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goin to college

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  • goin to college

    i just got back from my new student confrence, its offical, im goin to Texas A&M and majoring in Electrical Engneering with a minor in Math.
    i found out some cool things while i was donw there, like the guy who invented C++ is a prof there, and my acadmeic adivosr's son is a computer anamater he did stuff like puss and boots for shrek 2 and the gikeo lizard, small world huh.
    Fighting Texas Aggie class of 2008<br />black 3.4 T-top bird<br />- K&N CAI - magnaflo catback - slect coils - catco cat - tb coolant bypass

  • #2
    Congratulations and good luck!! Just remember: keg stands on a Tuesday night might SEEM like a good idea at the time... but it's usually not.


    • #3
      Texas A&M huh? My condolances.

      You know what the A stands for, right? You really want that on your diploma?

      Go horns. \__/ [img]smile.gif[/img]
      ╓<br />║ Matt M<br />║ <a href=\"http://home.austin.rr.com/morrism/3800/sunset_logo2.jpg\" target=\"_blank\">Down with the Sixxness</a> <br />║ Polo Green 1995 3.8 Camaro<br />║ intake, cat, catback, shocks, 3.42\'s, and 12\'s in the trunk<br />╙


      • #4
        Ugh I visited A&M before I chose my college. Watch out for the grass nazi's. College station is also a worthless little "town" lol. However good luck ;)
        00\' firebird v6 5spd<br />201rwhp ---- 230 rwtq<br />\"Everyday I grow stronger...and further from you.\"<br />WARNING: Do not take any of my comments seriously unless they are technical in nature and then only at your own risk


        • #5
          Damn you Texas A&M, having the only campus in the world bigger than Ohio State's!

          You'll love it man. College is the greatest. I got here 2 months early and it's f*cking awesome.
          *SOLD 9/4/05*<br />1998 Navy Blue Metallic Camaro M5<br />-Flowmaster cat back<br />-Accel Ignition<br />-K&N Air Filter<br />-Hurst Shift Knob<br /><br />Currently vehicle-less at Ohio State :(


          • #6
            Boomer sooner!

            2005 Ford Focus ZX3 SE D20 M5 - Modified ;) <a href=\"http://www.knightenmotorsports.com\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.knightenmotorsports.com</a> <br />[ U R L = h t t p : / / w w w . g e o c i t i e s . c o m / h e a r t l a n d _ h e a t _ v 6 ] Heartland Heat V6 [ / U R L ]


            • #7
              Originally posted by user1101:
              Texas A&M huh? My condolances.

              You know what the A stands for, right? You really want that on your diploma?

              Go horns. \__/ [img]smile.gif[/img]
              Hey Matt you better watch it A&M all the way. Wish I could have gone but it was way too expensive for me and my family so I was forced to go to this crapy nazi ran comunity college down the street from my house.


              • #8
                TCU behotches! TCU girls &gt; UT,A&M,Tech,Baylor!
                <b> \'95 Camaro 3.4L A4 <i>Rikku</i><br />AutoX - Drift - Street </b><br />\"Sideways is faster.\"


                • #9
                  if you meet the guy who invented c++ just kick him in the shins for me will you?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ReodDai:
                    Ugh I visited A&M before I chose my college. Watch out for the grass nazi's. College station is also a worthless little "town" lol. However good luck ;)
                    [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] right... Lubbock is better. I'd love living in a dry county where you have to drive 20 minutes out to get any beer or liquor and live in a city filled with dust and sh*tty weather. ;)

                    I don't like the whole raw-raw go aggies spirit thing at A&M but its a fun place. I've been up there numerous times to party and have always had a good time. TONS of f-bodies there in College Station. You'll have fun. [img]smile.gif[/img]

                    BTW, Go Coogs


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by speedracer95v6:
                      Boomer sooner!

                      dun dun dun duuun du dun du dun duunnnn.

                      BOMMER! SONNER! [img]graemlins/rock.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/rock.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/rock.gif[/img]
                      2000 3.8 A4 Pewter Camaro


                      • #12
                        Baaaayyllooooorrr. Yeah I don't live in Texas anymore lol. But the nation of Texas definately rules over the US.
                        Black 1997 Camaro RS<br />Mods: Headlight, Fog Lamp, Blinker, and Tail Light Blackouts<br />35% Tint Window Armor (www.windowarmorusa.com)<br />Upcoming: Replace failing driver\'s window motor and Black Power Antenna<br /> <a href=\"http://members.ca


                        • #13
                          Nebraska is gonna roll over the Texas schools this year! [img]graemlins/banana.gif[/img] All schools [img]graemlins/bowdown.gif[/img] to the Huskers :D .

                          Yes, kick the C++ guy in the shins. That stuff gives me fits of rage.

                          Good luck being a sparky :D . I'm Aero all the way at UAH.
                          UAH FSAE<br />Chief Engineer<br /> <a href=\"http://chargermotorsports.com\" target=\"_blank\">http://chargermotorsports.com</a> <br /> <a href=\"http://members.cardomain.com/camaronat\" target=\"_blank\">http://members.cardomain.com/camaronat</a>


                          • #14
                            OU will tear texas teams a new one like usual this year. Nebraska who? :D
                            2000 3.8 A4 Pewter Camaro


                            • #15
                              You'll see
                              UAH FSAE<br />Chief Engineer<br /> <a href=\"http://chargermotorsports.com\" target=\"_blank\">http://chargermotorsports.com</a> <br /> <a href=\"http://members.cardomain.com/camaronat\" target=\"_blank\">http://members.cardomain.com/camaronat</a>


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