I got this email this morning. . .
This message is a mass E-mail to all registered users at
Domesticv6.com. Over the last few months the forum has dwindled to practically a
halt. The administrators have felt that having a site solely dedicated to
V6 Performance has not been successful in attracting a large,
tight-knit community. Because of this, Domesticv6.com is temporarily shutting
down for a few days as it will assume a new name, new domain, and cover
a variety of topics ranging from topics like cars, computers, rant,
destruction derby, NWS, and other various topics. The new name will be
We hope no one is disappointed as we hope to regenerate this site to a
level it has yet to see. Be sure to tell all your friends about the
This message is a mass E-mail to all registered users at
Domesticv6.com. Over the last few months the forum has dwindled to practically a
halt. The administrators have felt that having a site solely dedicated to
V6 Performance has not been successful in attracting a large,
tight-knit community. Because of this, Domesticv6.com is temporarily shutting
down for a few days as it will assume a new name, new domain, and cover
a variety of topics ranging from topics like cars, computers, rant,
destruction derby, NWS, and other various topics. The new name will be
We hope no one is disappointed as we hope to regenerate this site to a
level it has yet to see. Be sure to tell all your friends about the