ugh, me and my wife have been together for 13 months and we have a 16 month old kid. Well my wife has a younger sister who is only 3 and she lives with her mom, who ill admit isnt the best person to be raising the child because she likes to drink and bring home men and not support the kid, all that good stuff. Well last night my wife started talking to me saying she wants to take her 3 year old sister and have her come live with us, Now im not open to this at all. I explained to her im not ready to have 2 childen between 2 and 3 and not open to raising a child that is not mine. Well my wife is attach to her sister very much becuase she rasied her from when she was born until she was 16 months because her mom was in jail so my wife consider's her sister her child if that makes any sense and she wants me to accept it like my child, which i said i cant do. Well my wife told me that she cant be with me if i dont accept her sister too, which i think is a low blow. She told me from the get go her sister was important and whatnot and we see her now and again but i was never open to us raising her sister. Plus come to find out shes been giving her mother money to help with stuff, which i wouldnt mind if her mom didnt spend 100-200 a week on booze and everytime i see her see has new clothes on and whatnot. Im just not sure what to do with this, I am in no way shape or form ready to raise her sister but she cant seem to understand this. I may sound like a ******* but im not ready to be downsized in life for a child that isnt mine. I work hard and If we take her sister it means losing even more of our time together, plus the fact we cant really afford it which in turn would involve us having to sacrifice alot. this **** is getting to crazy too fast. I love my wife and am not ready to lose her over this but i just dont know what to do.
[ October 25, 2004, 12:10 PM: Message edited by: 97chevycamaro ]
[ October 25, 2004, 12:10 PM: Message edited by: 97chevycamaro ]