Has anyone had problems with their employer not willing to work around their school schedule? I had a 45 min meeting with my boss today about how she was unwilling to work around my school schedule b/c it wouldn't be fair to the other people. I work at a country club setting up parties, running food to wherever it needs to go, and pretty much play the role of bi*ch. I noramlly work from 4 till close, which is where I'm running into problems. The problem being that sometimes close is 2am others is may be 7pm. Most of the time close is around 10pm-12am. Working so late has created problems in my classes at school b/c I can't stay awake or I'm late/skip class b/c I turned off the alarm clock and went back to sleep. I went to my boss today and told her I couldn't work past 11pm and she pretty much said oh well. She did say though that she works around other peoples schedules who work in the mornings but couldn't work around mine b/c I work in the evening which is BS!! She said it wouldn't be fair to the other set up guys, mainly the dead beats that never went to school. The funny thing is all the other managers think its stupid not to let me out early b/c school is more important than work.
Has anyone had a problem like this before? What advice do you guys have so I can keep my job and still be ok in school.
Has anyone had a problem like this before? What advice do you guys have so I can keep my job and still be ok in school.