Have you guys noticed much of a problem in this regard? Now that I have a really nice car I am really paranoid about keeping it nice! (Honestly... I have no idea how they kept this car looking this good after 7 years...)
Anyway... Things like.... I dunno.... breakins, attempted theft, keying, antenna bending, and other vandalism... Had much of a problem with it?... you know... the whole envy thing.. I don't want my car keyed just becuase it looks nice.
A few measures I'm taking is getting Window Armor put on (www.widowarmorusa.com) and installing an automatic antenna so people can't bend it in half. My dad wants me to buy "the club" too... but I've seen a professional theif doing his thing on TV.... all they have to do is saw through the steering wheel and take the club off. Mine has the security system... but we all know it's not that good... and all a dude has to do is slim jim my car and hotwire it... so I'm thinking of getting some ignition cutoff or something.
Had much of a problem with it? What countermeasures have you taken?
Anyway... Things like.... I dunno.... breakins, attempted theft, keying, antenna bending, and other vandalism... Had much of a problem with it?... you know... the whole envy thing.. I don't want my car keyed just becuase it looks nice.
A few measures I'm taking is getting Window Armor put on (www.widowarmorusa.com) and installing an automatic antenna so people can't bend it in half. My dad wants me to buy "the club" too... but I've seen a professional theif doing his thing on TV.... all they have to do is saw through the steering wheel and take the club off. Mine has the security system... but we all know it's not that good... and all a dude has to do is slim jim my car and hotwire it... so I'm thinking of getting some ignition cutoff or something.
Had much of a problem with it? What countermeasures have you taken?