10k, $7500 LT1 with 70k miles. enough left for engine rebuild? - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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10k, $7500 LT1 with 70k miles. enough left for engine rebuild?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Deoxyribonucleicvitriol:
    : /... lol... I take stuff apart and put it back together like a pro... but how much do I really need to know about an engine... Kinda scares me to think the havoc I could wreak if I screw something up.

    And floyd. I cry at your blasphemy


    :( + :mad:
    Hey...I don't want you to wreck it if you get it by any means.
    I'm just sayin that the odds are VERY against you. Insurance isn't that high for no reason at all.
    Best of luck to you if you do decide on it though.
    Shawn<br />2002 Silver W68 Firebird


    • #17
      Originally posted by Ian:
      dude, whoever you are, you have been starting way too many posts recently. id suggest stopping that habit. you really dont need to create a new thread for every friggin idea that pops into your head.
      Um... So what if I start a lot of posts? It's not like it inconveiniences you and there's no "maximum post" limit or something. Stop being so nitpicky! I'm trying to learn things here. If you don't ask you won't learn, and I do search. I will search on here and read for hours, but some things just call for experience of people and I'd appreciate if you'd contribute instead of complaining.

      I had no idea LT1s had such strong engines. Seemed to me that an older engine with high miles would need rebuilding. I learned something new here. I love learning and learning means asking questions some of the time to please just ignore the volume of my posts and bear with me.
      Black 1997 Camaro RS<br />Mods: Headlight, Fog Lamp, Blinker, and Tail Light Blackouts<br />35% Tint Window Armor (www.windowarmorusa.com)<br />Upcoming: Replace failing driver\'s window motor and Black Power Antenna<br /> <a href=\"http://members.ca


      • #18
        you want me to contribute? when is 76K high miles? thats the first thing you should learn about cars. if treated right, any car can last 200K + miles. if you want to rebuild at 76K, you are wasting your money.

        there, i contributed. stop asking so many stupid questions.


        • #19
          &lt;_&lt; Not a very nice way to treat new people.

          They're not stupid questions to me and I still don't understand why you're being so caustic. So ignore my posts, what's the deal? I thought 76 is pretty high. It's what my parents hinted at. I just started learning about a month ago and I'm still trying and wanting to learn. You could have told me 76k isn't very high but instead you were mean and acted like I'm stupid or something. I'm not stupid

          Be nice!
          Black 1997 Camaro RS<br />Mods: Headlight, Fog Lamp, Blinker, and Tail Light Blackouts<br />35% Tint Window Armor (www.windowarmorusa.com)<br />Upcoming: Replace failing driver\'s window motor and Black Power Antenna<br /> <a href=\"http://members.ca


          • #20
            Originally posted by Ian:
            stop asking so many stupid questions.
            Little harsh, don't ya think. [img]graemlins/wavey.gif[/img]
            WWW<br />Certified Collision Repair and Refinishing Technition<br />1997 3.8l Y87 Camaro \"Layla\"<br />2000 Mustang GT


            • #21
              probably just had a bad day or something &gt;_&gt;
              If you did have a bad day then take it out on me [img]tongue.gif[/img] if you didn't then be nice! Noone likes to be treated like dirt [img]tongue.gif[/img]
              Black 1997 Camaro RS<br />Mods: Headlight, Fog Lamp, Blinker, and Tail Light Blackouts<br />35% Tint Window Armor (www.windowarmorusa.com)<br />Upcoming: Replace failing driver\'s window motor and Black Power Antenna<br /> <a href=\"http://members.ca


              • #22
                if you want to learn about lt1's go to z28.com and camaroz28.com you will learn a lot. I finally got a v6 so those forums arent for me no more
                Red 1998 Camaro 3.8<br />K&N and Home Depot<br />2 12\" JL W3v2 Subwoofers<br />-more audio stuff to come-


                • #23
                  dude, im not treatin you like dirt, but seriously, its like you made like 8 new topics in the past 3 days, and like 5 are useless ones.

                  oh well, i guess its the lounge. sorry about bein harsh, just seemed like you were whoring it up for posts or something.

                  ill be constructive, you just may not want to make as many posts that are like "My friend likes hondas" or "i had waffels today for breakfast!"


                  • #24
                    Alright, I'll try to post less, though I am still in wonder as to why it is of any importance.

                    About the multiple topics... I find it more appropriate to make a new topic, than to ask a totally off-topic specific question 20 posts down that noone will answer. I'm not trying to annoy anyone. It makes more sense to me.
                    Black 1997 Camaro RS<br />Mods: Headlight, Fog Lamp, Blinker, and Tail Light Blackouts<br />35% Tint Window Armor (www.windowarmorusa.com)<br />Upcoming: Replace failing driver\'s window motor and Black Power Antenna<br /> <a href=\"http://members.ca


                    • #25
                      I would go for a Z if you don't want to play with stuff.

                      I personally just want to jack around with my camaro and laser. Once the corvette is gone, there will be much more jacking around!
                      2005 Ford Focus ZX3 SE D20 M5 - Modified ;) <a href=\"http://www.knightenmotorsports.com\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.knightenmotorsports.com</a> <br />[ U R L = h t t p : / / w w w . g e o c i t i e s . c o m / h e a r t l a n d _ h e a t _ v 6 ] Heartland Heat V6 [ / U R L ]


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Deoxyribonucleicvitriol:
                        Well that car is already sold anyway, I'm looking at an 1997 RS right now. I made a topic about it's VIN number. Please do help if you can.

                        Also, about the 4000.... how? This RS is 6,750 so lets say I have 3250...

                        If I get SLP CAI, Pacesetters, Random Tech Cat, and SLP Loudmouth (and maybe Borla Bullet) that's about 1,500 right there.

                        I plan on installing window armor which is essentially bullet-proof from a short distance (also depending on strength of gun) and will protect my face from shards of glass if I wreck... as well as break ins... it also has tint in it and keeps out 99% UV protecting my interior almost indefinately. I'm friends with the CEO and he said he'd "make me a deal" so I don't know if he plans on just installing it to be awesome-nice and letting me proclaim it's awesomeness by word of mouth, or just cutting me a deal, but lets say that costs me 400 bucks instead of like 600.

                        That leaves me 1100. It has a small scratch in the paint of the driver's door and the front ground effect is broken. Hopefully the Zaino kit will fix the scratch pretty well, or I can do touch-up paint... and the front ground effect is hopefully not too expensive or I can just repair the broken one. Lets say that puts me at 800

                        None of the previous was accounting for install prices though... so I figure it'll cost 800 minimum to install all that stuff and there ya go, I'm out of money.

                        I don't want to shorten the engine/transmission life of the car by using NOS.

                        CAI, intake and exhaust won't get me near 250... or at least I don't think so.
                        you can get a z28 takeoff for like 80 bucks dude, that's what I would do because it isn't that much less flow for your money, i mean come on, is it worth 5-600 $$$ for you to get like 1 hp? I would do that, leave the stock cat and get an electric cutout. You can do all that stuff and pacesetters for like $800, if you install the headers yourself. Next up, I would strongly recommend a whisper lid $80, and SSRA $180. So, that's about 1000. Just see how the car is for a few months, and start spraying (6-1200) if it runs good and doesn't have any problems.


                        • #27
                          Also, on suspension and drivetrain mods, I would recommend getting used parts instead of new because it is SO much cheaper...


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