Yesterday i had just started out from a stop light and was driving over a 4 lange bridge (2 each way) and there was a car to the right of me. I was ahead of her (diagram here ) and she just decides to not even ****in' look to her side or blind spot to see if anyone is next to her!!!! i mean come on WTF if you dont LOOK before you GO then you should not be driving. Thanks to her i have some nice scratches and like 3 little dents and one small to medium one.
I however was still nice about it though because it does not good to get all angry and swear and yell, doing that wont make the dents and scratches go away. We traded names/numbers/insurance etc. Went to the police station to file a report and said that if it was under $1000 we didn't need to get the insurance involved cause i dont need MY rates to go up for something someone else ****ed up on.
To top it off SHE WASNT EVEN HOT lol.
I however was still nice about it though because it does not good to get all angry and swear and yell, doing that wont make the dents and scratches go away. We traded names/numbers/insurance etc. Went to the police station to file a report and said that if it was under $1000 we didn't need to get the insurance involved cause i dont need MY rates to go up for something someone else ****ed up on.
To top it off SHE WASNT EVEN HOT lol.