written by a bunch of Dead White Males that needs to become a "living document" every time liberals don't get their way, and followed to the letter when they do.

    Disenfranchisement- What happens when the liberal candidate loses the election.

    Hate Speech-
    1. Anything spoken by a conservative that even remotely implies Politically Correct People deserve anything less than sainthood.
    2. Anytime a conservative says something that disagrees with a liberal.

    McCarthyism - When average Americans exercise their right to boycott celebrities who make anti-American statements.

    Media Bias- The right-wing slant of The Washington Times, National Review, Rush Limbaugh and Fox News Channel.

    Negative Campaigning- Telling the truth about a liberal candidate.

    Oil- What it's really about whenever a conservative deploys American troops.

    The Poor- Anyone who will vote for liberals but can't make a donation to the DNC

    Recession- Any time a conservative is President.

    Right-wing Extremist-
    1. Any Appellate or Supreme Court nomination by a conservative President.
    2. Anyone who disagrees with a liberal.

    Special Interests- Any group of people who say things liberals don't like

    Spending cut- Any time a Federal Program doesn't get as much money as liberals want

    Tax cut- Whenever The Rich don't have their tax burden at least doubled

    Tax Hike- Whenever The Poor don't get their refund on taxes they never payed

    Unfair- Whenever liberals don't get their way

    Unilateral- Any time one nation in the world objects to military action taken by the U.S., even if every other country in the world supports us

    Need- When someone wants someone else's money.

    Greed- When someone wants to keep their money.
    Robert - owner

    "Mid-life crisis? I'm way beyond that!"

    1996 Black Firebird GTxxxRam Air V6 w/


  • #2
    Laziness - 98% of the members who look at how long that post is and decide not to read it [img]smile.gif[/img]
    <b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Sinister Six©</b></a><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">My \'95 Bird</a><br />I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.


    • #3
      i read it all, hoesntly i knew alot of them , definatly more than was interesting, thanks robert.
      1998 bright red camaro ,M5 ,Y87 ,stock<br /><br />Originally posted by Rune:<br />If it smells like a turd and looks like a turd, chances are its probably not a candy bar.


      • #4
        I share your political opinions, but why are you starting all of these controversial threads? Did you get a small tax return this year or something?
        1999 red camaro v6 M5: with a turbo<br />13.52@107.99<br />No, seriously: Who Farted? <br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


        • #5
          Originally posted by malice10985:
          I share your political opinions, but why are you starting all of these controversial threads? Did you get a small tax return this year or something?
          I agree, this thread was kind of out of the blue, but if everyone can play nice togeather its alllll good :D


          • #6
            The problem is that the people who champion each side actually see each other this way. How sad for us all. Both are radical, and a problem.
            Robert - owner

            "Mid-life crisis? I'm way beyond that!"

            1996 Black Firebird GTxxxRam Air V6 w/



            • #7
              Neal Boortz and Michael Savage are good thought provokers.
              1978 Formula 461 in progress of being built :rock:
              2013 Ram 1500 Big Horn

              former owner of 85 bird w/ 2.8 - 3.4 - 3800 II - 5.0
              94 comero 3.4


              • #8
                Originally posted by FirebirdGT:
                The problem is that the people who champion each side actually see each other this way. How sad for us all. Both are radical, and a problem.
                I agree, but I also believe that a vast majority of politically minded American's are more centric in their views. The media and pundit-propaganda shows us the far right and far left extremes, and of course on the Internet we also get a healthy dose of extremes from the koolaid drinkers on both sides of the spectrum simply because those are the people that are more likely to migrate to use the Internet as a sounding board.


                • #9
                  That's why instant runoff voting should be implemented into our elections. Why is it that Bush beat Gore with 48%? That's saying, half of the country didn't want him elected. Same goes for Gore though too, more than half the country didnt want him to win. IRV will take care of a LOT, especially campaign contributions, as they will most likely not be as much of an impact.
                  <b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Sinister Six</a> </b><br /><br />1998 Sport Metallic Gold Firebird A4:<br /><br />Whisper Lid, 5% Limo Tint, 30th Anniversary Side Stripes, 3\" Borla Catback Dual Exhaust, Man Fan Switch, SLP CAI<br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


                  • #10
                    Why not have presidential elections go for 24hrs to allow everyone ample time to vote, and not let right coast projections affect left coast turnout?
                    1978 Formula 461 in progress of being built :rock:
                    2013 Ram 1500 Big Horn

                    former owner of 85 bird w/ 2.8 - 3.4 - 3800 II - 5.0
                    94 comero 3.4


                    • #11
                      You made it too obvious. We definately know where you stand. You made liberals sound so rosy and conservatives so thorny.

                      I don't go about putting myself on any category. There are certain things that I'm conservative about and certain things that I'm liberal about. But if you put yourself on only one category then you got no real thinking of your own.

                      1998 Firebird . 1989 Firebird XS . 1986 Fiero GT


                      • #12
                        ^ ^ ^ Try telling that to our politicians :rolleyes:
                        <b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Sinister Six</a> </b><br /><br />1998 Sport Metallic Gold Firebird A4:<br /><br />Whisper Lid, 5% Limo Tint, 30th Anniversary Side Stripes, 3\" Borla Catback Dual Exhaust, Man Fan Switch, SLP CAI<br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


                        • #13
                          We think our government is the best in the world, yet at any point in our history we have about 50% of the population disagreeing with the white house. I think McCain should run for president, he doesn't make desicions based on party but on common sense. Let's not ban abortion outright, but it is allowed in this situations, etc.


                          • #14
                            ^^ Making decisions based on what's popular is mob rule. Do you really want that??? Hey, let do a poll and find out :rolleyes:
                            1978 Formula 461 in progress of being built :rock:
                            2013 Ram 1500 Big Horn

                            former owner of 85 bird w/ 2.8 - 3.4 - 3800 II - 5.0
                            94 comero 3.4


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Mighty Thor:
                              You made it too obvious. We definately know where you stand. You made liberals sound so rosy and conservatives so thorny.
                              If you are refering to my original post, I didn't write it. The "Conservative" came off a liberal website, the "Liberal" came off a conservative website. I think they insult each other pretty well.
                              Robert - owner

                              "Mid-life crisis? I'm way beyond that!"

                              1996 Black Firebird GTxxxRam Air V6 w/



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